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Книга Короли и ведьмы. Колдовство в политической культуре Западной Европы XII–XVII вв. - Ольга Игоревна Тогоева

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"This widow Sutton having beene dwelling a long time in the foresaid, towne of Milton, and not suspected as then to have beene a practiser in this divellish exercise of witchcraft" (Anon. Witches Apprehended (1613) // Early Modern Witches. P. 266–275, здесь P. 268).


"In the time of these aforesaid losses happened to Master Enger, one Henry Sutton, the bastard son of Mary Sutton… coming to play himselfe about the Mill damme, fell to throwing in of stones, dirt, and filth… he came to him, and giving him a little blow or two on the eare" (Ibid. P. 268–269).


"As hee was coming to Towne, some wondered, all laughed" (Ibid. P. 270).


"The report of this was carried up and downe all Bedford-shire, and this Marie Suttons wicked and lewde courses being rumored as well abroad" (Ibid. P. 273).


"The morrow after Master Enger road into the fields where Mary Sutton was, having some of his men to accompany him…. they assayed to binde her on horse-backe… and brought her home to his house, and shutting up his Mill gates.. when being throwne in the first time shee sunke some two foote into the water with a fall, but rose againe, and floated upon the water like a planke" (Ibid. P. 274–275).


"But for this matter of Master Enger at the last Assises… and the confessions severally taken both of old Mother Sutton and her daughter Mary, found them guiltie in al former objections. So that arraigned at Bedford on Munday the thirtieth of March last past, they had a just conviction, and on Tuesday the next day after they were executed" (Ibid. P. 275).


О правилах проведения Божьего суда в средневековой Европе см.: Тогоева О.И. Ордалия // Православная энциклопедия. Т. 53. М., 2019. С. 104–106.


"His friend… advised him to take them, or any one of them to his Mill damme…, and then binding their armes crosse, stripping them into their Smocks, and leaving their legges at libertie, throw them into the water, yet least they should not bee Witches, and that their lives might not be in danger of drowning, let there be a roape tyed about their middles, so long that it may reach from one side of your damme to the other, where on each side let one of your men stand, that if she chance to sinke they may draw her up and preserve her" (Anon. Witches Apprehended. P. 274).


"There came a Gentleman a friend of his forth of the North, that travelling towards London sojourned with him all night" (Ibid.).


"Witches Apprehended, Examined and Executed, for notable villanies by them committed both by Land and Water. With a strange and most true triall how to know whether a woman be a Witch or not" (Ibid. P. 267). См. подробнее: Gibson М. Op. cit. Р. 142–143.


О Уильяме Перкинсе см.: Patterson W.B. William Perkins and the Making of a Protestant England. Oxford, 2014.


"Touching the manner of Examination, there be two kinds of proceeding; either by a single Question, or by some Torture" (Perkins W. A Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft. Cambridge, 1618. P. 643). Возможно, на столь жесткую позицию автора оказали влияние континентальные демонологические концепции — и прежде всего идеи Жана Бодена, который лично посетил Англию в 1581 г. Французский демонолог состоял в свите Франсуа Анжуйского и участвовал в переговорах о заключении брака между принцем и Елизаветой I. Известно, что Боден также встречался со знаменитым математиком и астрологом Джоном Ди и посетил Кембридж, где был приятно удивлен, узнав, какой популярностью пользуются в университете его «Шесть книг о государстве»: Couzinet M.-D. Op. cit. P. 242; Blair A. The Theater of Nature. Jean Bodin and Renaissance Science. Princeton, 1997. P. 11–12; Burgess G. Bodin in the English Revolution // The Reception of Bodin. P. 387407. О знакомстве англичан с «Демономанией колдунов» см. подробнее: Тогоева О.И. Жан Боден и английская демонология XVI–XVII вв. // ЭНОЖ «История». 2022. Т. 13. Вып. 1 (111).


"All these proofes are so farre from being sufficient, that some of them, if not all, are after a sort practises of Witchcraft, having in them no power or vertue to detect a Sorcerer, either by Gods ordinance in the creation, or by any speciali appointment since" (Perkins W. Op. cit. P. 643).


"And yet to justifie the casting of a Witch into the water, it is alledged, that having made a covenant with the devil, she hath renounced her Baptisms, and hereupon their growes an Antipathie, betweene her and water" (Ibid.).


Сочинение У Перкинса вышло посмертно. Тем не менее, совершенно очевидно, что он читал «Демонологию» Якова Стюарта в ее первом, эдинбургском издании 1597 г.


"This allegation serves to no purpose: for all water is not the water of Baptisme, but that only which is used in the very act of Baptisme, and not before nor after. The element out of the use of the Sacrament, is no Sacrament, but returnes againe to his common use" (Ibid. P. 643–644).


О Джоне Котта см.: Burstein S.R. Demonology and Medicine in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries // Folklore. 1956. Vol. 67 (1). P. 16–33.


Cotta J. The Infallible True and Assured Witch or The Second Edition of the Tryall of Witch-Craft Shewing the Right and True Methode of the Discoverie. L., 1624.

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