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The Scroobious Pip went out one dayWhen the grass was green, and the sky was grey.Then all the beasts in the world came roundWhen the Scroobious Pip sat down on the ground. The cat and the dog and the kangaroo The sheep and the cow and the guineapig too — The wolf he howled, the horse he neighed The little pig squeaked and the donkey brayed, And when the lion began to roar There never was heard such a noise before. And every beast he stood on the tip Of his toes to look at the Scroobious Pip.At last they said to the Fox – “By far,You’re the wisest beast! You know you are!Go close to Scroobious Pip and say,Tell us all about yourself we pray —For as yet we can’t make out in the leastIf you’re Fish or Insect, or Bird or Beast.”The Scroobious Pip looked vaguelyy roundAnd sang these words with a rumbling sound — Chippetty Flip; Flippetty Chip; —My only name is the Scroobious Pip.


The Scroobious Pip from the top of a treeSaw the distant Jellybolee, —And all the birds in the world came there,Flying in crowds all through the air. The Vulture and Eagle, the cock and the hen The Ostrich the Turkey the Snipe and the Wren; The Parrot chattered, the Blackbird sung And the owl looked wise but held his tongue, And when the Peacock began to scream The hullabaloo was quite extreme. And every bird he fluttered the tip Of his wng as he stared at the Scroobious Pip.At last they said to the owl – “By far,You’re the wisest Bird – you know you are!Fly close to the Scroobious Pip and say,Explain all about yourself we paray —For as yet we have neither seen nor heardIf you’re fish or insect, beast or bird!”The Scroobious Pip looked gaily roundAnd sang these words with a chirpy sound — Chippetty Flip; Flippetty Chip; —My only name is the Scroobious Pip.


The Scroobious Pip went into the seaBy the beautiful shore of Jellybolee —All the fish in the world swam roundWith a splashing squashy spluttering sound. The sprat, the herring, the turbot too The shark, the sole and the mackerel blue, The flounder spluttered, the purpoise puffed ……………………………………………………… And when the whale began to spout ……………………………………………………… And every fish he shook the tip Of his tail as he gazed on the Scroobious PipAt last they said to the whale – “By farYou’re the biggest Fish – you know you are!Swim close to the Scroobious Pip and say —Tell us all about yourself we pray! —For to know you yourself is our only wish;Are you beast or insect, bird or fish?”The Scroobious Pip looked softly roundAnd sang these words with a liquid sound — Pliffity Flip; Pliffety Flip; —My only name is the Scroobious Pip.


The scroobious Pip sat under a treeBy the silent shores of the Jellybolee;All the insects in all the worldAbout the Scroobious Pip entwirled. Beetles and with purple eyes Gnats and buzztilential flies — Grasshoppers, butterflies, spiders too, Wasps and bees and dragon – flies blue, And when the gnats began to hum bounced like a dismal drum, And every insect curled the tip Of his snout, and looked at the Scroobious Pip.At last the said to the Ant – “By farYou’re the wisest insect, you know you are!Creep close to the Scroobious Pip and say —Tell us all about yourself we pray,For we can’t find out, and we can’t tell why —If you’re beast or fish or a bird or a fly.”The Scroobious Pip turned quickly roundAnd sang these words with a whistly sound — Wizzeby wip – wizzeby wip —My only name is the Scroobious Pip.


Then all the beasts that walk on the groundDanced in a circle round and round —And all the birds that fly in the airFlew round and round in a circle there,And all the fish in the JellyboleeSwum in a circle about the sea,And all the insects that creep or goBuzzed in a circle to and fro.And they roared and sang and whistled and criedTill the noise was heard from side to side — Chippetty tip! Chippetty tip!It’s only name is the Scroobious Pip.
Скрубиус Пип


Сей Скрубиус Пип вышел как-то пройтись —Над зелёной травой неба серая высь.И только что он собрался присесть —Глядь, подходит зверьё, всё, какое ни есть.Собака и кошка, и бабуин,Овца и корова, барашек один.Волк волком завыл, конь конягой заржал,Осёл заревел, а свин завизжал,Лев зарычал, будто их было сто,Подобного гвалта не слышал никто.И каждый на цыпочки встал – как-нибудьНа Пипа на Скрубиуса да взглянуть.Воззвали к Лису они тогда:«Вы мудрый зверь! Вы мудрейший, о да!Идите к Пипу, молите егоРассказать о себе, не тая ничего,Ибо нам не понять ни потом, ни теперь —Рыба он, Насекомое, Птица ли, Зверь».А Скрубиус Пип огляделся вокругИ спел, издавая рокочущий звук:«Чиппетти Флип; Флиппетти Чип,Я Скрубиус Пип, просто Скрубиус Пип».


А Скрубиус Пип видел где-то вдалиС верхушки древа Джелиболи.И слетелись небесные пташкиК древу толпой без оттяжки.Петух и несушка, и Гриф, и Орёл,Индюшка и Страус, Бекас и Щегол;Болтал Попугай, пел чёрный Кулик,Держала Сова за зубами язык,Когда же ещё и Павлин завопил,То слушать сей гам больше не было сил.И всяк трепетал и мечтал – как-нибудьНа Пипа на Скрубиуса да взглянуть.К Сове воззвали они тогда:«Вы мудрая птица! Мудрейшая, да!Летите к Пипу, молите егоРассказать о себе, не тая ничего,Ибо нам не понять ни потом, ни теперь —Рыба он, Насекомое, Птица ли, Зверь».А Скрубиус Пип огляделся вокругИ спел, издавая щебечущий звук:«Чиппетти Флип; Флиппетти Чип,Я Скрубиус Пип, просто Скрубиус Пип».


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