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512 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 36.

513 Погодные данные предоставлены ресурсом Weather Underground.

514 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 29;

V. Cerf, ‘I remember IANA’, Request for Comments: 2468, October 1998, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2468

515 R. Chandrasekaran, ‘Internet reconfiguration concerns federal officials’, The Washington Post, 31 January 1998, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/1998/01/31/internet-reconfiguration-concerns-federal-officials/c98b71a0-8e4a-4aab-96f6-1868c81fe60c/; Mueller, Ruling the Root, p. 162.

516 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 30.

517 W. Kleinwächter, ‘De-mystification of the internet root: do we need governmental oversight?’ in Reforming Internet Governance: perspectives from the Working Group on Internet Governance, New York NY: United Nations Publications, 2005, p. 214.

518 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 46.

519 D. Dougherty and M. Roberts, ‘USC/ICANN transition agreement’, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, 2012, https://www.icann.org/resources/unthemed-pages/usc-icann-transition-2012-02-25-en

520 Kleinwächter, ‘De-mystification of the internet root’, p. 215.

521 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 168.

522 J. Lytle, ‘Jon Postel, internet pioneer, dies at 55’, USC News, 26 October 1998, https://news.usc.edu/9865/Jon-Postel-Internet-Pioneer-Dies-at-55/

523 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 169.

524 Snyder et al., ‘The IANA timeline’.

525 Why a summit on the information society, World Summit on the Information Society, 2005, https://www.itu.int/net/wsis/basic/why.html

526 Kleinwächter, ‘De-mystification of the internet root’, p. 215.

527 ‘US principles on the internet’s domain name and addressing system’, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, United States Department of Commerce, 30 June 2005, https://www.ntia.doc.gov/other-publication/2005/us-principles-internets-domain-name-and-addressing-system

528 United States Attorney Northern District of Texas, ‘Infocom corporation and its operators sentenced in federal court’, US Department of Justice, 13 October 2006, https://www.justice.gov/archive/usao/txn/PressRel06/elashi_bayan_ghassan_basman_infocom_sent_pr.html

529 ‘Request of NCMC for redelegation of.IQ top-level domain’, IANA Report, July 2005, https://www.iana.org/reports/2005/iq-report-05aug2005.pdf

530 T. Wright, ‘EU tries to unblock internet impasse’, International Herald Tribune, 30 September 2005, https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/iht/2005/09/30/business/IHT-30net.html

531 C. Bildt, ‘European Union, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cuba’, Bildt Comments, 3 October 2005, https://bildt.blogspot.hk/2005/10/european-union-iran-saudi-arabia-cuba.html

532 Kleinwächter, ‘De-mystification of the internet root’, p. 221.

533 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 171.

534 Ни одна из организаций не соответствует стереотипному образу. Правительства стран обладают большим влиянием на ICANN, а МСЭ все чаще в последние годы консультируется с представителями гражданского общества.

535 ‘Discover ITU’s history’, International Telecommunication Union, 2018, https://www.itu.int/en/history/Pages/DiscoverITUsHistory.aspx


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537 V. Cerf, ‘Keep the internet open’, The New York Times, 24 May 2012, https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/25/opinion/keep-the-internet-open.html

538 В. В. Путин встретился с генеральным секретарем Международного союза электросвязи Хамадуном Туре, архив сайта Правительства Российской Федерации, 2012, http://archive.government.ru/ru/docs/15601/print/

539 A. Soldatov and I. Borogan, The Red Web: the struggle between Russia’s digital dictators and the new online revolutionaries, New York NY: PublicAffairs, 2015, p. 231.

540 T. Kramer, ‘Development and progress of the World Conference on International Telecommunications currently being held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates until December 14, 2012’, US Department of State, 6 December 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20121208055049/https://www.state.gov/e/eb/rls/rm/2012/201637.htm

541 Интервью автора с Илаем Дорадо, август 2017 г.

542 E. Dourado, ‘Behind closed doors at the UN’s attempted “takeover of the internet”’, Ars Technica, 20 December 2012, https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/12/behind-closed-doors-at-the-uns-attempted-takeover-of-the-internet/

543 Russia, UAE, China, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Sudan and Egypt, ‘Proposals for the work of the conference’, WCITLeaks, 5 December 2012, http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/Merged%20UAE%20081212.pdf

544 K. McCarthy, ‘Leaked document confirms fears of UN Internet powergrab’, nxt, 8 December 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20130218124106/http://news.dot-nxt.com/2012/12/14/leaked-document-confirms-fears

545 E. Dourado, ‘Behind closed doors at the UN’s attempted “takeover of the internet”’.

546 D. Burstein and G. Lynch, ‘WCIT bombshell: Russia withdraws internet regulation push, apparently under ITU pressure’, Commsday, 10 December 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20170519042116/https://www.commsday.com/russia-combines-with-china-arab-states-on-dramatic-internet-regulatory-push/

547 M. Smith and J. Menn, ‘Opposing camps dig in on internet treaty talks’, Reuters, 13 December 2012, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-telecom-treaty-itu/opposing-camps-dig-in-on-internet-treaty-talks-idUSBRE8BB1KS20121213

548 Пленарное заседание № 14, расшифровка, WCIT, 2012.

549 R. Pepper and C. Sharp, ‘Summary report of the ITU-T World Conference on International Telecommunications’, Internet Protocol Journal 16, no. 1 (2013), https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/press/internet-protocol-journal/back-issues/table-contents-59/161-wcit.html; K. Salaets, ‘A blow to internet freedom’, Information Technology Industry Council, 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20170805165237/https://www.itic.org/news-events/techwonk-blog/a-blow-to-internet-freedom

550 G. Guillemin, ‘WCIT: what happened and what it means for the internet’, European Digital Rights, 2012, https://edri.org/edrigramnumber10-24wcit-what-happend/

551 D. Shambaugh, China Goes Global: the partial power, New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2013, p. 137.

552 Human Rights Watch, The Costs of International Advocacy: China’s interference in United Nations human rights mechanisms, Washington DC: Human Rights Watch, 2017, https://www.hrw.org/report/2017/09/05/costs-international-advocacy/chinas-interference-united-nations-human-rights

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