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Книга Короли и ведьмы. Колдовство в политической культуре Западной Европы XII–XVII вв. - Ольга Игоревна Тогоева

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Подробнее о ней см.: Gaskill М. Witchfinders. A Seventeenth-Century English Tragedy. L, 2005; Sharpe J. The Devil in East Anglia: the Matthew Hopkins trials reconsidered // Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe. Studies in Culture and belief / Ed. by J. Barry, M. Hester, G. Roberts. Cambridge, 1996. P. 237–255.


Davis S.F. Introduction // The Discovery of Witches and Witchcraft. The writings of witchfinders Matthew Hopkins and John Stearne / Ed. by S.F. Davis. L, 2007. P. VII–XX, здесь P. X–XII.


Судьи по ассизам — светские судьи, в ведении которых и находились дела о колдовстве. Название комиссии — Commission of Oyer and Termoner — изначально было заимствовано из французского права и буквально означает «Выслушать и постановить».


Notestein W. A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718. N.Y., 1965. P. 178.


Burns W.E. Witch Hunts in Europe and America. Westport; L, 2003. P. 231.


"This suspition, though it bee but late, of a few, and those the under sort, yet is it enough to send for the Witch-searchers" (Gaule J. Selecte Cases of Conscience Touching Witches and Witchcraft. L, 1646. P. 5).


"The Country people talke already, and that more frequently, of the infallible and wonderfull power of the Witchfinders; then they doe of God, or Christ, or the Gospell preached" (Ibid. P. 93).


"But there hath been an abominable, inhumane, and unmercifull tryall of these poore creatures, by tying them, and heaving them into the water; a tryall non allowable by Law or conscience" (Hopkins M. Certaine Queries answered, which have been and are likely to be objected against Matthew Hopkins, in his way of finding out Witches // The Discovery of Witches and Witchcraft. P. 3–8).


"King James in his Demonology saith, it is a certain rule, for (saith he) Witches deny their baptisme when they Covenant with the Devill, water being the sole element thereof, and therefore saith he, when they be heaved into the water, the water refuseth to receive them into her bosome… and suffers them to float" (Ibid. P. 6).


"Witnesses may faigne their accusations out of malice, being transported with rage and uncharitablenesse, and desire of revenge… Some for words, or deeds, taken in the worst sense" (Stearne J. A Confirmation and Discovery of Witch Craft // The Discovery of Witches and Witchcraft. P. 9–50).


"Yet to proceed as I have said, I cannot deny, but those may be just grounds of suspicion, and cause of questioning them, but not alwayes certaine" (Ibid. P. 34).


Магистраты именно этого города в 1645 г. первыми обратились к М. Хопкинсу и Дж. Стерну с предложением начать в графстве поиски людей, занимающихся колдовством. Это обстоятельство дает возможность датировать дело Элизабет Кларк примерно 1646–1647 гг.


"…she answered that they came double in severall shapes, but said, one was still to come, which was to teare mee in peeces, then I asked her why, she said, because I would have swome her, and told me that now shee would bee even with mee" (Ibid. P. 22).


Davis S.F. Op. cit. P. XIV–XV.


New Perspectives on Witchcraft / Ed. by B.P. Levack. T. 4. L.; N.Y., 2001. P. 143.


Игина Ю.Ф. Указ. соч. С. 118.


В 1647 г. Мэтью Хопкинс скоропостижно скончался от туберкулеза в возрасте 27 лет.


Обвинение настаивало, что Хопкинс сам являлся колдуном и получил от дьявола некую книгу, где были перечислены имена всех английских ведьм. Иначе, как полагали судьи, невозможно было бы раскрыть столько дел о колдовстве: "That he must needs be the greatest Witch, Sorcerer, and Wizzard himselfe, else he could not doe it… If he never went so farre as is before mentioned, yet for certaine he met with the Devill, and cheated him of his Booke, wherein were written all the Witches names in England" (Hopkins M. Op. cit. P. 3). Та же самая «черная книга» упоминалась и в материалах дела из Норт-Берика 1590–1591 гг. Согласно показаниям обвиняемых, сверяясь с ней, дьявол производил перекличку своих «верных слуг», собравшихся на шабаше: "And having a black book in his hand, called on every one of them, desiring them all to be good servants to him and he should be a good master to them, and they should have enough and never want for" (Witchcraft in Early Modern Scotland. P. 257, показания Барбары Напье); "The devil start up himself in the pulpit, like a mickle black man and called every man by his name, and every one answered, 'Here, master!"' (Ibid. P. 244, показания Агнес Сэмпсон). Обвинение Мэтью Хопкинса породило затем слухи о том, что генеральный охотник на ведьм был подвергнут «плаванию», хотя к тому моменту подобная ордалия была уже официально запрещена в Англии: Cabell С. Op. cit. Р. 74.


На этот запрет ссылался и сам Мэтью Хопкинс, утверждая, что он его не нарушал: "Не utterly denyes a confession of a Witch, which is drawn from her by flattery… Не utterly denyes a confession of a Witch, when she confesseth any improbability, impossibility… He utterly denyes a confession of a Witch, when it is interrogated to her, and words put into her mouth, to be of any force or effect" (Hopkins M. Op. cit. P. 6–7).


"He utterly denyes that confession of a Witch to be of any validity, when it is drawn from

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