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Книга Короли и ведьмы. Колдовство в политической культуре Западной Европы XII–XVII вв. - Ольга Игоревна Тогоева

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Witches. P. 33–40).


"Which was about the very day the Witches of the Forrest of Pendle were sent to Lancaster. Now was the time for the Seminarie to instruct, accuse, and call into question these poore women: for the wrinckles of an old wives face is good evidence to the Jurie against a Witch… But old Chattox had Fände, besides her withered face, to accuse her" (Potts T. The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches (1612) // Early Modern Witches. P. 173–265). Подробнее о Томасе Поттсе и связи его памфлета с «Демонологией» Якова Стюарта см.: Pumfrey S. Potts, plots and politics: James I's Demonologie and 7he Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches // The Lancashire Witches. Histories and Stories / Ed. by R. Poole. Manchester, 2002. P. 22–41.


"...as if a Witch hear a month or two before that the Witch-finder (as they call him) is comming, they will, and have put out their Imps to others to suckle them, even to their owne young and tender children" (Hopkins M. Op. cit. P. 4).


"It was credibly reported that some fortnight before their apprehension, this Agnes Browne, one Ratherine Gardiner, and one Joane Lucas… did ride one night to a place (not above a mile off) called Ravenstrop, all upon a Sowes backe, to see one mother Rhoades" (Anon. The Witches of Northamptonshire. P. 166).


Как заявлял Джон Стерн, большинство подозреваемых в занятиях колдовством «совершенно очевидно» являлись женщинами: "Yet of Witches in generali, there be commonly more women then men. This is evident" (Stearne J. Op. cit. P. 19).


"…were at the least publickly knowen to be of a very evil life and reputation" (James I, King of England. Op. cit. P. 80).


"And finding them in an utter despair, for one of these two former causes that I have spoken of; he prepares the way by feeding them craftely in their humour, and filling them further and further with despaire, while he finde the time proper to discover himself unto them. At which time, either upon their walking solitarie in the fieldes, or else lying pansing in their bed; but alwaies without the company of any other, he either by a voyce, or in likenesse of a man inquires of them, what troubles them" (32).


Witchcraft in Early Modern Scodand. P. 119.


Прокалывание представляло собой вариант ордалии, поскольку ожидалось, что из ранки может потечь кровь. Если же она не появлялась, данное обстоятельство рассматривалось как доказательство вины арестованной женщины. Подробнее см. ниже: Глава 12.


"…for their private judgments alone, it is most false and untrue, for never was any man tryes by search of his body, but commonly a dozen of the ablest men in the parish or else where, were present…. which marks not only he, and his company attest to be very suspitious, but all beholders, the skilfulest of them" (Hopkins M. Op. cit. P. 4).


Подробнее см.: Винокурова М.В. Как работали манориальные суды средневековой Англии: становление процедуры // СВ. 2022. Вып. 83 (1). С. 92–118.


"Also I have read that a Witch, in some cases, hath been brought to a dead party, who hath been suspected to have been bewitched by that Witch, to touch the dead corps; which was no sooner touched by the Witch, but the corps bles fresh blood" (Stearne J. Op. cit. P. 47).


О нем, в частности, как о само собой разумеющемся факте сообщал в «Молоте ведьм» Генрих Крамер: «…рана, зараженная духом убийцы, притягивает к себе зараженный воздух. Если убийца проходит мимо, то кровь вытекает, так как в присутствии убийцы попавший в рану воздух начинает колебаться и производить кровотечение. Другие ученые приводят еще другие основания и говорят, что это кровотечение указывает на крик убитого из земли и именно вследствие проклятия тяготеющего на первом убийце — Каине» (Шпенгер Я., Инститорис Г. Указ. соч. С. 93). См. подробнее: Platelle H. La voix du sang: le ca davre qui saigne en présence de son meurtrier // La piété populaire au Moyen Age. Actes du 99e Congrès national des sociétés savantes, Besançon, 1974. P., 1977. P. 161–179; Vincensini J.-J. Entre pensée savante et raison narrative. Le clerc médiéval et le motif du "saignement accusateur" (ou "cruentation") // Par les mots et les textes. Mélanges de langue, de littérature et d'histoire des sciences médiévales offerts à Claude Thomasset / Etudes réunies par D. Jacquart, D. James-Raoul et O. Soutet. P., 2005. P. 833–858.


Шекспир В. Ричард III // Шекспир В. Полное собрание сочинений. М., 1993. Т. 3. С. 435 (пер. А. Радловой).


"Не never went to any towne or place, but they rode, writ, or sent often for him, and were (for oght he knew) glad of him" (Hopkins M. Op. cit. P. 8). "And as for taking any money, or other thing, by way of bribe or gift, I never did, to the value of one репу, neither one way or nor other, but what I openly took in the view of the Townsmen where I came" (Stearne J. Op. cit. P. 50).


"And in truth, concerning him who is dead (i.e. Hopkins), who likewise was an agent in the businesse, for my part, I never knew that he either unjustly favoured any, or received bribes, or use such extremity as was reported of him; onely at first, before he or I ever went, many Towns used extremity of themselves, which after was laid on us" (Ibid.).



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