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Книга Лаборатория империи: мятеж и колониальное знание в Великобритании в век Просвещения - Станислав Геннадьевич Малкин

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William; Made by the Party of Genl. Pultney’s Regiment in 1749 // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/39a; Gordon H. Plan of Part of the Road from Perth to Fort George between Braemar and Corgraff Barracks, made by 4 Companys of Col. Holmes’s, 2 of Lord George Beauclerk’s, and 1 of Lieut.-Gen. Skelton’s Regiments of Foot, in Summer of 1753 // BL. Maps K.Top.48.74.


Bastide J.H. A Plan of the Field of Battle that was fought on ye 10th June 1719, at the Pass of Glenshiels in Kintail North Britain with ye Disposition of his Majtys Forces under ye Command of Majr. Genl. Wightman, and of those of ye Rebels. 1719 // NLS. MS 1648 Z.03/22a.


Lemprière С. A Description of the Highlands of Scotland. The Situation of the several Clans and the Number of Men able to bear Arms, as also ye Forts lately Erected and Roads of Communication or Military Ways carried on by his Majesty’s command, with the Seats of the most considerable Nobility in the Low Country, 1731 // NLS. Acc.11104. Map Rol.a.42.


О якобитском движении см., напр.: Petrie С. The Jacobite movement. London, 1959; Baynes J. The Jacobite Rising of 1715. London, 1970; Lenman B. The Jacobite Risings in Britain 1689–1746. London, 1980; Black J. Culloden and the 45’. London, 1990; Zimmermann D. The Jacobite Movement in Scotland and in Exile, 1746–1759. Basingstoke and New York, 2003; Szechi D. 1715: The Great Jacobite Rebellion. New Haven, 2006; о последствиях англо-шотландской унии и формировании национальной идентичности см., напр.: Campbell R.H. Scotland since 1707: The Rise of an Industrial Society. Oxford, 1965; Donaldson G. Scotland: The Shaping of a Nation. Newton Abbot; London; North Pomfret; Vancouver, 1974; Riley P.W.J. The Union of England and Scotland. A study in Anglo-Scottish politics of the Eighteenth Century. Manchester, 1978; Murdoch A. Scotland and the Union //A Companion to Eighteenth-Century Britain / Ed. by H.T. Dickinson. Oxford, 2002. P. 381–391; Kidd C. British Identities before Nationalism. Ethnicity and Nationhood in the Atlantic World, 1600–1800. Cambridge, 2004.


Напр.: Forsyth W. In the Shadows of Cairngorm. Chronicles of the United Parishes of Abernethy and Kincardine. Inverness, 1900; Rait R.S. The Making of the Nation. Scotland. London, 1911; Mackenzie A.M. Scotland in modern times. 1720–1939. London and Edinburgh, 1942; Mackenzie W.C. The Highlands and Islands of Scotland. A Historical Survey. Edinburgh and London, 1949; Richards E., Clough M. Cromartie: Highland Life, 1650–1914. Aberdeen, 1989; Smout T.C. A History of the Scottish People, 1560–1830. New York, 1969; Scottish Society. 1500–1800 / Ed. by R.A. Houston and I.D. White. Cambridge, 1989; Cunningham A.D. History of Rannoch. Inverness, 1994; Macinnes A. Clanship, Commerce and the House of Stuart, 1603–1788. East Linton, 1996; Dodgshon R.A. From Chiefs to Landlords; Social and Economic Change in the Western Highlands and Islands, c. 1493–1820. Edinburgh, 1998.


Напр.: MacKillop A. «More Fruitful Than The Soil»: Army, Empire and the Scottish Highlands. 1715–1815. East Linton, 2000; Plank G. Rebellion and Savagery: The Jacobite Rising of 1745 and the British Empire. Philadelphia, 2006; Dziennik M.P. The Fatal Land: War, Empire and the Highland Soldier in British America, 1756–1783. Vols. I–II. Unpublished thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History. Edinburgh University, 2010.


Напр.: Chitnis A. The Scottish Enlightenment; A Social History. London, 1976; The Scottish Enlightenment in National Context / Ed. by R. Porter and M. Teich. Cambridge, 1981; Hont I., Ignatieff M. Wealth and Virtue: The Shaping of Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment. Cambridge, 1983; Robertson J. The Scottish Enlightenment and the Militia Issue. Edinburgh, 1985; Dwyer J. The Age of Passions; an Interpretation of Adam Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment Culture. East Linton, 1996; Buchan J. Capital of the Mind; How Edinburgh Changed the World. London, 2003; Towsey M.R.M. Reading the Scottish Enlightenment. Libraries, Readers and Intellectual Culture in Provincial Scotland c.1750 — c.1820. PhD Thesis. University of St Andrews. 2007.


Напр.: Withers C.W.J. Geography, science and national identity: Scotland since 1520. Cambridge, 2001.


Patten R. The History of the Rebellion in the Year 1715. With Original Papers and the Characters of the Principal Noblemen and Gentlemen Concern’d in it. The Third Edition. London, 1745.


Цит. no: Dixon W. The Jacobite Episode in Scottish History and its Relative Literature // Essays: Glasgow Saint Andrew Society. Edinburgh, Glasgow and London, 1874. P. 1.


В 1983 г. Эрик Хобсбаум предложил весьма любопытную формулу интерпретации культурной истории — «изобретение традиции». Сборник статей с одноименным названием открывал материал Хью Тревор-Рупера об «изобретении» Горной Шотландии во второй половине XVIII — первой половине XIX в. в соответствии с политическими и социокультурными запросами британского общества: Trevor-Roper Н. The Invention of Tradition: The Highland Tradition of Scotland // The Invention of Tradition / Ed. by E. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger. Cambridge, 2000. P. 15–41.


Keltie J.S. History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans and Highland Regiments. With an Account of the Gaelic Language, Literature, and Music by T. Maclauchlan and an Assay on Highland Scenery by J. Wilson. Vols. I–II. Edinburgh and London, 1875.


Smith L.B. Spain and Britain. 1715–1719. The Jacobite Issue. New York and London, 1987; McLynn F. France and the Jacobite Rising of 1745. Edinburgh, 1981; Любопытные сравнения в этой связи приводит Дж. Ч.Д. Кларк: «Реальной возможностью с военной точки зрения был [17] 44-й — восстание дома, поддержанное высадкой регулярных войск на манер 1688-го; без французских войск восставшие в [17] 45-м встретили ожидаемую судьбу разношерстных последователей Монмута в 1685-м» (Clark J.C.D. On Moving the Middle Ground: The Significance of Jacobitism in Historical Studies // The Jacobite Challenge / Ed. by E. Cruickshanks and J.

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