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E. La Jeunesse, Cinq ans chez les sauvages, Paris, Ed. Ollendorf, 1905.

J. de Langlade, Oscar Wilde ecrivain français, Paris, Stock, 1975.

Brood Lewis, The Friendship and Follies of О. Wilde, London, 1954.

Lewis & Smith, Oscar Wilde discovers America, New York, Harcourt, Brace & C°, 1936.

Jean Lorrain, Sensations et souvenirs, Coins de Byzance, La Ville empoisonnée, Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1895, Ollendorf, 1902.

J. P. Mahaffy, Rambles and Studies in Greece, London, MacMillan, 1887.

T. Mainsard, L'esthetisme de Pater a Wilde, Etudes, CXCIV, 5 mars 1928.

Stuart Mason, O. Wilde and the Aesthetic Movement, London, 1920.

Camille Mauclair, Servitudes et grandeurs litteraires, Paris, Ollendorf, 1922.

Robert Merle, Oscar Wilde, Paris, Perrin, 1984.

V. O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde, London, 1936.

Simona Pakenham, The English at Dieppe 1814–1914, Dieppe, Les Informations dieppoises, 1971.

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R. H. Sherard, A. Gide’s Wicked Lies about the Late O. Wilde in Algiers, Paris, Ed. Calvi Vindex, s. d. R. H. Sherard, B. Shaw, F. Harris, and 0. Wilde, London, T. Werner Laurie, 1937.

R. H. Sherard, Oscar Wilde, the Story of an Unhappy Friendship, London, 1902.

R. H. Sherard, The Real Oscar Wilde, London, T. W. Laurie, 1915.

R. H. Sherard, Twenty Years in Paris, London, T. W. Laurie, 1920.

A. Symons, A Study of Oscar Wilde, London, C. J. Sawyer, 1930.

A. Symons, Essays and Biographies, London, Cassell, 1969.

O. Uzanne, Visions de notre heure, Paris, Librairie Henry Floury, 1899.

P. Wiegler, Genius in Love and Death, New York, A & Ch. Boue, 1929.

M. Yourcenar, Oscar Wilde, Revue bleue, Paris, 19 octobre 1929.


Mary Clark Amor, Madame Oscar Wilde, Paris, Perrin, 1985.

Natalie Clifford Barney, Aventures de I’esprit, Paris, ed. P. Freres, 1929.

Aubrey Beardsley, The Letters of A. Beardsley, London.

Sarah Bernhardt, Memories of My Life, New York, D. Appleton & C°,1907.

Max Birnbaum, Beardsley and Wilde, Paris, ed. de la Nouvelle Revue, 1939.

Anna de Brémont, O. Wilde and His Mother, London, Everett & C°, 1911.

Patrick Byrne, The Wildes of Merrion Square, London, Stapless Press, 1953.

Francis Carco, La Belle Epoque au temps de Bruant, Paris, Gallimard. 1954.

Cardinne-Petit, Pierre Louys inconnu, Flammarion, Paris, 1937.

J. E. Chamberlain, Ripe was the Drowsy Hour, New York, Scabury Press, 1977.

Jacques Chastenet, Le Siecle de Victoria, Paris, Fayard, 1947.

Chips, The Diaries of sir H. Shannon, London, Weidenfeld & Nicholson 1967.

H. Cixous Weintraub, A. Beardsley, une grande ombre, Cahiers Renaud-Barrault, 1-er trimestre 1973.

Sir A. Conan Doyle, Memoirs & Adventures, London, Hadder & Stoughton, 1924.

R. Croft-Cooke, Bosie: the Story of Lord A. Douglas, London, W. H. Allen, 1963.

Jean Delay, La Jeunesse d’A. Gide, Paris, Gallimard, 1956, 2 vol.

Lord A. Douglas, The Autobiography of Lord A. Douglas, London, M. Seeker, 1931.

S. J. Adair Fitzgerald, The Story of the Savoy Opera, London, Stanley Paul, 1924.

W. Freeman, The Life of Lord A. Douglas, London, H. Joseph, 1948.

F. Ganzi, Lautrec et son temps, Paris, Perret, 1954.

Gilbert & Sullivan, Patience, London, 1882.

E. et J. de Goncourt, Journal, Paris, Fasquelle-Flammarion, 1956, 4 vol.

Julien Green, Journal 1928–1958, Paris, Plon, 1961.

Yvette Guilbert, La Chanson de ma vie, Paris. Grasset, 1924.

Yvette Guilbert, Mes lettres d'amour, Paris, Denoël & Steel, 1933.

C. J. Hamilton, Lady Wilde Dublin Sealy, Beyers & Walker, 1904.

W. Hamilton, The Aesthetic Movement in England, London, Reeves & Turner, 1882.

Louis Hámon, Cheiro’s Memoirs, London, 1912.

R. R. James, Lord Rosebery, London, 1964.

R. Kenneth, A Portrait of Curzon and His Circle, New York, Weibright & Tally, 1969.

Lillie Langtry, The Days 1 knew, London, Hutchinson, 1925.

Georgette Leblanc, Maeterlinck and I, London, Methuen, 1932.

J. P. Mahaffy, Rambles and Studies in Greece, London, MacMillan,1878.

J. P. Mahaffy, Social Life in Greece from Homer to Menander, London, 1935.

Th. Mann, Last Essays, London, Martin Seeker, 1959.

Ed. Marjoriebanks, The Life of Lord Carson, London, Gallouez, 1932, vol. I.

C. R. Marx, К Guilbert vue par H. de Toulouse-Lautrec, Paris, Au Pont des Arts, 1950.

A. E. W. Mason, Sir G. Alexander and the St. James Theatre, London, MacMillan, 1935.

Ch. Maturin, Melmoth errant, J.-J. Pauvert, Paris.

Me inholt, Sidonia, the Sorceress, trad. Jane Wilde, Kelmscott Press, 1893.

H. Mondor, Vie de Mallarme, Paris, Gallimard, 1941.

Munhall, Whistler’s portrait of R. de Montesquieu, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, avril 1968.

A. L. Nicoll, A History of late 19th Century Drama, Cambridge University Press, 1949.

H. Pirenne, Les Grands Courants de Thistoire universelle, Paris, Albin Michel, 1965, 7 vol.

H. T. Porter, Lillie Langtry, London, St. Hélier, 1973.

T. Prideaux, Love of Nothing, the Life and Time of Ellen Terry, New York, Scribner’s & Anderson, 1971.

Mergery Ross, R. Ross, London, J. Cope, 1952.

Ch. Saint-John, Ellen Terry, London, J. Lane, 1907.

S. Sitwell, For want of the Golden City, London, Thames & Hudson, 1973.

Otis Skinner, Sarah Bernhardt, Paris, Fayard, 1968.

G. Taranov, Sarah Bernhardt, The Art within the Legend, Princeton University Press, 1972.

Ellen Terry, The Story of My Life, London, Hutchinson, 1908.

J. M. N. Whistler, The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, London, Heineman, 1904.

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