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Книга Лаборатория империи: мятеж и колониальное знание в Великобритании в век Просвещения - Станислав Геннадьевич Малкин

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имперских исследований: Ab Imperio. 2000–2009. Казань, 2010 [индекс публикаций].


Напр.: BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1745–1760. Add. Ms. 35890, 35891; BL. HP. Vols. XCVIII–CI. Correspondence of the Lord of Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs. 1737–1763. Add. Ms. 35446, 35447, 35448, 35449; TNA. SP 54.11–19, 32, 37–45; NLS. Wade letters and papers — Acc. 6666; NLS. Wade Papers. Vols. 1–2. Collected and Arranged by G.B. Salmond in 1930–1934. Ms. 7188 (A-B).


Напр.: Маскау Н. Memoirs of the War carried on in Scotland and Ireland. 1689–1690. By Major General Hugh Mackay, Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces. With an appendix of original papers. Edinburgh, 1833. P. 110–117; Fraser S. Memorial concerning the Highlands of Scotland by Simon, Lord Lovat. To His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, his Majesty’s principal Secretary of State. 1727 // TNA. SP 54.18 (55/220-223); Lord Grange. An Account of the Highlanders and Highlands of Scotland. Edr., 29 Decbr., 1724; Idem. A Continuation of the Account of the Highlanders and Highlands. Edr., 2 Jan., 1725 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1263/1-2; Wade G. Report, &c, relating to the Highlands, 1724; Forbes D. Memoriall anent the True State of the Highlands as to their Chieftenries, Followings and Dependances before the Late Rebellion. 1746 // HPJP. Vol. I. P. 131–146, 166–176; Graham N. Memoriall relating to the State of the Highlands of Scotland, to be annexed to the Enquiry into the Causes of the Insurrections there. 1747 // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1745–1752. Add. Ms. 35,890. P. 147–150; Bland H., Fletcher A. Proposals for Civilizing the Highlands [1747] // AP. P. 480–492; Sketch of Regulations proposed to be made in Scotland. 1746. In a Letter of the Duke of Cumberland to the Duke of Newcastle. Fort Augustus, June 26,1746 // TNA. 54.32 (24A/91-95).


A Memorial from the Commissioners of Enquiry in Scotland to The Right Honorable The Lord Viscount Townshend, one of His Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State. October 5, 1716 // TNA. SP 54.12 (220B/547-550); Report of David Bruce, Esq., one of the Surveyors of the Forfeited Estates in Scotland. 1750 // BL. HP. Vol. XCIX. Correspondence of the Lord of Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs. January 1749 — July 1753. Add. MS 35447. P. 89–95; Report to the King by the Commissioners for managing the Annexed Estates in Scotland. Edinburgh, November 5th, 1755 // BL. NP. Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle. Add. Ms. 33,050. P. 433–440; A Selection of Scottish Forfeited Estates Papers. 1715; 1745 / Ed. from the Original Documents, with Introduction and Appendices by A.H. Millar. Edinburgh, 1909; Reports on the Annexed Estates 1755–1769 / Ed. by V. Wills. Edinburgh, 1973.


Напр.: Copy. L.G. to Viscount Townshend Secretary of State. Edinburgh, 29 Decbr., 1724 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1263/3; Letter-Book of Gen. Bland. 1747–1754 // NLS. Ms. 304; General Bland to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, and etc. etc. etc. Edinburgh, 29th Oct., 1754 // BL. NP. Vol. LII. Add. MS. 32737. P. 225; Lieut.-Gen. Churchill to the Duke of Hardwicke. Dalkeith House, 26 July, 1753 // BL. HP Relating to Scotland. 1753–1760. Add. Ms. 35,891. P. 10–11; David Bruce to the Lord Hardwicke. 18th June, 1750 // BL. HP. Vol. XCIX. Correspondence of the Lord of Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs. January 1749 — July 1753. Add. MS 35447. P. 85.


СР. Вместе с корреспондентами Данкана Форбса из Каллодена мы наблюдаем разоружение Хайленда весной 1716 г., пытаемся бороться с грабежами и разбоем в крае, обсуждаем размещение гарнизонов в Горной Стране и агентурную деятельность якобитов, совершаем разведывательные экспедиции в Хайленд, напр.: Robert Baillie [to Culloden]. Inverness, March 23, 1716; Duke of Argyle to Mr. Duncan Forbes. Edinburgh, August 28, 1716; Forbes of Culloden to Mr. Delafaye. Edinburgh, October 29, 1726; General Wade to the Lord Advocate. Hutt at Dalnacardock. August 27,1729 // CP. P. 43, 59–60, 97,109.


LMP; АР. Стоит отметить, что последние чрезвычайно информативны также потому, что представляют собой настоящий «слоеный пирог»: многие письма графа Эбемарла и лорда Милтона содержат в себе вложенные ими отчеты различных информаторов в Горной Стране о состоянии края в 1746–1748 гг., напр.: (Enclosure I.) Intelligence. Dunkeld, December 9,1747. Report by G.M.; (Enclosure II.) Examination of John Murray. Perth, December 2,1747. In pursuance of John Robertson of Thllibelton Esqr., present Provost and Sheriff of Perth; (Enclosure III.) Lord Justice-Clerk to George Miller. Edinburgh, December 2, 1747; (Enclosure IV.) Information against James Davidson. Carsgonie. November 22–24, 1747; (Enclosure V.) List of persons proposed to be assisting to Lieutenant General Bland in the execution of the Disarming Act; (Enclosure VI.) List of Officers of the Army proposed to be added to the ordinary lists of the Justices of Peace in all the Countys where the Disarming Act takes place; (Enclosure VII.) A. Garden to the Lord Justice-Clerk. Edinburgh, December 15, 1747 // Lord Justice-Clerk to the Duke of Newcastle. Edinburgh, December 15, 1747 // AP. P. 492–505.


LP. Дэниел Сзечи назвал Джорджа Локхарта «главным агентом старшего Претендента в Шотландии» в 1717–1727 гг.: Szechi D. Constructing a Jacobite: The Social and Intellectual Origins of George Lockhart of Carnwath // THJ. 1997. Vol. 40. No. 4. P. 978.


Burt E. Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland to His Friend in London. With an Introduction by R. Jamieson. Vols. I–II. Edinburgh, 1876.


Присваиваемые некоторым инженерам Артиллерийской палаты военные звания в первой половине XVIII в. имели номинальное значение и были связаны со служебной необходимостью: Anderson C.J. Constructing the Military Landscape. The Board of Ordnance Maps and Plans of Scotland, 1689–1815. PhD Thesis. Vols. 1–2. Edinburgh, 2009. P. 61–70.


Burt Е. Letter I // Burt Е. Op. cit. P. 10.


McKinnon R. The Jacobite Rebellions. London; New York, 1973. P. 67.

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