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UK: John Libbey Publishing, 2017; Hopwood H. V. Op. cit. P. 65, 98, 238, 240; Musser C. The Emergence of Cinema… P. 91; Spehr P. Op. cit. P. 106–111.

Howells R. Louis Le Prince: The Body of Evidence // Screen 47. 2006. № 2 (July). P. 187, 195; Kilburn Scott E. The Pioneer Work of Le Prince in Kinematography // The Photographic Journal (Transactions of the Royal Photographic Society). 1923. № 63 (August). P. 373–378; Idem. Career of L. A. A. Le Prince // Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers. 1931. Vol. 17. № 1 (July). P. 46–66; Spehr P. Op. cit. P. 111–117; Wilkinson D. N. The First Film. 2016. URL: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thefirstfilm/181293064 (accessed 2020, February 24,); Roundhay Garden Scene (1888). URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR2rZgO5g (accessed 2020, February 24).

Musser C. The Emergence of Cinema… P. 115–116.

Spehr P. Op. cit. P. 115.

Айзексон У. Стив Джобс. М.: АСТ, 2012.

Spehr P. Email. 2015. June 15.

Musser C. The Emergence of Cinema… Appendix B // Hendricks G. The Edison Motion Picture Myth. P. 63, 67.

Spehr P. Email. 2015. June 15.

Dickson W. K. L., Dickson A. History of the Kinetograph… P. 4, 54–55.

Dickson W. K. L., Dickson A. The Life and Inventions of Thomas Alva Edison. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 1894. Предисловие.

Spehr P. Op. cit. P. 9.

Hendricks C. The Edison Motion Picture Myth. P. 163–168. Приложение C.

Dickson W. K. L., Dickson A. History of the Kinetograph… P. 54.

Smith A. R. William Kennedy Laurie Dickson: A Genealogical Investigation of a Cinema Pioneer. 2019. November 3. URL: http://alvyray.com/DigitalLight/WilliamKLDickson_v2.34.pdf.

Spehr P. Email. 2015. June 15; W. K. L. Dickson Filmography. URL: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005690/.

Hendricks G. The Kinetoscope. New York: Gordon Hendricks, 1966. P. 58–59; Spehr P. Email. 2015. June 15.

Spehr P. Emails. 2015. June 15. August 17.

Spehr P. Email. 2015. June 10.

Spehr P. Op. cit. P. 618.

Hopwood H. V. Op. cit. P. 261; Spehr P. Emails. 2015. June 15. August 17.

Mannoni L. The Great Art of Light and Shadow… P. 457.

Musser C. Thomas A. Edison and His Kinetographic Motion Pictures. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. P. 20; Smith A. R. William Kennedy Laurie Dickson. Fig. 12; Spehr P. Email. 2015. September 14.

Spehr P. Op. cit. P. 290–294; Idem. Email. 2015. September 14.

Hopwood H. V. Op. cit. P. 36–39; Musser C. The Emergence of Cinema… P. 145; Spehr P. Op. cit. P. 352; Idem. Email. 2015. August 17.

Mannoni L. The Great Art of Light and Shadow… P. 325.

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Spehr P. Op. cit. P. 138–140, 142–147; Idem. Email. 2015. August 17.

Mannoni L. The Great Art of Light and Shadow… P. 436.

Ibid. P. 422.

Rittaud-Hutinet J. Op. cit. P. 16–22, 195–200.

Mannoni L. The Great Art of Light and Shadow… P. 346–350; Spehr P. Op. cit. P. 111–117; Idem. Email. 2015. September 5.

Musser C. The Emergence of Cinema… P. 135, 177.

Lettres d’Étienne-Jules Marey à Demenÿ, 1880–1894 / ed. by T. Lefebvre, J. Malthête, L. Mannoni. Paris: Association française de recherche sur l’histoire du cinéma, Bibliothèque du Film, 2000; Mannoni L. Georges Demenÿ…; Idem. The Great Art of Light and Shadow…

Lettres d’Étienne-Jules Marey à Demenÿ…; Mannoni L. The Great Art of Light and Shadow… P. 333–363.

Hopwood H. V. Living Pictures. P. 83.

Mannoni L. The Great Art of Light and Shadow… P. 362.

Ibid. P. 417–421, 442–450.

Ibid. P. 446–449.

Ibid. P. 434–439.

Mannoni L. Georges Demenÿ… P. 78–83; Mannoni L. Email. 2015. August 18; Rittaud-Hutinet J. Op. cit. P. 195–200.

Mannoni L. The Great Art of Light and Shadow… P. 430; Spehr P. Email. 2015. December 9.

Spehr P. Email. 2015. September 5.

Wikipedia. Motion Picture Patents Co. vs. Universal Film Manufacturing Co.

Crafton D. Before Mickey. P. 12.

Ibid. P. 110.


Crafton D. Before Mickey. P. 232–235.

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Ibid. P. 112–116.

Ibid. P. 58–89; Crafton D. Émile Cohl, Caricature, and Film. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990; Fantasmagorie. URL: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/emile-cohl-s-fantasmagorie-1908.

Crafton D. Before Mickey. P. 110, 113.

Disney W. The Story of the Animated Drawing. URL: https://youtu.be/UXDwn2OELMU (accessed: 2020, February 24).

Crafton D. Before Mickey. P. 77.

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Ibid. P. 244–246.

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Mannoni L., Campagnoni D. P. Lanterne Magique et Film Peint: 400 Ans de Cinéma. Paris: Éditions de La Martinière, 2009. P. 182–183, 249.

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Gabler N. Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006. P. 46–50; Iwerks L., Kenworthy J. Op. cit. P. 1–14.

Lutz E. G. Animated Cartoons: How They Are Made, Their Origin and Development. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1920.

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Bossert D. A. Remembering Roy E. Disney: Memories and Photos of a Storied Life. Los Angeles: Disney Editions, 2013; Silvester W. Op. cit.; Smith A. R. Notes of the Pilgrimage to Disney on 3 January. 1977. URL: http://alvyray.com/Pixar/documents/Disney1977Visit_EdAlvyDick.pdf.

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6. Формы грядущего

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