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111. J. Bresnick, "42 % of Docs Fear mHealth Will Lessen Their Power Over Patients," EHR Intelligence, October 23, 2013, http://ehrintelligence.com/2013/10/23/42-of-docs-fear-mhealth-will-lessen-their-power-over-patients/.

112. "The Dream of the Medical Tricorder," The Economist, November 29, 2012, http://www.economist.com/news/technology-quarterly/21567208-medical-technology-hand-held-diagnostic-devices-seen-star-trek-are-inspiring.

113. E. J. Topol and M. R. Splinter, "Stuck in the Past: Why Are Doctors Still Using the Stethoscope and Manila Folder?" Medscape, December 10, 2013, http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/817495_print.

114. D. M. Knowlan, "Looking Back and Looking Forward: The White Coat Lecture," Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings 27, no. 1 (2014): 63–65.

115. "ICU Sonography Tutorial 9–Lung Ultrasound," Critical Echo, accessed August 13, 2014, http://www.criticalecho.com/content/tutorial-9-lung-ultrasound.

116. cyberPhil, "Why Not Teach Ultrasound in Medical School?" Dr. Philip Gardiner's Blog, January 9, 2013, http://www.philipgardiner.me.uk/2013/01/why-not-teach-medical-ultrasound-in-medical-school/.

117. J. A. K risch, "R.I.P., Stethoscope?" Popular Mechanics, January 23, 2014, http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/health/med-tech/rip-stethoscope-16414909?utm _medium=referral&utm_source=pulsenews.

118. B. P. Nelson and J. Narula, "How Relevant Is Point-of-Care Ultrasound in LMIC?" Global Heart 8, no. 4 (2013): 287–288.

119. B. P. Nelson and A. Sanghvi, "Point-of-Care Cardiac Ultrasound: Feasibility of Performance by Noncardiologists," Global Heart 8, no. 4 (2013): 293–297.

120. A. Relman, "A Coming Medical Revolution," New York Review of Books, October 25, 2014, http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2012/oct/25/coming-medical-revolution/?pagination=false&printpage=true.

121. E. Rosenthal, "Apprehensive, Many Doctors Shift to Jobs with Salaries," New York Times, February 14, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/14/us/salaried-doctors-may-not-lead-to-cheaper-health-care.html.

122. D. Drake, "The Health-Care System Is So Broken, It's Time for Doctors to Strike," The Daily Beast, April 29, 2014, http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/04/29/the-health-care-system-is-so-broken-it-s-time-for-doctors-to-strike.html.

123. D. Shannon, "Why I Left Medicine: A Burnt-Out Doctor's Decision To Quit," Common Health, October 18, 2013, http://commonhealth.wbur.org/2013/10/why-i-left-medicine-a-burnt-out-doctors-decision-to-quit.

124. D. F. Craviotto, "A Doctor's Declaration of Independence," Wall Street Journal, April 28, 2014, http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10 001424052702304279904579518273176775310.

125. D. Ofri, "The Epidemic of Disillusioned Doctors," TIME, July 2, 2013, http://ideas.time.com/2013/07/02/the-epidemic-of-disillusioned-doctors/print/.

126. A. W. Mathews, "Hospitals Prescribe Big Data to Track Doctors at Work," Wall Street Journal, July 11, 2013, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 4127887323551004578441154292068308.html.

127. V. McEvoy, "Why 'Metrics' Overload Is Bad Medicine," Wall Street Journal, February 12, 2014, http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB100014 24052702303293604579253971350304330?mod= WSJ_Opinion_LEFTTopOpinion.

128. R. Abelson and S. Cohen, "Sliver of Medicare Doctors Get Big Share of Payouts," New York Times, April 9, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/09/business/sliver-of-medicare-doctors-get-big-share-of-payouts.html.

129. R. Gunderman, "For the Young Doctor About to Burn Out," The Atlantic, February 21, 2014, http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/02/for-the-young-doctor-about-to-burn-out/284005/.

130. D. Drake, "How Being a Doctor Became the Most Miserable Profession," The Daily Beast, April 14, 2014, http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/04/14/how-being-a-doctor-became-the-most-miserable-profession.html.

131. L. Radnofsky, "Medicare to Publish Trove of Data on Doctors," Wall Street Journal, April 2, 2014, http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001 424052702303847804579477923585256790.

132. S. Dhand, "The Human Side of Medicine That No Computer Can Ever Touch," KevinMD.com, November 27, 2013, http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2013/11/human-side-medicine-computer-touch.html.

133. D. Diamond, "Hospitals Lost Jobs – Again," Advisory Board Daily Briefing, August 2, 2013, http://www.advisory.com/Daily-Briefing/Blog/2013/08/Hospitals-lost-jobs-again.

134. J. Weiner, "What Big Data Can't Tell Us, but Kolstad's Paper Suggests," Penn LDI, April 24, 2014, http://ldi.upenn.edu/voices/2014/04/24/what-big-data-can-t-tell-us-but-kolstad-s-paper-suggests.

135. L. Rosenbaum, "What Big Data Can't Tell Us About Health Care," New Yorker, April 23, 2014, http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/currency/2014/04/the-medicare-data-dump-and-the-cost-of-care.html?printable=true¤tPage=all.

136. J. T. Kolstad, "Information and Quality When Motivation Is Intrinsic: Evidence from Surgeon Report Cards," National Bureau of Economic Research, February 2013, http://www.nber.org/papers/w18804.

137. C. Ornstein, "Beyond Ratings: More Tools Coming to Pick Your Doctor," ProPublica, April 8, 2014, http://www.propublica.org/article/beyond-ratings-more-tools-coming-to-pick-your-doctor.

138. Z. Moukheiber, "Grand Rounds Wants to Find the Right Doctor for You," Forbes, April 8, 2014, http://www.forbes.com/sites/zinamoukheiber/2014/04/08/grand-rounds-wants-to-find-the-right-doctor-for-you/.

139. L. Abrams, "Study: Hospitals with More Facebook 'Likes' Have Lower Mortality Rates," The Atlantic, March 2013, http://www.theatlantic.com/health/print/2013/03/study-hospitals-with-more-facebook-likes-have-lower-mortality-rates/273697/.

140. L. Abrams, "Why We're Still Waiting on the 'Yelpification' of Health Care," The Atlantic, October 2012, http://www.theatlantic.com/health/print/2012/10/why-were-still-waiting-on-the-yelpification-of-health-care/263815/.

141. D. Streitfeld, "Physician, Review Thyself," New York Times, March 4, 2014, http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/03/04/physician-review-thyself/?smid=tw-share.

142. "Consumer Reports Teams with Massachusetts Group to Rate Nearly 500 Primary Care Doctors' Practices," Consumer Reports, May 31, 2012, http://c354183.r83.cf1.rackcdn.com/MHQP%20 Consumer%20Reports%20Insert%202012.pdf.

143. R. Gunderman, "Why Doctor Ratings Are Misleading," The Atlantic, April 2014, http://www.theatlantic.com/health/print/2014/04/why-doctor-ratings-are-misleading/360476/.

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