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Книга Лаборатория империи: мятеж и колониальное знание в Великобритании в век Просвещения - Станислав Геннадьевич Малкин

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/ MacDougal, Stephen (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.49.28

64. [The Military Survey of Scotland: the original protraction of northern Scotland, north of Edinburgh and Glasgow, with parts of the Lothians, Peebleshire, and Lanarkshire, 1747] / Roy, William (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.25.1a [lb.c, Id, If]

65. [The Military Survey of Scotland: another reduction from Maps K.Top.48.25.1b, c, 1747] / Roy, William (Eng.) // BL. Maps 175.t.3

66. Plan of the Grounds adjacent to Fort William [1748] / Elphinstone, John (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.50.37.1.a [Acc.3572]

67. Sketch of the ground about Braemarr Castle [1748] / Watson, David (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/32c

68. Sketch of the Ground about Corgarff [1748] / Watson, David (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/35a-b

69. A Survey of the Road made by the Detachmt. Of Genl. Guise’s Regt. In Brae Marr; beginning where Genl. Blakene/s left off; & Continue’d to the Spittle of Glen-Shee 1749 / Archer, John (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/32a-b

70. Explanation [of «А Description of Part of the Highlands of Scotland», showing clans which rebelled in 1715] [1749] / Manson, John (DM) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/41b

71. [Survey of Ardeseer [Ardersier] Point Copied from an Original Plan of Campbell of Calder Place dated 1749] / [Campbell] //TNA. MPHH 1/288

72. A Plan of the Point of Arderseer and two miles of Ground round it with the Number of Acres contain’d therein Expressing the soils and persons Possessions [1749] / Skinner, William (Eng.) //TNA. MPH 1/589

73. View of Culloden Moor taken in 1749 by General William] Skinner / [Skinner, William (Eng.)] // BL. Add MS. 33231F

74. A Survey of the King’s Roads between Blair Gowrie [i.e. Blairgowrie] and Spittle of Glen Shie [Spittal of Glen-shee] shewing in Yellow what is wanting to compleat the same [1949] / Bramham, James (Eng.) // TNA. MR 1/497 [TNA. WO 78/1876]

75. View near Loch Rannoch [1749] / [Sandby, Paul (DM)] // BL. Maps K.Top.50.83.2

76. A Description of Part of the Highlands of Scotland [showing clans which rebelled in 1715,1749] / Manson, John (DM) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/41a-b

77. A Plan of Part of the New Road from Sterling to Fort William [1749] / Gordon, Harry (Eng.) // TNA. MR 1/479

78. Survey of Part of the Road from Sterling to Fort William; Made by the Party of Genl. Pultneys Regiment in 1749 / Morrison, George (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/39a-c

79. Survey (No. 4) from the Bridge of Dalcie to Nairn; from thence to the Ferry of Findorn, near Forres, measuring 18 1/2 miles [1750] /Campbell, George (Eng.) //BL.MapsK.Top.48.71

80. Survey (No. 2) [of the Road] from the Water Findorn to the Water Aveun, Measuring thirtyfive miles [1750] / Campbell, George // BL. Maps K.Top.48.69

81. Survey (No. 3) of the Water Findorn from the ferry near Forres to the Bridge of Dalcie, measuring 14 1/2 miles [1750] / Campbell, George (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.70

82. Survey of the different Parts of the Road joyned betwixt Blair Gowrie and Braemar; Made by a Detachment of one Hundred Men of Lord Viscount Bury’s Regt. in the Year 1750 / Morrison, G[eorge] (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.67

83. Survey (No. 1) [of the Road] from the Water Aveun to Braemar Castle, Measuring twentyseven miles [1750] / Campbell, George (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.68

84. Inverness to Fort William [1750] // BL.MapsK.Top.48.61

85. A Survey of the Road made by the Detatchments of Col. Battereau’s, Genl. Guise’s, and Col. Rich’s Regiments between Fort William & King-Loch Levan, 1748 and 1750 / Archer, John (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.66

86. A Survey of the Road made by the Detatchments Colin. Rich’s & Genl. Guise’s Regts. between Fort William & the head of King-loch Leven 1750 / Archer, John (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/40a

87. Stirling to Amulree [1750] / [Roy, William (Eng.)? Or Sandby?] // BL. Maps K.Top.48.64

88. Survey of the different Parts of the Road joined betwixt Blair Gowrie and Braemar, made by a detachment of one hundred men of Lord Viscount Bury’s regiment of foot, in the year [1750] / Morrison, George (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1649 Z.03/38a

89. [Contents page for a book of «Forts in North Britain» 3rd Division, including Edinburgh, Sterling, Dumbarton, Blackness, Braemar, Barracks of Innersnait and Bernera, Cargarff, Fort Augustus, Fort William, Arderseer Point, Fort George, Duart, and Inverness, 1750] / Tarrant, Charles (DM) // TNA. WO 78/6012

90. A Plan of Part of the New Road from Sterling to Fort William [1750] / Gordon, Harry (Eng.) // TNA. MR 1/479

91. A Survey of Part of the Murray Firth Shewing the Situation of the New Fort at Arderseer [1750] // BL. Maps K.Top.50.22

92. A Plan of Fort Augustus with the adjacent Lands 1750 / Daubant, Abraham (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1647 Z.02/67a-c [TNA. MPH 1/239]

93. Survey from the Castle of Cargaff to the Castle of Braemarr three different roads [1751] / Campbell, George (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.73

94. Survey from Fort George at Arderseer to Bellamoor in Strath Spey, measuring thirty miles and a half; Also showing the Angles of the Surveys made in that Country last year [1751] / Campbell, George (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.72

95. A Plan of Part of the New Road from Sterling to Fort William [copy of item (5), 1751] / Gordon, Harry (Eng.) // TNA. MR 1/479

96. A Survey of the Points of Arderseer and Channary Shewing the Situation of Fort George [1752] / Skinner, William (Eng.); Tarrant, Charles (DM) // BL. Maps K.Top.50.23

97. A Survey of the Lakes between Inverness & Fort Will[ia]m, with the Roads of Communication from one Garrison to another [1753] // BL. Maps K.Top.48.61

98. Plan of Part of the Road from Perth to Fort George between Braemarr and Corgarff Barracks, made by 4 Companys of Col. Holmes’s, 2 of Lord George Beauclerk's, and 1 of Lieut.-Gen. Skelton’s Regiments of Foot, in Summer of 1753 / Gordon, Harry (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.74

99. A Plan of a Part of the New Road from Perth to Fort George, done by five Companies of Lord Charles Hay’s Regiment, in Summer of 1754 / Gordon, Harry (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.75

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