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Книга Лечебное дыхание. Новые методики оздоровления по системе доктора Бутейко - Патрик Маккьюэн

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Ознакомительная версия. Доступно 18 страниц из 89

57) Gallagher A, Hackett P. High-altitude illness. Emergency Medicine Clinics North America. 2004; (22):329–355.

58) Hackett, P H; R C Roach (2001–07-12). “High-altitude illness”. The New England Journal of Medicine 345 (2): 107–114.

59) Poulter, Conor M. Burke Edward Moloney, Siobhan O’Sullivan, Thomas Hogan, Leonard W. Airway Dehydration in Asthma?: A Therapeutic Target. Chest.2002; (121):1806–1811.

Глава 7. Придвинь к себе гору

1) Frank Lee. Breathe right and win. http://www.viewzone.com/breathing.html (accessed August 15, 2012).

2) Tom Piszkin. Interview with Luiz De Oliveira. Email to: Patrick McKeown. ([email protected]) November 2012.

3) Wikipedia. Joaquim Cruz. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joaquim_Cruz (accessed April 20, 2013).

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7) James Fairbourn. http://eightlane.org/blog/2013/10/06/farah-confused-making-2-hourclaim-salazar/ (accessed Sep. 2, 2014).

8) Sheila Taormina. Email to: Patrick McKeown. ([email protected]) (Dec. 9, 2013).

9) Lemaître F, Seifert L, Polin D, Juge J, Tourny-Chollet C, Chollet D. Apnea training effects on swimming coordination. J Strength Cond Res. 2009 Sep; 23(6):1909–14.

10) Roberts D, Smith DJ, Donnelly S, Simard S. Plasma-volume contraction and exercise-induced hypoxaemia modulate erythropoietin production in healthy humans. Clinical Science.2000, (Jan; 98(1):39–45.

11) Jong Bae Choi, José S. Loredo, Daniel Norman, Paul J. Mills, Sonia Ancoli-Israel, Michael G. Ziegler and Joel E. Dimsdale. Does obstructive sleep apnea increase haematocrit? Sleep and Breathing.2006, (Sep; 10(3)):155–60.

12) Espersen K, Frandsen H, Lorentzen T, et al. The human spleen as an erythrocyte reservoir in diving-related interventions. J Appl Physiol 2002; 92: 2071–9.

13) Schagatay E, Haughey H, Reimers J. Speed of spleen volume changes evoked by serial apneas. Eur J Appl Physiol 2005; 93:447–52.

14) Lemaître F, Joulia F, Chollet D. Apnea: a new training method in sport? Med Hypotheses.2010; (Mar; 74(3)):413–5.

15) Richardson M, de Bruijn R, Holmberg HC, Björklund G, Haughey H, Schagatay E. Increase of hemoglobin concentration after maximal apneas in divers, skiers, and untrained humans. Canadian Journal Applied Physiology.2005; (Jun; 30(3)):276–81.

16) Hurford WE, Hong SK, Park YS, Ahn DW, Shiraki K, Mohri M, Zapol WM. Splenic contraction during breath-hold diving in the Korean ama. Journal Applied Physiology.1990; (Sep; 69(3)):932–6.

17) Andersson JP, Schagatay E. Repeated apneas do not affect the hypercapnic ventilatory response in the short-term. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2009 Mar; 105 (4):569–74. Epub 2008 Nov 19.

18) Joulia F, Steinberg JG, Wolff F, Gavarry O, Jammes Y. Reduced oxidative stress and blood lactic acidosis in trained breath-hold human divers. Respir Physiol Neurobiol.2002, Oct; 133(1–2):121–30.

19) Joulia F, Steinberg JG, Faucher M, Jamin T, Ulmer C, Kipson N, Jammes Y. Breathhold training of humans reduces oxidative stress and blood acidosis after static and dynamic apnea. Respir Physiol Neurobiol.2003 Aug 14; 137(1):19–27.

Глава 8. Открытие состояния «потока»

1) Geirland, John (1996). “Go With The Flow”. Wired magazine, September, Issue 4.09.

2) Inner Speed Secrets: Mental Strategies to Maximize Your Racing Performance. Ross Bentley, Ronn Langford. Publisher: Motorbooks; 1st edition (September 22, 2000).

3) Kevin Kelly. ([email protected]) ADD Society. Email to: Patrick McKeown. ([email protected]) Aug 15, 2013.

4) BBC. Turning into digital goldfish. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/1834682.stm (accessed Sep/2, 2014).

5) Bilton N. Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/11/fashion/steve-jobs-apple-was-a-low-techparent.html?_r=0 (accessed 24 Jan 2015).

6) uk.eurosport.yahoo.com. Giggsy doing it for himself. http://sg.newshub.org/giggsy_doing_it_for_himself_53525.html (accessed Sep.2, 2014).

7) Bob Carter. Tiger emerges from Woods as golfing icon. http://espn.go.com/classic/biography/s/woods_tiger.html (accessed Sep.2, 2014).

8) THE LEGEND OF BAGGER VANCE. https://www.movieguide.org/reviews/thelegend-of-bagger-vance.html (accessed Sep.2, 2014).

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17) Kim EJ, Choi JH, Kim KW, Kim TH, Lee SH, Lee HM, Shin C, Lee KY, Lee SH. The impacts of open-mouth breathing on upper airway space in obstructive sleep apnea: 3-D MDCT analysis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2010, Oct 19.

18) Kreivi HR, Virkkula P, Lehto J, Brander P. Frequency of upper airway symptoms before and during continuous positive airway pressure treatment in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Respiration.2010; 80(6):488–94.

19) Ohki M, Usui N, Kanazawa H, Hara I, Kawano K. Relationship between oral breathing and nasal obstruction in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 1996;523:228–30.

20) Lee SH, Choi JH, Shin C, Lee HM, Kwon SY, Lee SH. How does open-mouth breathing influence upper airway anatomy? Laryngoscope.2007, Jun; 117(6):1102–6.

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