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just respectes of their guiltinesse in that craft, their power is then no greater then before that ever they medled with their master. For where God beginnes justlie to strike by his lawfull Lieutennentes, it is not in the Devilles power to defraude or bereave him of the office, or effect of his powerfull and revenging Scepter" (Ibid. P. 50–51).


"One word onlie I omitted; concerning the forme of making of this contract, which is either written with the Magicians owne bloud: or else being agreed upon… touches him in some parte, though peradventure no marke remaine: as it doth with all Witches" (James I, King of England. Op. cit. P. 23).


Ibid. P. 61.


Ibid. P. 66–69.


Ibid. 73–74. Возможно, впрочем, что данную традицию Яков воспринял опосредованно — например, через «Поликратик» Иоанна Солсберийского. См. выше: Глава 1.


"No doubt, for as I said, speaking of Magie, the consulters, trusters in, over-seers, interteiners or sturrers up of these craftesfolkes, are equallie guiltie with themselves that are the practisers" (James I, King of England. Op. cit. P. 78).


Witchcraft in Early Modern Scotland. P. 314, 318.


"But in my opinion, since in a mater of treason against the Prince, barnes or wives, or never so diffamed persons, may of our law serve for sufficient witnesses and proofes. I thinke surely that by a far greater reason, such witnesses may be sufficient in matters of high treason against God. For who but Witches can be prooves, and so witnesses of the doings of Witches" (James I, King of England. Op. cit. P. 79).


"And besides that, I think it hath ben seldome harde tell of, that any whome persones guiltie of that crime accused, as having knowen them to be their marrowes by eye-sight, and not by hear-say" (Ibid. P. 80).


"There are two other good helpes that may be used for their trial: the one is the finding of their marke, and the trying the insensiblenes thereof. The other is their fleeting on the water… God hath appoynted (for a super-naturall signe of the monstruous impietie of the Witches) that the water shal refuse to receive them in her bosom, that have shaken off them the sacred Water of Baptisme, and wilfullie refused the benefite thereof" (Ibid. P. 80–81). Важно отметить интересное противоречие, возникавшее на страницах «Демонологии»: будучи горячим приверженцем ордалии холодной водой и связывая ее действие с таинством крещения, Яков, тем не менее, крайне скептически отзывался о целебных свойствах святой воды в делах об одержимости. Данная позиция, безусловно, объяснялась вероисповеданием монарха, поскольку его критика была направлена против «папистов», т. е. против католиков, использующих этот метод в процедуре экзорцизма: Ibid. Р. 17–18, 70–71.


"And so wishing my pains in this Treatise (beloved Reader) to be effectual, in arming al them that reades the same, against these above mentioned erroures, and recommending my good will to thy friendly acceptation" (Ibid. P. XV).


Blackstone W. Commentaries on the Law of England. Clark, 2007. T. 1. P. 1731–1732; Kerr M.H., Forsyth R.D., Plyley M.J. Cold Water and Hot Iron: Trial by Ordeal in England // Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 1992. T. 22 (4). P. 573–595; Bartlett R. Trial by Fire and Water: The Medieval Judicial Ordeal. Oxford, 1986. P. 13–33.


Подробнее об антиведовских памфлетах как источниках по английской демонологии см.: Rosen В. Witchcraft in England 1558–1618. Amherst, 1991; Gibson M. Reading Witchcraft: Stories of Early English Witches. L.; N.Y., 1999; Игина Ю.Ф. Указ. соч. С. 144–181. Полный список памфлетов см.: Millar Ch.-R. Witchcraft, the Devil, and Emotion in Early Modern England. L.; N.Y., 2017. P. 187–198.


Игина Ю.Ф. Указ. соч. С. 146–148.


Bennett H.S. English Books and Readers, 1475 to 1557. Cambridge, 1970. P. 28–37; Игина Ю.Ф. Указ. соч. С. 147–150.


"This Arthur Bill was accused that he should bewitch the body of one Martha Aspine alias Jeames, the daughter of one Edward Aspine of the same towne, to death. But this matter remaining doubtfull that it could not be cleerely tryed upon him, hee beeing strongly suspected before, by bewitching of divers kinds of cattle, to be guilty of that crime, And beeing also publiquely knowne to bee of an evill life and reputation, together with his father and mother" (Anon. The Witches of Northamptonshire (1612) // Early Modern Witches. Witchcraft Cases in Contemporary Writing / Ed. by M. Gibson. L; N.Y., 2000. P. 158–172).


"The Justices and other officers (thereby purposing to trie the said Arthur by an experiment that (many thinke) never fades) caused them all to bee bound, and their Thumbes and great Toes to bee tied acrosse, and so threw the father, mother and sonne, and none of them sunke, but all floated upon the water" (Ibid. P. 166–167).


"These three, the Father, Mother and Sonne, beeing thus seene floating upon the water, the suspition that was before not well grounded, was now confirmed" (Ibid. P. 167).


"God hath appointed (for a supernaturall signe of the monstrous impiety of Witches) that the Element of water should refuse to receive them in her bosome, that have shaken from them the sacred water of Baptisme, and wilfully refused the benefit thereof by making that breach and fall from God in participating thus vildly with the Spirits of Beliall" (Ibid.).


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