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Книга Лаборатория империи: мятеж и колониальное знание в Великобритании в век Просвещения - Станислав Геннадьевич Малкин

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the Lord of Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs. 1737–1763

Vol. XCVIII. Add. MS 35,446

Vol. XCIX. Add. MS 35,447

Vol. C. Add. MS 35,448

Vol. Cl. Add. MS 35,449

Hardwicke Papers.


Add. Ms. 35,354

Hardwicke Papers

Add. Ms. 35,889

Hardwicke Papers.

Relating to Scotland. 1745–1760

Add. Ms. 35,890

Add. Ms. 35,891

Hardwicke Papers.

J. York’s Orderly Book. 1746

Add. Ms. 36,257

Hardwicke Papers.

Historical Collections. 1567–1720

Add. Ms. 35,838

Hardwicke Papers.

Correspondence of the 2nd Lord Hardwicke and Lord Glenorchy. 1745–1780

Add. Ms. 35,451

Letters and Papers of Sir Robert Walpole

Add Ms. 74066

Kings Manuscripts

MS 102

Cumberland Papers

MFR 620/Box 10/110

MC, Lansdowne

MS 1234

Hallward Library, Nottingham University, Nottingham

Newcastle of Clumber Manuscripts.

Correspondence of Henry Pelham (1696–1754). Scottish Affairs

NeC 2024

NeC 1725

National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh

Mar and Kellie Papers

GD 1/616

GD 124/15/1263

GD 124/15/1264

GD 124/15/1288

GD 124/15/1561

GD 124/15/1569

GD 124/15/1570

GD 124/15/1574

GD 124/15/1573

GD 124/15/1571

GD 124/15/1572

GD 124/15/1577

GD 124/15/1262

GD 124/15/1582

GD 124/15/1605

GD 124/15/1608

GD 124/15/1614

GD 124/15/1615

GD 124/15/208

GD 124/15/231

GD 124/15/762

GD 1/609/2

GD 1/609/3

Campbell and Stonefield Papers

GD 14/81

GD 14/142

National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh

Marshal Wade Orders

Ms. 7187

Wade letters and papers

Acc. 6666

Wade Papers. Vols. 1–2.

Collected and Arranged by G.B. Salmond in 1930–1934

Ms. 7188 (A)

Ms. 7188 (B)

Letter-Book of Gen. Bland. 1747–1754

Ms. 304

Soc. Ant. Scot. Miscellaneous

Ms. 2200

Erskine-Murray Papers

Correspondence. 1747–1751

Ms. 5076

Erskine-Murray Papers

Official Papers

Ms. 5127

Miscellaneous letters and documents

Ms. 98

William Cross, Professor of Civil Law at Glasgow and afterwards Sheriff of Lanark. Some Considerations by way of Essay, upon the means of civilising the Highlands and extinguishing Jacobitism in Scotland. 1748. To Lieut.-General Bland, Commander in Chief of all His Majesty’s Forces in Scotland

Ms. 5201

Изобразительные материалы

The National Archives, Kew

MPD 1/61

MPF 1/241

MPF 1/247

MPH 1/224

MPH 1/239

MPH 1/589

MPHH 1/36

MPHH 1/38

MPHH 1/288

MR 1/479

MR 1/491-498

MR 1/952

British Library, London

Add MS. 33231 H1

Add. MS. 33632

Maps K.Top.48.12

Maps K.Top.48.17–22

Maps K.Top.48.25

Maps K.Top.48.38

Maps K.Top.48.46–48

Maps K.Top.48.52

Maps K.Top.48.54

Maps K.Top.48.56

Maps K.Top.48.58–59

Maps K.Top.48.60–75

Maps K.Top.48.69

Maps K.Top.48.78

Maps K.Top.49.25-28

Maps К.Тор.49.52

Maps К.Тор.49.54

Maps К.Тор.50.1–4

Maps К.Тор.50.22–23

Maps К.Тор.50.37

Maps К.Тор.50.42

Maps К.Тор.50.45

Maps К.Тор.50.72

Maps К.Тор.50.79–80

Maps К.Тор.50.83

Maps К.Тор.50.99

Maps 175.t.3

Maps 175.t.3

MS. 33231 F

National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh

Additional MS. 35889

Acc.10497 Wade.58

Acc.11104. Map Rol.a.42



MS 1646 Z.02/24

MS 1647 Z.02/67

MS 1647 Z.02/76

MS 1647 Z.03/07

MS 1647 Z.03/08

MS 1648 Z.03/13

MS 1648 Z.03/14

MS 1648 Z.03/15

MS 1648 Z.03/21

MS 1648 Z.03/22-23

MS 1648 Z.03/32

MS 1648 Z.03/39

MS 1648 Z.03/41

MS 1649 Z.03/35

MS 1649 Z.03/39

MS 1649 Z.03/45

Newman 1152(1)

National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh

RHP 13610

Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh

Accession No. PG 2416

Blaikie Collection. 9.15


Письменные материалы

I. Государственно-правовые акты

1. An Act for annexing certain Forfeited Estates in Scotland to the Crown unalienably; and for making Satisfaction to the Lawful Creditors thereupon; and to establish a Method of managing the same; and applying the Rents and Profits thereof; for the better civilizing and improving the Highlands of Scotland; and preventing Disorders there for the future. London, 1752.

2. An Act for the more effectual Disarming the Highlands of Scotland; and for the more effectually securing the peace of the said Highlands; and for restraining the use of the Highland Dress; and for futher indemnifying such Persons as have acted in Defence of His Majesty’s Person and Government, during the unnatural Rebellion; and for indemnifying the Judges and other Officials of the Court of Justicary in Scotland, for not performing the Northern Circuit in May 1746; and for obliging the Masters aon Teachers of Private Schools in Scotland, and Chaplains, Tutors and Governors of children or Youth, to take the Oath to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and to register the same. London, 1746.

3. An Act to explain, amend, and continue the Provisions made by Two Acts of Parliament of the Nineteenth and Twenty first Years of His Majesty’s Reign, for the more effectual disarming the Highlands in Scotland, and to make Provision for the more speedy ascertaining the lawful Debts or Claims upon the Lands and Hereditaments, that some Time belonged to Alexander Robert son of Strowan, which, with other forfeited Estates, are by an act of the Twenty fifth Year of His Majesty’s Reign annexed to the Crown unalienable. London, 1753.

4. Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britaniae, Franciae, and Hiberniae. Vicesimo Primo. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the Tenth Day of November, Anno Dom. 1747, in the Twenty first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and etc. being the First Session of this present Parliament. London, 1748 [An Act to enforce and render more effectual an Act made in the nineteenth year of His present Majesty’s reign, intitled, An Act for the more effectual Disarming the Highlands of Scotland; and for the more effectually securing the peace of the said Highlands; and for restraining the use of the Highland Dress…].

5. Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, and Hiberniae. Tricesimo Primo. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the Thirty first Day of May, ann Dom. 1754 in the Twenty seventh Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, and etc. And from thence continued by several Prorogations to the First Day of December, 1757, being the Fifth Session of this present Parliament. London, 1758 [An Act to enforce and render more effectual an Act made in the twenty

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