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Книга Интернет-журнал "Домашняя лаборатория", 2008 №6 - Журнал «Домашняя лаборатория»

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Вакансии для физиков



Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the Department of Astronomy of Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary, in the field of solar and solar-terrestrial physics. The position is part of the SOLAIRE European Research Training Network (Solaire Research Training Network — Home). The successful applicant is expected to carry out an independent research program in a field covered by the SOLAIRE network, and collaborate and interact with other members of the SOLAIRE network in Budapest and elsewhere.

The appointment is for two years. The position should be ideally taken up from early 2009, but an earlier commencement during Fall 2008 can also be arranged.

As a general rule, nationals of all countries except Hungary are invited to apply, provided that they have a PhD degree and no more than 10 years of postgraduate research experience. The gross annual salary will be the Hungarian Forint equivalent of approximately 27,000 euros. For more detailed conditions of eligibility and finances please consult the following web page: http://astro.elte.hu/~kris/postdoc_ELTE.html

Apply with a CV, list of publications, a research proposal summarising current and planned research, and the names and addresses of three reference persons. Applications and inquiries should be addressed to Dr. Kristof Petrovay (K.Petrovay0astro.elte.hu). Review of applications will start on 21 August and will last until a suitable candidate is found.

A call for applications for a postdoctoral position in the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research starts. Deadline: August 31st, 2008.

The SOLAIRE network announces an opening for 1 postdoctoral position. The appointing institution is the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research. The successful candidate will do research within the collaborative packages of the network. The call for applications started June 1st and will end August 31st. Applicants can be recent post-doctoral researchers with a maximum of 10 years research experience after obtaining the graduation or master's title that allowed them to embark in doctoral studies. The duration of the appointment is 12 months, with a possible extension by another 6 months.

The successful applicant will be able to profit from the training and networking opportunities offered by SOLAIRE. Finance of these positions will be following the rules and salary levels prescribed by the European Commission.


10 PhD positions in new EU Marie Curie ITN Network Multiple within EU Initial Training Network


Applications are invited for the first of two hiring rounds, of 5 fully funded PhD positions each, as part of a new EU FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN), "Black Hole Universe". Pending final approval by the European Commission, this five year Network will begin in Autumn 2008, and link the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg (J. Wilms), University of Amsterdam (S. Markoff, R. Wijnands), INAF/Brera Observatory (Milan, T. Belloni), University of Cagliari (L. Burderi), Sabanci University (Istanbul, E. Kalemci), CEA Saclay (S. Corbel, J. Rodriguez), and the University of Southampton (P. Uttley, I. McHardy) via the training of 10 early stage researchers. In collabo ration with the Network, the PhDs will pursue a variety of multi-wavelength observational and theoretical projects researching black holes. Specifically the Network will focus on the study of black hole accretion flows and jet outflows, and the relationship between these phenomena in black holes from stellar to galactic scales, as well as in neutron stars.

Each PhD position will last 3–4 years, depending on requirements of the individual host institute. Each position will be associated with a particular project based at a particular host institute, that is со-supervised by two other Network hosts, where the student will spend several months per year visiting. Along with annual collaboration meetings, the Network will also organize three international schools on multi-wavelength astronomy techniques and black hole astrophysics, as well as a final international conference entitled "Black Holes in the Galaxy and Beyond". PhD students will also receive training in industry-related skills, career coaching, and participate in the host institute's teaching and outreach activities.

Applicants must have a Masters degree or equivalent in Physics and/or Astronomy, and be able to speak English. Applicants can originate from anywhere in the world, except the country of their chosen host institute, and cannot have resided in the host country for more than 12 months in the previous 3 years. Each position comes with a salary determined by EU scales, including standard social benefits such as maternity/parental leave. All positions are designed to have some flexibility in timing, such as start date or for family needs. Females and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants interested in applying for the second round, commencing Autumn 2009, may already submit a statement of interest.

Interested candidates should submit via email a concise letter of interest, specifying a preference for observational or theoretical projects, as well as an indication of their preferred host institute(s). Candidates should also submit a CV, a list of courses taken, with grades where applicable, a brief description of prior research experience, and the names and email addresses of two people to be contacted for letters of recommendation. Please do not send/email letters of recommendation until requested. Review of applications by responsible scientists of the network is anticipated to begin on 1 July, and continue until the positions are filled, but applications received before 15 July will be given priority.



The Niels Bohr Institute (NBI, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

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