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in the Social Sciences (Boston, MA, 1969), 328–48.


Andreas Gelz, Tertulia: Literatur und Soziabilitä t im Spanien des 18. Und 19. Jahrhunderts (Frankfurt, 2006); William Clark, 'The Research Seminar', in Academic Charisma and the Origins of the Research University (Chicago, IL, 2006), 141–82.


Marshall Waingrow (ed.), The Correspondence and other Papers of James Boswell (2nd edn, New Haven, CT, 2000), 331.


Bernhard Maier, William Robertson Smith (Tübingen, 2009).


Соломон Даймонд (Solomon Diamond, 'Wundt, Wilhelm', DSB 14, 526–9) считает его только экспериментальным психологом; другое мнение см. в: Woodruff Smith, 'Wilhelm Wundt: Vö lkerpsychologie and Experimental Psychology', in Politics and the Sciences of Culture (New York, 1991), 120–8.


Roger Chickering, Karl Lamprecht: A German Academic Life (1856–1915) (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1993).


Johannes Steinmetzler, Die Anthropogeographie Friedrich Ratzels und lhre Ideengeschichtlich Wü rzeln (Bonn, 1956); Wanklyn, Friedrich Ratzel.


Wilhelm Ostwald, The Autobiography (1926: English translation, n. p., 2017, 191–206; Woodruff D. Smith, 'The Leipzig Circle', in Politics and the Sciences of Culture in Germany, 1840–1920 (New York, 1991), 204–9.


Hubert Treiber, 'Der Eranos: Das Glanzstück im Heidelberger Mythenkranz', in W. Schluchter and F. W. Graf (eds.), Asketischer Protestantismus und der «Geist» des modernen Kapitalismus (Tübingen, 2005), 75–153.


Mary Gluck, 'The Sunday Circle', in Georg Lukács and his Generation, 1900–1918 (Cambridge, MA, 1985), 13–42; Eva Káradi and Erzsebet Vezér (eds.), Georg Lukács, Karl Mannheim und der Sonntagskreis (Frankfurt, 1985); Lee Congdon, Exile and Social Thought: Hungarian Intellectuals in Germany and Austria, 1919–33 (Princeton, NJ, 1991), 10–11, 52 и далее.


Otto Neurath, Empiricism and Sociology, eds. Marie Neurath and Robert S. Cohen (Dordrecht, 1973), 304.


Charlotte Ashby, Tag Gronberg and Simon Shaw-Miller (eds.), The Viennese Café and Fin-de-Siècle Culture (New York, 2013).


Dorothy Stimson, 'The History of Ideas Club', in George Boas et al., Studies in Intellectual History (Baltimore, MD, 1953), 174–96; Irmeline Veit-Brause, 'The Interdisciplinarity of History of Concepts: A Bridge Between Disciplines', History of Concepts Newsletter 6 (2003), 8–13.


Barbara Heyl, 'The Harvard «Pareto Circle» ', Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 4 (1968), 316–34; George Homans, Coming to My Senses: The Autobiography of a Sociologist (New Brunswick, NJ, 1984), 105.


Philip Husbands and Owen Holland, 'The Ratio Club' in Husbands, Holland and Michael Wheeler (eds.), The Mechanical Mind in History (Cambridge, MA, 2008), 91–148.


Kenneth Collins, 'Joseph Schorstein: R. D. Laing's «rabbi» ', History of Psychiatry 19 (2008), 185–201, at 195–197.


Кроме Барбу, в сассекскую группу входили литературоведы (Джон Крукшэнк, Сесил Дженкинс, Габриэль Джосиповичи, Тони Наттолл), философы (Бернард Харрисон, Иштван Месарош) и историки (Питер Хеннок, Джон Росселли и автор этой книги). Среди обсуждавшихся текстов были «Диалоги о естественной религии» Юма, «Я и Ты» Мартина Бубера, рассказы Кафки, «Структурная антропология» Клода Леви-Стросса и «Махабхарата». Выражаю признательность Габриэлю Джосиповичи за его воспоминания о встречах.


Scott Page, The Difference (Princeton, NJ, 2007); Michael P. Farrell, Collaborative Circles (Chicago, IL, 2001).


Jordi Cat, 'The Unity of Science', in Edward N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 Edition), https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2017/entries/scientific-unity; David Lowenthal, Quest for the Unity of Knowledge (London, 2019).


Georg A. Reisch, 'Planning Science: Otto Neurath and the «International Encyclopedia of Unified Science» ', British Journal for the History of Science 27 (1994), 153–75; Jordi Cat, Nancy Cartwright and Hasok Chang, 'Otto Neurath: Politics and the Unity of Science', in Peter Galison and David J. Stump (eds.), The Disunity of Science (Stanford, CA, 1996), 347–69.


Карнап, цит. по: Neurath, Empiricism and Sociology, 43; Otto Neurath, 'Zur Theorie der Sozialwissenschaften', rpr. in his Schriften (1981). См. также: John Symons, Olga Pombo and Juan Manuel Torres (eds.), Otto Neurath and the Unity of Science (Dordrecht, 2004).


Neurath, 'Politics and the Unity of Science'; Richard Creath, 'The Unity of Science: Carnap, Neurath and Beyond', in Galison and Stump, The Disunity of Science, 158–69, at 161.


Цит по: Deborah Hammond, The Science of Synthesis (Boulder, CO, 2003), 157.


Edward O. Wilson, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (New York, 1999), 3, 8, 298.


Martin Jay, The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute for Social Research 1923–1950 (Boston, MA, 1973); Stuart Jeffries, Grand Hotel Abyss: The Lives of the Frankfurt School (London, 2016).


Max Horkheimer, 'The Present State of Social Philosophy and the Tasks of an Institute for Social Research' (1931: English translation, Horkheimer, Between Philosophy and Social Science, Cambridge, MA, 1993, 1–14), at 9.


Stefan Müller-Doohm, Adorno: A Biography (Cambridge, 2005).


Stefan Müller-Doohm, Habermas: A Biography (Cambridge, 2016).


Ruml, 'Recent Trends in Social Science', 99–111, at 104.


Howard Spiro and Priscilla W. Norton, 'Dean Milton C. Winternitz at Yale', Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 46 (2003), 403–12; Mary Ann Dzuback, Robert M. Hutchins: Portrait of an Educator (Chicago, IL, 1991), 43–66.


Материалы конференции опубликованы в: Leonard D. White (ed.), The New Social Science (Chicago, IL, 1930).


Dzuback, Hutchins, 111.


Nils Gilman, Mandarins of the Future: Modernization Theory in Cold War America (Baltimore, MD, 2003), 72–112; Joel Isaac, Working Knowledge: Making the Human Sciences from Parsons to Kuhn (Cambridge, MA, 2012), 174–9.


Dzuback, Hutchins, 214–5; Hammond, The Science of Synthesis, 143–96; Philippe Fontaine, 'Walking the Tightrope: The Committee on the Behavioral Sciences and Academic Cultures at the University of Chicago, 1949–1955', Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 52 (2016), 349–70.


Roy Pascal, 'Bildung and the Division of Labour', German Studies presented to W. H. Bruford (Cambridge, 1962), 14–28.


Gilbert Allardyce, 'The Rise and Fall of the Western Civilization Course', American Historical Review 87 (1982), 695–725, at 703, 707.


Andy Beckett, 'PPE: The Oxford Degree that Runs Britain', Guardian от 23 февраля 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/…/2017/…/ppe-oxford-university-degree-that-rules-brita, дата

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