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Книга Лаборатория империи: мятеж и колониальное знание в Великобритании в век Просвещения - Станислав Геннадьевич Малкин

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колонии за океаном, которые и вполовину не так важны, как цивилизация и улучшения этой части Британии, которая сама так долго досаждала и служила укором народу? Кроме того, когда страна [Горная Страна] возделана, а торговля и мануфактуры основательно развиты, это воздаст сторицей интерес и затраты, которые ныне отсутствуют» (THS. Р. 160). Подробнее см.: Johnsson F.A. Op. cit. P. 43–47.


David Bruce to the Lord Hardwicke. London, 10th Aug., 1749; same to same. Isle of Skye, 3rd Oct., 1749; same to same. London, 10th May, 1750; same to same. London, 11th May, 1750; same to same. London, 1st June, 1750; same to same. 18th June, 1750; same to same. London, 14th March, 1750; Report of David Bruce, Esq., one of the Surveyors of the Forfeited Estates in Scotland. 1750; Copy of a Letter from Mr. John McCaulay [the Minister in the South Uist] to David Bruce, Esq., Surveyor of the Forfeited Estates in Scotland. Ormoclet, 2nd February, 175 °Copy of a Letter from Mr. John McCaulay [the Minister in the South Uist] to David Bruce, Esq., Surveyor of the Forfeited Estates in Scotland. Benbecula, 7th February, 1750 // BL. HP. Vol. XCIX. Correspondence of the Lord of Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs. January 1749 — July 1753. Add. MS 35447. P. 21, 33, 69, 71, 81, 85, 89–95, 149, 151–152–153.


Plank G. Op. cit. P. 111.


Несмотря на эти обстоятельства, правительство демонстрировало решимость в этом вопросе, уточняя и продлевая затем этот акт: An Act to explain, amend, and continue the Provisions made by Two Acts of Parliament of the Nineteenth and Twenty first Years of His Majesty’s Reign, for the more effectual disarming the Highlands in Scotland, and to make Provision for the more speedy ascertaining the lawful Debts or Claims upon the Lands and Hereditaments, that some Time belonged to Alexander Robert son of Strowan, which, with other forfeited Estates, are by an act of the Twenty fifth Year of His Majesty’s Reign annexed to the Crown unalienable. London, 1753; Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, and Hiberniae. Tricesimo Primo. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the Thirty first Day of May, ann Dom. 1754 in the Twenty seventh Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, and etc. And from thence continued by several Prorogations to the First Day of December, 1757, being the Fifth Session of this present Parliament. London, 1758 [An Act to enforce and render more effectual an Act made in the twenty fifth year of His present Majesty’s reign, intitled, An Act for annexing certain forfeited estates in Scotland to the Crown unalienably…].


Та настойчивость, с которой генерал Блэнд предлагал назначить кого-либо из указанных им кандидатур на должность секретаря Комиссии по управлению конфискованными имениями, лучшее тому подтверждение: General Bland to the Right Honourable The Lord Hardwick, and etc. etc. etc. Ed., 17th Oct., 1754; same to same. Ed., 26th Oct., 1754; same to same. Ed., 26th Nov., 1754 // BL. HP. Vol. C. Correspondence of the Lord Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs.1753–1756. Add. MS 35448. P. 178, 186, 210.


General Bland to The Right Honourable The Lord High Chancelor. Ed., 25 Dec., 1753; same to same. Ed., 22 Feb., 1754// BL. HP. Vol. C. Correspondence of the Lord Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs.1753–1756. Add. MS 35448. P. 51, 58.


General Bland to The Right Honourable The Lord High Chancelor. Ed., 25 Dec., 1753 // BL. HP. Vol. C. Correspondence of the Lord Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs.1753–1756. Add. MS 35448. P. 51.


General Bland to the Right Honourable The Lord Hardwick, and etc. etc. etc. Ed., 26th Nov., 1754 // BL. HP. Vol. C. Correspondence of the Lord Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs.1753–1756. Add. MS 35448. P. 210.


General Bland to the Right Honourable The Lord Hardwick, and etc. etc. etc. Ed., 24th Dec., 1754; same to same. Ed., 11th Feb., 1755 // BL. HP. Vol. C. Correspondence of the Lord Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs.1753–1756. Add. MS 35448. P. 220, 230.


General Bland to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, and etc. etc. etc. Edinburgh, 29th Oct., 1754 // BL. NP. Vol. LII. Add. MS. 32737. P. 225.


Так, во времена генерала Уэйда параллельным командующему, его агентам и осведомителям каналом получения информации «о состоянии Хайленда» для правительства был лорд-адвокат, а затем лорд-президент Сессионного суда Шотландии Данкан Форбс из Каллодена, который вел переписку по этому поводу напрямую с герцогом Ньюкаслом, виконтом Тауншендом, сэром Робертом Уолполом и Чарльзом Делафеем, курировавшим агентурную (в том числе антиякобитскую) деятельность правительства, см., напр.: The Lord Advocate to Mr Delafaye. Edinburgh, 29th October 1726; Mr Delafaye to Lord Advocate. Whitehall, November 7th, 1727; The Duke of Newcastle to the Lord Advocate. Kensington, July 25, 1729; The Lord Advocate to the Duke of Newcastle. Inveraray, in Argyllshire, 5th August, 1729; The Lord Advocate to Sir Robert Walpole. Perth, 11th August, 1730; Mr Delafaye to the Lord Advocate. Whitehall, July 10th, 1732 // Culloden Papers. P. 97, 102, 107–108, 116, 123–124; Forbes to Lord Duke. Edinburgh, June 26, 1728; Forbes to Sir Robert Walpole. Inverness, August 23, 1728; Forbes to Lord Duke of Newcastle [Copy sent to Lord Townshend]. Inverery, August 5th, 1729; same to same. Inverness, 5th September, 1729; same to same. Inverness, 26 September, 1729; Forbes to Sir Robert Walpole. Inverness, 26 September, 1729; Forbes to Lord [Duke of Newcastle или Townshend]. Edinburgh, 31 October, 1729 // TNA. SP 54.19 (34/117-118, 44/141-142, 65/309-311, 91/325-326, 97/340, 97/342,101/351).


Генерал Уэйд, инспектировавший Хайленд на предмет соответствия действительности сведений, изложенных в мемориале лорда

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