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Ознакомительная версия. Доступно 21 страниц из 102

______. Muhammad at Mecca. London, 1953.

______. Muhammad at Medina. Oxford, 1956.

______. Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman. London, 1961.

Welch William M. No Country for a Gentleman. New York, 1988.

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Zabiri Kate. Mahmud Shaltut and Islamic Modernism. New York, 1993.

Zaheri Dariush. The Iranian Revolution: Then and Now. Boulder, Colo., 2000.

Zakaria Rafiq. The Struggle Within Islam: The Conflict Between Religion and Politics. London, 1989.

Zawati Hilmi M. Is Jihad a Just War? Lewiston, Me., 2001.


Abbot Freedland. The Jihad of Sayyid Ahmad Shahid // Muslim World (1962). P. 216–222.

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Caetani Leone. Uthman and the Recension of the Koran // The Muslim World 5 (1915). P. 380–390.

Conrad Lawrence I. Abraha and Muhammad // Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 50 (1987). P. 225–240.

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______. The Massacre of the Banu Qurayza: A Reexamination of a Tradition // Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 8 (1986). P. 61–96.

Nelson Kristina. Reciter and Listener: Some Factors Shaping the Mujawwad Style of Qur’anic Reciting // Ethnomusicology (Spring/Summer 1987). P. 41–47.

Rahman Hannah. The Conflicts Between the Prophet and the Opposition in Medina // Der Islam 62 (1985). P. 260–297.

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Rubin Uri. Hanafiyya and Ka‘ba: An Enquiry into the Arabian Pre-Islamic Background of din Ibrahim // Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 13 (1990). P. 85–112.

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Словари и энциклопедии

A Dictionary of Buddhism. Damien Keown (ed.). Oxford, 2003.

The Encyclopedia of Gods. Michael Jordan (ed.). Great Britain, 1992.

The Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. J. P. Mallory and D. Q. Adams (eds.). New York, 1997.

The Encyclopedia of Islam (11 vols.). H.A.R. Gibb et al. (eds.). Leiden, 1986.

The Encyclopedia of Religion (16 vols.). Mircea Eliade et al. (eds.). New York, 1987.

The Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend. Anthony S. Mercatante (ed.). New York, 1988.

The Encyclopedia of World Religions.Wendy Doniger (ed.). Springfield, Mass., 1999.

The New Encyclopedia of Islam. Cyril Glasse (ed.). Walnut Creek, Calif., 2002.

The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. John Bowker (ed.). Oxford, 1997.

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World. John L. Esposito (ed.). Oxford, 1995.

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