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7. N. Chomsky, Language and Mind, 3rd edn. (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006); N. Chomsky, Syntactic Structures (Eastford, NJ: Martino Fine Books, 2015).
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17. J. W. Peirce and K. M. Kendrick, «Functional Asymmetry in Sheep Temporal Cortex», Neuroreport 13 (2002): 2395–2399; J. W. Peirce, A. E. Leigh, A. P. DaCosta, and K. M. Kendrick, «Human Face Recognition in Sheep: Lack of Configurational Coding and Right Hemisphere Advantage», Behavioural Processes 55 (2001): 13–26; J. W. Peirce, A. E. Leigh, and K. M. Kendrick, «Configurational Coding, Familiarity and the Right Hemisphere Advantage for Face Recognition in Sheep», Neuropsychologia 38 (2000): 475–483.
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22. E. Goldberg, «The Gradiental Approach to Neocortical Functional Organization», Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 11 (1989): 489–517; E. Goldberg, «Higher Cortical Functions in Humans: The Gradiental Approach», in Contemporary Neuropsychology and the Legacy of Luria, Ed. E. Goldberg (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1990): 229–276.
23. G. Huth, S. Nishimoto, A. T. Vu, and J. L. Gallant, «A Continuous Semantic Space Describes the Representation of Thousands of Object and Action Categories Across the Human Brain», Neuron 76 (2012): 1210–1224.
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25. G. Huth, W. A. De Heer, T. L. Griffiths, F. E. Theunissen, and J. L. Gallant, «Natural Speech Reveals the Semantic Maps That Tile Human Cerebral Cortex», Nature 532 (2016): 453–458.
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28. E. Goldberg, D. Roediger, N. E. Kucukboyaci, C. Carlson, O. Devinsky, R. Kuzniecky, E. Halgren, and T. Thesen, «Hemispheric Asymmetries of Cortical Volume in the Human Brain», Cortex 49 (2013): 200–210; M. Harciarek, D. Malaspina, T. Sun, and E. Goldberg, «Schizophrenia and Frontotemporal Dementia: Shared Causation?» International Review of Psychiatry, 25 (2013): 168–177.
29. T. Q. Wu, Z. A. Miller, B. Adhimoolam, D. D. Zackey, B. K. Khan, R. Ketelle, K. P. Ranki, and B. L. Miller, «Verbal Creativity in Semantic Variant Primary Progressive Aphasia», Neurocase 21 (2015): 73–78.
Глава 4. Русалочка и Мастер Лего (а также пещерный человеколев)
1. J. R. Hayes, «Cognitive Processes in Creativity», in Handbook of Creativity, Eds. J. A. Glover, R. R. Ronning, and C. R. Reynolds (New York: Plenum Press, 1989): 135–145; D. K. Simonton, «Creative Development as Acquired Expertise: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Tests», Developmental Review 20 (2000): 283–318.
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