Ознакомительная версия. Доступно 19 страниц из 93
Неделя 24. Избавьтесь от пластика
1. Kay, V. R., Bloom, M. S., & Foster, W. G. (2014). Reproductive and developmental effects of phthalate diesters in males. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 44(6), 467–498.
2. Poursafa, P., Ataei, E., & Kelishadi, R. (2015). A systematic review on the effects of environmental exposure to some organohalogens and phthalates on early puberty. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 20(6), 613–618. http://doi.org/10.4103/1735-1995.165971.
3. Rochester, J. R., & Bolden, A. L. (2015). Bisphenol S and F: A systematic review and comparison of the hormonal activity of bisphenol A substitutes. Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(7), 643.
4. Yang, C. Z., Yaniger, S. I., Jordan, V. C., Klein, D. J., & Bittner, G. D. (2011). Most plastic products release estrogenic chemicals: A potential health problem that can be solved. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(7), 989–996. http://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1003220.
5. Westervelt, A. (2015, February 10). Phthalates are everywhere, and the health risks are worrying. How bad are they really? Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/feb/10phthalates-plastics-chemicals-research-analysis.
6. EWG Action Fund. (2015). Tests find asbestos in kids’ crayons, crime scene kits. Retrieved from http://www.asbestosnation.org/facts/tests-find-asbestos-in-kids-crayons-crime-scene-kits/#fullreport.
7. Environmental Working Group. (2015, May 1). Poisoned legacy. Retrieved from http://www.ewg.org/research/poisoned-legacy/executive-summary.
Неделя 25. Общайтесь по-настоящему
1. Konrath, S. H., O’Brien, E. H., & Hsing, C. (2011). Changes in dispositional empathy in American college students over time: A meta-analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 15(2), 180–198.
2. The Children’s Society. (2013). The good childhood report 2013. Retrieved from https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/sites/default/files/tcs/good_childhood_report_2013_final.pdf.
3. Hacker, K. A., Amare, Y., Strunk, N., & Horst, L. (2000). Listening to youth: Teen perspectives on pregnancy prevention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 26(4), 279–288.
4. Martino, S. C., Elliott, M. N., Corona, R., Kanouse, D. E., & Schuster, M. A. (2008). Beyond the «big talk»: The roles of breadth and repetition in parent-adolescent communication about sexual topics. Pediatrics, 121(3), e612–e618.
5. Chaplin, T. M., Hansen, A., Simmons, J., Mayes, L. C., Hommer, R. E., & Crowley, M. J. (2014). Parental — adolescent drug use discussions: Physiological responses and associated outcomes. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(6), 730–735.
6. Simons-Morton, B., Haynie, D. L., Crump, A. D., Eitel, P., & Saylor, K. E. (2001). Peer and parent influences on smoking and drinking among early adolescents. Health Education & Behavior, 28(1), 95–107.
7. PayScale Human Capital. (2016). 2016 workforce-skills preparedness report. Retrieved from http://www.payscale.com/data-packages/job-skills.
8. Pew Research Center. (2015, August 26). Americans’ views on mobile etiquette. Retrieved from http://www.pewinternet.org/files/2015/08/2015-08-26_mobile-etiquette_FINAL.pdf.
9. Turkle, S. (2015, September 26). Stop googling. Let’s talk. Sunday Review, New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/27/opinion/sunday/stop-googling-lets-talk.html.
Неделя 26. Воспитывайте духовность
1. Gallup. (2016). Religion. Retrieved from http://www.gallup.com/poll/1690/religion.aspx.
2. Расчеты основаны на демографических данных Бюро переписи населения США (июль 2016 г.), где взрослое население США оценивается в 249 454 440 человек.
3. Scales, P. C. (2007, February). Spirituality and adolescent well-being: Selected new statistics (Fast Fact). [Research brief].
4. Scales, P. C., Syvertsen, A. K., Benson, P. L., Roehlkepartain, E. C., & Sesma Jr, A. (2014). Relation of spiritual development to youth health and well-being: Evidence from a global study. In A. Ben-Arieh, F. Casas, I. Frones, & J. E. Korbin (Eds.), Handbook of child well-being, (2), 1101–1135. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Netherlands.
5. Siedlecki, K. L., Salthouse, T. A., Oishi, S., & Jeswani, S. (2014). The relationship between social support and subjective well-being across age. Social Indicators Research, 117(2), 561–576.
6. Ecklund, E. H., Johnson, D. R., Scheitle, C. P., Matthews, K. R., & Lewis, S. W. (2016). Religion among scientists in international context: A new study of scientists in eight regions. Socius, 2, https://doi.org/10.1177/2378023116664353.
7. Gallup. (2017, May 15). Record few Americans believe Bible is literal word of God. Retrieved from http://www.gallup.com/poll/210704/record-few-americans-believe-bible-literal-word-god.aspx.
8. Miller, L. (2016). The spiritual child: The new science on parenting for health and lifelong thriving. New York, NY: Macmillan.
Неделя 27. Объявите войну рафинированному сахару
1. Nguyen, S., Choi, H. K., Lustig, R. H., & Hsu, C. (2009). Sugar sweetened beverages, serum uric acid, and blood pressure in adolescents. Journal of Pediatrics, 154(6), 807–813. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2009.01.015.
2. Nguyen, S., Choi, H. K., Lustig, R. H., & Hsu, C. (2009). Sugar sweetened beverages, serum uric acid, and blood pressure in adolescents. Journal of Pediatrics, 154(6), 807–813. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2009.01.015.
Ознакомительная версия. Доступно 19 страниц из 93