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Книга Наикратчайшая история Китая. От древних династий к современной супердержаве - Линда Джейвин

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7. Сун

1. См.: Fitzgerald C. P. China: A Short Cultural History. P. 380–382.

2. Kent Deng. China’s Population Expansion and Its Causes During the Qing Period, 1644–1911 // London School of Economics Economic History Working Papers No. 219, London, 2015. P. 4.

3. Lin Yutang. The Gay Genius. New York: The John Day Company, 1947; репринт в книге Wang An-shih: Practical Reformer?: Problems in Asian Civilizations. Ed. John Meskill. Lexington: DC Heath and Company, 1963. P. 62.

4. См.: Lu Zhidan. Mao Zedong Critiques Historical Figures. Vol. 2. Beijing: Beijing Book Company, 2016.

5. Balazs Étienne. Chinese Civilization and Bureaucracy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964. P. 88–90.

6. См.: Gernet Jacques. A History of Chinese Civilisation. P. 288–289.

7. Ibid. P. 341.

8. См.: Colville Alex. Li Qingzhao, Poet, ‘The Most Talented Woman in History’ // SupChina, 6 April 2020.

9. Цит. по: Classical Chinese Literature. Vol. 1. Ed. John Minford, Joseph Lau. P. 699.

10. Su Dongpo. Memories of the Past at Red Cliff. Цит. по: Poetry and Prose of the Tang and Song. Ed. Yang Xianyi, Gladys Yang. Beijing: Panda Books, 1984. P. 255.

11. См.: Elvin Mark. The Pattern of the Chinese Past. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973. P. 87.

8. Монгольская Юань

1. См.: Brooks Timothy. The Great Khan and His Portraitist // Great State, ebook.

2. Цит. по: The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian: Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Vol. 1. Ed. Colonel Sir Henry Yule. London: John Murray, 1903. P. 2.

3. Balazs Étienne. Chinese Civilization and Bureaucracy. P. 84.

4. Цит. по: Ibid. P. 91.

5. Gernet Jacques. A History of Chinese Civilisation. P. 376–379.

6. Ibid. P. 376–379.

7. Цит. по: Grousset René. Conquerer of the World: The Life of Chingis-khan. New York: Viking Press, 1966. P. 287.

9. Мин

1. Gernet Jacques. A History of Chinese Civilisation. P. 391.

2. Hammond Kenneth J. The Eunuch Wang Zhen and the Ming Dynasty // The Human Tradition in Premodern China. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002. P. 146.

3. См.: Campbell Duncan M. The Huntington Library’s Volume of the Yongle Encyclopedia: A Bibliographical and Historical Note // East Asian History. Australian Centre for China in the World, Australian National University, 2020.

4. Ibid.

5. См.: Johnson Ian. A Radical Realist View of Tibetan Buddhism at the Rubin // The New York Review of Books, 13 July 2019.

6. См.: Lovell Julia. Beauty and Bloodbaths in the Ming Dynasty // The Guardian, 20 September 2014.

7. См.: Fitzgerald C. P. China: A Short Cultural History. P. 474.

8. Hammond Kenneth J. The Eunuch Wang Zhen and the Ming Dynasty. P. 153.

9. Gernet Jacques. A History of Chinese Civilisation. P. 441.

10. Wen-yuan Qian. The Great Inertia: Scientific Stagnation in Traditional China. London: Croom Helm, 1985. P. 90, 25.

11. Beyond the Screen: Chinese Furniture of the 16th and 17th Centuries. Ed. Nancy Berliner. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1996. P. 32.

12. Fitzgerald C. P. China: A Short Cultural History. P. 470.

13. Gernet Jacques. A History of Chinese Civilisation. P. 425–426.

14. Цит. по: Lovell Julia. Beauty and Bloodbaths in the Ming Dynasty.

15. Spence Jonathan D. The Search for Modern China. P. 44–45.

10. Великая Цин

1. Цит. по: Godley Michael R. The End of the Queue: Hair as Symbol in Chinese History // China Heritage Quarterly, no. 27, September 2011.

2. Цит. по: Spence Jonathan D. The Search for Modern China. P. 64.

3. Spence Jonathan D. Emperor of China. P. xviii.

4. Barmé Geremie. The Forbidden City. P. xiii.

5. Barmé Geremie. The Garden of Perfect Brightness: A Life in Ruins // The Fifty-Seventh George Ernest Morrison Lecture in Ethnology 1996. Canberra: Australian National University, 1996. P. 125.

6. См.: Wasserstrom Jeffrey, Cunningham Maura Elizabeth. China in the 21st Century. P. 33.

7. Цит. по: Spence Jonathan D. The Search for Modern China. P. 145–146.

8. См.: Harrison Henrietta. The Qianlong Emperor’s Letter to George III and the Early-Twentieth-Century Origins of Ideas about Traditional China’s Foreign Relations // The American Historical Review. Vol. 122, no. 3, June 2017. P. 680–701.

9. Цит. по: Wasserstrom Jeffrey. Vigil: Hong Kong on the Brink. New York: Columbia Global Reports, 2020. P. 18.

10. A Letter from the American Baptist Missionary Rev. I J Roberts, цит. по Western Reports on the Taiping. Ed. Prescott Clarke, J. S. Gregory. Canberra: ANU Press, 1982. P. 19.

11. Departed But Not Forgotten // Women of China. Beijing, 1984. P. 142.

12. Цит. по: Li Chien-nung. Political History of China 1840–1928. New York: Van Nostrand, 1956. P. 81.

13. См.: Gilbert Peter, Tate Jim. China, Part 1: Early Western Contacts to 1911. Canberra: Australian National University Press. P. 55.

14. Barmé Geremie. The Garden of Perfect Brightness. P. 131.

15. Ibid. P. 132.

16. Цит. по: Young-tsu Wong. A Paradise Lost: The Imperial Garden Yuanming Yuan. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2001. P. 149.

17. Цит. по: Barmé Geremie. The Garden of Perfect Brightness. P. 137.

18. Victor Hugo. The Sack of the Summer Palace. Letter to Captain Butler, 25 November 1861.

19. Spence Jonathan D. The Search for Modern China. P. 221.

20. Jie Liu. China’s Views of History: The Prospect of Changing Self-Image // Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies. Vol. 2, 2013. No. 1. P. 55–76.

21. Cheng Donald G. et al. Loss of a Recorded Heritage: Destruction of Chinese Books in the Peking Siege of 1900 // Library Trends. Vol. 55, 2007. No. 3. P. 435.

22. Spence Jonathan D. The Search for Modern China. P. 233.

23. См.: Jie Liu. China’s Views of History. P. 62.

24. Bachner Andrea. 1899: Oracle Bones, That Dangerous Supplement // A New Literary History of Modern China. Ed. David Der-wei Wang. Cambridge: Belknap Press/Harvard University Press, 2017.

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