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46. J. Olds and P. Milner, «Positive Reinforcement Produced by Electrical Stimulation of Septal Area and Other Regions of Rat Brain», Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 47 (1954): 419–427; D. Nakahara, N. Ozaki, Y. Miura, H. Miura, and T. Nagatsu, «Increased Dopamine and Serotonin Metabolism in Rat Nucleus Accumbens Produced by Intracranial Self-Stimulation of Medial Forebrain Bundle as Measured by in Vivo Microdialysis», Brain Research 495 (1989): 178–181.

47. V. Menon and D. J. Levitin, «The Rewards of Music Listening: Response and Physiological Connectivity of the Mesolimbic System», NeuroImage 28 (2005): 175–184; L. Aharon, N. Etcoff, D. Ariely, C. F. Chabris, E. O’Connor, and C. Breiter, «Beautiful Faces Have Variable Reward Value: FMRI and Behavioral Evidence», Neuron 32 (2001): 357–551; C. F. Ferris, P. Kulkarni, J. M. Sullivan, J. A. Harder, T. L. Messenger, and M. Febo, «Pup Suckling Is More Rewarding Than Cocaine: Evidence from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Three-Dimensional Computational Analysis», Journal of Neuroscience 25 (2005): 149–156; M. Numan, «Motivational Systems and the Neural Circuitry of Maternal Behavior in the Rat», Developmental Psychobiology 49 (2007): 12–21.

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51. E. Goldberg, K. Podell, R. Harner, M. Lovell, and S. Riggio, «Cognitive Bias, Functional Cortical Geometry, and the Frontal Lobes: Laterality, Sex, and Handedness», Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 6 (1994): 274–294.

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53. R. A. Goldstein, N. D. Volkow, «Drug Addiction and Its Underlying Neurobiological Basis: Neuroimaging Evidence for the Involvement of the Frontal Cortex», American Journal of Psychiatry 159 (2002): 1642–1652; A. Verdejo-Garcia, R. Vilar-Lopez, M. Perez-Garcia, and E. Goldberg, «Altered Adaptive but Not Veridical Decision-Making in Substance Dependent Individuals», Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 12 (2006): 90–99.

54. A. Verdejo-Garcia, L. Clark, J. Verdejo-Roma, N. Albein-Urios, J. M. Martinez-Gonzalez, B. Gutierrez, and C. Soriano-Mas, «Neural Substrates of Cognitive Flexibility in Cocaine and Gambling Addictions», The British Journal of Psychiatry (2015) 207: 158–164; O. Contreras-Rodríguez, N. Albein-Urios, J. C. Perales, J. M. Martínez-Gonzalez, R. Vilar-López, M. J. Fernández-Serrano, O. Lozano-Rojas, and A. Verdejo-García, «Cocaine-Specific Neuroplasticity in the Ventral Striatum Network Is Linked to Delay Discounting and Drug Relapse», Addiction 10 (2015): 1953–1962.

Глава 6. Мозг-новатор

1. Более подробный обзор биологических различий двух полушарий у разных видов см.: E. Goldberg, The New Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes in a Complex World (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009); and E. Goldberg, The Wisdom Paradox: How Your Mind Can Grow Stronger as Your Brain Grows Older (New York: Gotham Books, 2005).

2. E. Goldberg and L. Costa, «Hemisphere Differences in the Acquisition and Use of Descriptive Systems», Brain and Language 14 (1981): 144–173.

3. T. G. Bever and R. J. Chiarello, «Cerebral Dominance in Musicians and Nonmusicians», Science 185 (1974): 537–539.

4. C. A. Marci and G. Berlucchi, «Right Visual Field Superiority for Accuracy of Recognition of Famous Faces in Normals», Neuropsychologia 15 (1977): 751–756.

5. A. Martin, «Automatic Activation of the Medial Temporal Lobe During Encoding: Lateralized Influences of Meaning and Novelty», Hippocampus 9 (1999): 62–70.

6. M. Lezak, D. B. Howieson, E. D. Bigler, and D. Tranel, Neuropsychological Assessment, 5th edn. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012).

7. M. Corbetta and G. L. Shulman, «Control of Goal-Directed and Stimulus-Driven Attention in the Brain», Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3 (2002): 201–215; M. Corbetta, G. Patel, and G. L. Shulman, «The Reorienting System of the Human Brain: From Environment to Theory of Mind», Neuron 58 (2008): 306–324; B. J. Levy and A. D. Wagner, «Cognitive Control and Right Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex: Reflexive Reorienting, Motor Inhibition, and Action Updating», Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1224 (2011): 40–62; D. Badre and A. D. Wagner, «Left Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex and the Cognitive Control of Memory», Neuropsychologia 45 (2007): 2883–2901.

8. D. Wang, R. L. Buckner, and X. H. Liu, «Functional Specialization in the Human Brain Estimated by Intrinsic Hemispheric Interaction», The Journal of Neuroscience 34 (2014): 12341—12352.

9. D. Sridharan, D. J. Levitin, and V. Menon, «A Critical Role for the Right Frontoinsular Cortex in Switching Between Central-Executive and Default-Mode Networks», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (2008): 12569—12574; D. Sridharan, D. J. Levitin, C. H. Chafe, J. Berger, and V. Menon, «Neural Dynamics of Event Segmentation in Music: Converging Evidence for Dissociable Ventral and Dorsal Networks», Neuron 55 (2007): 521–532.

10. T. T. Chong, R. Cunnington, M. A. Williams, and J. B. Mattingley, «The Role of Selective Attention in Matching Observed and Executed Actions», Neuropsychologia 47 (2009): 786–795; T. T. Chong, R. Cunnington, M. A. Williams, N. Kanwisher, and J. B. Mattingley, «fMRI Adaptation Reveals Mirror Neurons in Human Inferior Parietal Cortex», Current Biology 18 (2008): 1576–1580.

11. H. P. Op de Beeck, C. I. Baker, J. J. DiCarlo, and N. G. Kanwisher, «Discrimination Training Alters Object Representations in Human Extrastriate Cortex», The Journal of Neuroscience 26 (2006): 13025—13036.

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