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Глава 7. Направленное блуждание и невыразимые искры творчества
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9. D. R. Weinberger and K. F. Berman, «Speculation on the Meaning of Cerebral Metabolic Hypofrontality in Schizophrenia», Schizophrenia Bulletin 14 (1988): 157–168; R. A. Renes, M. Vink, A. Van Der Weiden, M. Prikken, M. G. Koevoets, R. S. Kahn, H. Aarts, and N. E. Van Haren, «Impaired Frontal Processing During Agency Inferences in Schizophrenia», Psychiatry Research 248 (2016): 134–141; D. Senkowski and J. Gallinat, «Dysfunctional Prefrontal Gamma-band Oscillations Reflect Working Memory and Other Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia», Biological Psychiatry 77 (2015): 1010–1019; H. Tomioka, B. Yamagata, S. Kawasaki, S. Pu, A. Iwanami, J. Hirano, K. Nakagome, and M. Mimura, «A Longitudinal Functional Neuroimaging Study in Medication-naïve Depression After Antidepressant Treatment», PLoS One 10 (2015): E0120828; C. T. Li, T. P. Su, S. J. Wang, P. C. Tu, and J. C. Hsieh, «Prefrontal Glucose Metabolism in Medication-Resistant Major Depression», British Journal of Psychiatry 206 (2015): 316–323; M. E. Vélez-Hernández, E. Padilla, F. Gonzalez-Lima, and C. A. Jiménez-Rivera, «Cocaine Reduces Cytochrome Oxidase Activity in the Prefrontal Cortex and Modifies Its Functional Connectivity with Brainstem Nuclei», Brain Research 1542 (2014): 56–69.
10. A. Dietrich, «Functional Neuroanatomy of Altered States of Consciousness: The Transient Hypofrontality Hypothesis», Consciousness and Cognition 12 (2003): 231–256; A. Dietrich, «The Cognitive Neuroscience of Creativity», Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 11 (2004): 1011–1026.
11. K. M. Heilman, S. E. Nadeau, and D. O. Beversdorf, «Creative Innovation: Possible Brain Mechanisms», Neurocase 9 (2003): 369–379; K. M. Heilman, «Possible Brain Mechanisms of Creativity», Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 31 (2016): 285–296.
12. A. Kaufman Et Al, «The Neurobiological Foundation of Creative Cognition», in The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity, Eds. J. C. Kaufman and R. J. Sternberg (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010): 216–232.
13. G. B. Chand, M. Dhamala, «Interactions Among the Brain Default-Mode, Salience, and Central-Executive Networks During Perceptual Decision-Making of Moving Dots», Brain Connectivity 6 (2016): 249–254.
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15. E. Goldberg, K. Podell, R. Harner, M. Lovell, and S. Riggio, «Cognitive Bias, Functional Cortical Geometry, and the Frontal Lobes: Laterality, Sex, and Handedness», Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 6 (1994): 274–294; E. Goldberg and K. Podell, «Reciprocal Lateralization of Frontal Lobe Functions», Archives of General Psychiatry 52 (1995): 159–160; E. Goldberg and K. Podell, «Lateralization in the Frontal Lobes: Searching the Right (and Left) Way», Biological Psychiatry 38 (1995): 569–571; K. Podell, M. Lovell, M. Zimmerman, and E. Goldberg, «The Cognitive Bias Task and Lateralized Frontal Lobe Functions in Males», Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 7 (1995): 491–501.
16. S. Varanese, B. Perfetti, S. Mason, A. Di Rocco, and E. Goldberg, «Lateralized Profiles of Frontal Lobe Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease», Presented at the Seventh International Congress On Mental Dysfunctions and Other Nonmotor Features in Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders (Barcelona, Spain: December 9—12, 2010); K. T. Hovik, M. Øie, and E. Goldberg, «Inside the Triple-Decker: Tourette’s Syndrome and Cerebral Hemispheres», Executive Functions in Health and Disease, Ed. E. Goldberg (Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2017).
17. J. D. Watts and S. H. Strogatz, «Collective Dynamics of ‘Small-World’ Networks», Nature 393 (1998): 440–442.
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