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Книга Лаборатория империи: мятеж и колониальное знание в Великобритании в век Просвещения - Станислав Геннадьевич Малкин

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a New and Concise Plan. Vol. I. Dublin, 1781.

151. Bailey N. An Universal Etymological English Dictionary. London, 1736 [1770].

152. Borlase E. The History of the Irish Rebellion. Dublin, 1743.

153. Buchanan W. A Historical and Genealogical Essay upon the Family and surname of Buchanan. To which is added A Brief Enquiry into the Genealogy and present State of ancient Scottish Surnames; and more particularly of the Highland Clans. Glasgow, 1723.

154. Camden W. Britannia: or a Chorographical Description of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the Adjacent Lands. Written in Latin and translated into English, with Additions and Improvements [by Edmund Gibson]. London, 1722.

155. Defoe D. The History of the Union of Great Britain. Edinburgh, 1709.

156. Curry J. Historical Memoirs of the Irish Rebellion In the Year, 1641. London, 1758.

157. Johnson S. A Dictionary of the English Language. Vols. I–II. London, 1755.

158. Linnaei C. Systema naturae sive regna tria naturae systematice proposita per classes, ordines, genera, & species. Leyden, 1735.

159. Macdowell A. An Institute of the Laws of Scotland in Civil Rights: With Observations Upon the Agreement or Diversity Between Them and the Laws of England, In Four Books. After the General Method of the Viscount of Stair’s Institutions. Edinburgh, 1751–1753.

160. Major J. A History of Greater Britain as well England as Scotland compiled from the ancient authorities by John Major, by name indeed a Scot, but by profession a theologian, 1521 / Publications of the Scottish History Society. Vol. X. Edinburgh, 1892.

161. Manley R. The History of the Rebellions in England, Scotland and Ireland… and etc. London, 1691.

162. Patten R. The History of the Rebellion in the Year 1715. With Original Papers and the Characters of the Principal Noblemen and Gentlemen Concern’d in it. The Third Edition. London, 1745.

163. Petty W. An Essay concerning the Multiplication of Mankind: Together with another Essay in Political Arithmetick, concerning the Growth of the City of London: With the Measures, Periods, Causes, and Consequences thereof, 1682 // Tracts; chiefly relating to Ireland. Containing: I. A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions. II. Essays in Political Arithmetic. III. The Political Anatomy of Ireland. By the late Sir William Petty. Dublin, 1769.

164. Petty W. The History of the Survey of Ireland, commonly called the Down Survey, by doctor William Petty, a.d. 1655–6 / Ed. by T.A. Larcom, for The Irish Archaeological Society. Dublin, 1851.

165. Petty W. The Political Anatomy of Ireland. 1672 // Tracts; chiefly relating to Ireland. Containing: I. A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions. II. Essays in Political Arithmetic. III. The Political Anatomy of Ireland. By the late Sir William Petty. Dublin, 1769.

166. Roy W. Military Antiquities of the Romans in North Britain. Edinburgh, 1793.

167. Smith A. An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Vols. I–II. London, 1776.

168. Smith G. An Universal Military Dictionary, A Copious Explanation of the Technical Terms &c. [1779] Ottawa, 1969.

169. Spenser E. A View of the State of Ireland: written dialogue-wise between Eudoxus and Ireneus, 1596. Dublin, 1833.

170. Temple J. The Irish Rebellion: Or, an History of the Beginnings and first Progress the General Rebellion raised within the Kingdom of Ireland, Upon the Three and twentieth Day of October, in the Year 1641. Together with the Barbarous Cruelties and Bloody Massacres which ensued thereupon. Dublin, 1713 [1716, 1724, 1746].

171. The History of the Rebellion 1745 and 1746. Edinburgh, 1748.

XI. Оды, поэмы и проповеди

172. Albania: a Poem, addressed to the Genius of Scotland. Deducated to General Wade, Commander in Chief of his Majesty’s Forces in North Britain. London, 1737.

173. Barker J. A Sermon occasioned by the Victory obtained over the Rebels in Scotland, on the 16th of April, 1746. By His Majesty’s Army under the Command of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. London, 1746.

174. Defoe D. Caledonia. A poem in honour of Scotland, and the Scots nation. In three parts. Edinburgh, 1706 [London, 1707].

175. Philip J., of Almericlose. The Grameid. An Heroic Poem descriptive of the Campaign of Viscount Dundee in 1689 and other pieces. 1691 / Ed. by A.D. Murdoch. PSHS. Vol. III. Edinburgh, 1888.

176. Killiecrankie described by an Eye-Witness / Ed. by A.H. Millar // The Scottish Historical Review. Vol. Third. Glasgow, 1906.

177. The Happy Life. An Epistle to the Honourable Lieutenant General Wade. London, 1733.

178. The Highlander: A poem: in six Cantos. London, 1758.

179. Withers J. The Perjury and Folly of the Late Rebellion Display’d: In a Sermon Preach’d at Exon, June the 7th 1716. Being the Day appointed for a Publick Thanksgiving, For the Success of His Majeties Forces against the Rebels, at Preston, Dumblain, and Perth. London, 1716.

XII. Военные уставы и наставления

180. A New System of Military Discipline, founded upon Principle. Philadelphia, 1776.

181. Bland H. A Treatise of Military Discipline; In which is Laid down and Explained The Duty of the Officer and Soldier, Thro’ the several Branches of the Service. The Fifth Edition. London, 1743.

182. Emmerich A. The Partisan in War, of the use of a Corps of Light Troops to an Army. London, 1789.

183. Ewald Joh. Treatise on Partisan Warfare. Westport, 1991 [1785].

184. Rules and Articles for the better Government of His Majesty’s Horse and foot Guards, And all Other His Forces in Great Britain and Ireland, Dominions beyond the Seas, and Foreign Parts. London, 1749.

185. Rules and Orders for the better Government of His Majesty’s Forces employed in Foreign Parts for the Year 1742. London, 1742.

186. Rules for the better Government of His Majesty’s Forces by Land, during the present War. Of the Great Use to All Officers, Commanders, and even Common Soldiers. With Submission to His Grace the Duke of Cumberland. London, 1745.

187. Rules of War for the Infantry, ordered to be observed by their Majesties’ subjects, encountering with the Enemy upon the day of Battel. Written by Lieutenant General Mackay, and recommended to all (as well Officers as Soldiers) of the Scots and English Army. In XXII Articles. Published by his Excellency's Secretary. Edinburgh, 1693.

188. Simes T. The Military Guide, for Young Officers. A large and valuable Compilation from the mod celebrated Military

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