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«Circular Letter Regarding Freight Rates on Oil, and Past and Present Discriminations in Favor of the Standard Oil Trust». Privately printed in Cleveland, Ohio, by Scofield, Shurmer, and Teagle, August 23, 1888.

Couch, W. S. «Rockefeller Urges National Development». Cleveland Plain Dealer, October 4 and 7, 1906.

Davis, Aaron. «The Responsibility of Wealth». Saturday Evening Post, May 23, 1925.

«Death of Mr. Rockefeller Recalls His Many Benefactions to Spelman». Spelman Messenger, May 1937.

Decker, Norman. «Neighbor Recalls Rockefeller’s Boyhood in the Hill Country». New York Herald Tribune, June 3, 1928.

«Father and Five». Newsweek, April 28, 1958.

«First Ledger of a Successful Man of Affairs». Dunbar News, April 23, 1930.

Fistere, John Cushman. «The Rockefeller Boys». Saturday Evening Post, July 16, 1938.

«Follow the Ball and Don’t Talk Too Much – John D». Salt Lake City Tribune, April 27, 1919.

Forbes, B. C. «John D. Rockefeller Tells How to Succeed». Forbes, September 29, 1917.

Fox, J. Dewitt. «How John D. Rockefeller Lived to Be 97!» These Times, December 1956.

Giddens, Paul H. «“The Search for a New Illuminant and Lubricant». Titusville (Pa.) Herald, August 27, 1980.

–. «True Significance of the Drake Well». Titusville (Pa.) Herald, August 27, 1980.

–. «Why Ida M. Tarbell Wrote History of Standard Oil Company». Titusville (Pa.) Herald, August 27, 1980.

Gilcreest, Edgar Lorrington. «Rockefeller, Osler and Welch». The Argonaut, June 16, 1937.

«The Good Man». Time, September 24, 1956.

Gordon, John. «John D. Rockefeller’s Right Hand: H. H. Rogers of Standard Oil». Chicago Tribune, October 23, 1904.

Heilbroner, Robert. «The Grand Acquisitor». American Heritage, December 1964.

Hellman, Geoffrey T. «Out of the Cocoon on the Fifty-sixth Floor». The New Yorker, November 4, 19 72.

«History of Spelman Seminary». The Home Mission Monthly, October 1895.

«History of Spelman Seminary». Spelman Messenger Supplement, April 1891.

«The Human Side of John D. Rockefeller». Woman’s Home Companion, January 1907.

«John D. Rockefeller». New York Weekly World, April 2, 1890.

«John D. Rockefeller Discusses Big Questions». New York Sun, January 11, 1914.

«John D. Rockefeller’s Pocantico Estate». The Country Calendar, November 1905.

Jones, Roger M. «The Rockefeller Fleet». Inland Seas – Quarterly Bulletin of the Great Lakes Historical Society, July 1947.

Kelly, Fred C. «Tales of Rockefeller». The World, May 31, June 7, 14, 21, and 28, and July 5, 1925.

«The King of the Oil Trade». New York Sun, November 30, 1878.

Lewis, Alfred Henry. «Owners of America: John D. Rockefeller». Cosmopolitan, November 1908.

Lippmann, Walter. «“Mr. Rockefeller on the Stand». The New Republic, January 30, 1915.

Lloyd, Henry Demarest. «Story of a Great Monopoly». Atlantic Monthly, March 1881.

Macdonald, A. B. «How I Found the Lost Father of John D. Rockefeller». Kansas City (Mo.) Star, May 30, 1937.

March, F. O. «The Human Side of John D. Rockefeller». Leslie’s Weekly, May 16, 1907.

Mayo, Earl. «John D. Rockefeller – The World’s First Billionaire». Human Life, April 1905.

McCormick, Edith, as told to Mary Dougherty. «Life as It Seemed to Me». New York Evening Journal, August 30–31, 1932.

McGuire, William. «Firm Affinities: Jung’s Relations with Britain and the United States». Journal of Analytical Psychology 40 (1995).

Miller, Ernest C. «Ida Tarbell’s Second Look at Standard Oil». Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine 39 (Winter 1956).

«Millions to Spend and the Brains to Spend Well». New York Daily Tribune, February 17, 1907.

Montague, Gilbert Holland. «History of the Standard Oil Company». North American Review, September 1905.

Morrow, James B. «Standard Oil’s First Rebate: Henry M. Flagler Tells How He Got It from President Scott». New York Daily Tribune, December 23, 1906.

Nevins, Allan. «Letter to the Editor About Henry Demarest Lloyd». American Historical Review 50 (April 1945).

«New Facts About Oil King’s Father Told by Partner». The World, March 1, 1908.

Norden, Van. «Rockefeller: Man or Monster?» The World Mirror; January 1909.

Patteson, Suzanne Louise. «At Home with the Rockefellers in the Seventies». Cleveland Plain Dealer, February 12, 1922.

Paulson, F. M. «The House by the Side of the Road». The Sohioan, October 1947.

Ralph, Julian. «John Davison Rockefeller». Cosmopolitan, May 1902.

Randall, S. E. «A Square Deal for John D. Rockefeller». Leslie’s Weekly, September 20, 1906.

Roan, Leonard. «Atlanta Knows the Real John D.». The Atlanta Georgia, February 12, 1922.

Rockefeller, John D. «Giving Away Money». Farm and Fireside, January 6, 1917.

«Rockefeller Sees No Portent of Disaster». The New York Times, October 20, 1907.

«The Rockefeller Story». New York Daily News, August 23, 1959.

Rose, Kenneth W. «Why Chicago and Not Cleveland? The Religious Imperative Behind John D. Rockefeller’s Early Philanthropy, 1855–1900». Машинописный эземпляр. RAC.

Sandage, Scott. «‘I do so long to save my husband’: Ruined Men and Desperate Wives in Nineteenth-Century America,» presented at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians Conference, Washington, D.C., March 1995.

Schmitt, J. P. «John D. Rockefeller as He Is and the Lesson His Life Teaches». New Yorker Echo, May 30, 1908.

«Secret Double Life of Rockefeller’s Father Revealed by The World». The World, February 2, 1908.

«Standard Oil Company (N.J.) Passes Half-Century Mark». Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, January 19, 1920.

«The Standard Oil Melons». The Literary Digest, October 28, 1922.

Stapleton, Darwin H. «Religion, Reform, Race and Rockefeller: Cleveland History Viewed Through the Lens of Philanthropy». Машинописный эземпляр. RAC.

Steffens, Lincoln. «Rhode Island: A State for Sale». McClure’s Magazine, February 22, 1905.

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