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398 J. Markoff, ‘Cyberattack on Google said to hit password system’, The New York Times, 19 April 2010, https://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/20/technology/20google.html

399 B. Girard, The Google Way: how one company is revolutionizing management as we know it, San Francisco CA: No Starch Press, 2009, p. 114.

400 Westervelt, ‘For Google, DNS log analysis essential in Aurora attack investigation’.

401 Levy, In the Plex, p. 267.

402 ‘Chinese hackers who breached Google gained access to sensitive data, U.S. officials say’, The Washington Post, 20 May 2013, https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/chinese-hackers-who-breached-google-gained-access-to-sensitive-data-us-officials-say/2013/05/20/51330428-be34-11e2-89c9-3be8095fe767_story.html?utm_term=.bb62af33dd6a

403 J. Anderlini, ‘The Chinese dissident’s “unknown visitors”’, Financial Times, 15 January 2010, https://www.ft.com/content/c590cdd0-016a-11df-8c54-00144feabdc0; D. Sherne, ‘China hacks student e-mails’, The Stanford Daily, 31 January 2010, https://www.stanforddaily.com/2010/01/21/china-hacks-student-e-mails/

404 Levy, In the Plex, p. 308.

405 A. Cha and E. Nakashima, ‘Google attack part of vast campaign’, The Washington Post, 14 January 2010, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/13/AR2010011300359.html

406 B. Worthen, ‘Researcher says up to 100 victims in Google attack’, The Wall Street Journal, 26 February 2010, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704625004575090111817090670

407 G. O’Gorman and G. McDonald, The Elderwood Project, Mountain View CA: Symantec, 2010, http://www.symantec.com/content/en/us/enterprise/media/security_response/whitepapers/the-elderwood-project.pdf

408 J. Huntsman, ‘Google update: PRC role in attacks and response strategy’, US Embassy cable, 26 January 2010, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/10BEIJING207_a.html

409 В интервью Михаила Брина на русском языке говорится, что в СССР он работал математиком в НИИ при Госплане, а астрофизиком только мечтал стать (https://jewish.ru/ru/interviews/articles/185432/).

410 M. Malseed, ‘The story of Sergey Brin’, Moment, February 2007, https://web.archive.org/web/20130121055147/http://www.oldsite.momentmag.net/moment/issues/2007/02/200702-BrinFeature.html

411 S. Lohr, ‘Sergey Brin on Google’s China move’, The New York Times, 22 March 2010, https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/22/interview-sergey-brin-on-googles-china-gambit/;

J. Vascellaro, ‘Brin drove Google to pull back in China’, The Wall Street Journal, 24 March 2010, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704266504575141064259998090

412 Levy, In The Plex, p. 311.

413 Levy, In The Plex, p. 313.

414 Страница Sinovation Ventures по адресу http://www.sinovationventures.com/

415 ‘China search engine landscape 2017’, Emerging Communications, 22 December 2017, http://www.emergingcomms.com/china-search-engine-landscape

416 K. Hille, ‘Chinese media hit at “White House’s Google”’, Financial Times, 2010, https://www.ft.com/content/e6022fe0–05c6–11df-88ee-00144feabdc0

417 J. Zhang, ‘Google, do not take Chinese netizens hostage’, People’s Daily, 19 January 2010, http://en.people.cn/90001/90780/91344/6873383.html

418 H. Clinton, ‘Remarks on internet freedom’, State Department, 2010.

419 J. Huntsman, ‘Secretary’s internet freedom speech: China reaction’, US Embassy cable, 25 January 2010, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/10BEIJING183_a.html

Глава 15

420 Интервью автора с Бадуцао.

421 E. Osnos, Boss rail’, The New Yorker, 22 October 2012, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/10/22/boss-rail

422 Chinese high speed network to double in latest master plan’, Railway Gazette, 21 July 2016, http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/infrastructure/single-view/view/chinese-high-speed-network-to-double-in-latest-master-plan.html

423 Бюро безопасности движения, Государственная администрация охраны труда, 2011 г., http://www.chinasafety.gov.cn/zjnsjg/ajes/sgxx_405/dcbg/201112/t20111228_206865.shtml

424 A. Henochowicz, ‘Whether you believe it or not, I do’, China Digital Times, 25 July 2012, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2012/07/word-week-believe-it-not-i-do/

425 S. Jiang, ‘Chinese netizens outraged over response to fatal bullet train crash’, CNN, 26 July 2011, http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/07/25/china.train.accident.outrage/

426 D. Bandurski, ‘History of high-speed propaganda tells all’, China Media Project, 25 July 2011, http://chinamediaproject.org/2011/07/25/history-of-high-speed-propaganda-tells-all/

427 M. Wines and S. LaFraniere, ‘In baring facts of train crash, blogs erode China censorship’, The New York Times, 28 July 2011, https://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/29/world/asia/29china.html

428 J. DeLisle, A. Goldstein and G. Yang, The Internet, Social Media, and a Changing China, Philadelphia PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016, p. 62.

429 Xinhua, ‘New media major outlet for exposing corruption’, People’s Daily, 25 June 2013,http://en.people.cn/90882/8298919.html

430 J. Van de Ven, ‘Air pollution policy making and social media in Beijing 2011–2013’, Danwei, 24 April 2014, https://web.archive.org/web/20160913184837/http://www.danwei.com/beijing-fog-investigating-air-pollution-policy-making-in-beijing-between-2011-and-2013/

431 J. Chin, Chinese internet users scream for Clean Air Act’, The Wall Street Journal, 29 January 2013, https://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/01/29/chinese-internet-users-scream-for-clean-air-act/

432 В 2014 году в топ поиска в интернете по версии China Daily вышел запрос «голубой АТЭС», отражавший «стремление народа к чистому воздуху вместо смога», так же как было во время международного саммита АТЭС в Пекине, прошедшего в том же году», China Daily, 23 декабря 2014 г., https://web.archive.org/web/20150402161930/http://africa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2014-12/23/content_19210404.htm/

433 Vice mayor: Lu Wei’, City of Beijing, 26 December 2012, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/beijing/2012–12/26/content_16055912.htm”

434 J. Areddy, ‘The architect of China’s Great Firewall caught in anti-corruption net’, The Wall Street Journal, 21 November 2017, https://www.wsj.com/articles/lu-wei-chinas-former-internet-czar-comes-under-investigation-for-corruption-1511290607

435 Су и др. «Жэньминь жибао», 13 августа 2013 г., http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrbhwb/html/2013-08/13/content_1282485.htm

436 ‘Big Vs and bottom lines’, The Economist, 31 August 2013, https://www.economist.com/china/2013/08/31/big-vs-and-bottom-lines

437 D. Barboza, ‘Chinese-American commentator and investor is arrested in Beijing’, The New York Times, 25 August 2013, https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/26/world/asia/chinese-american-commentator-and-investor-is-arrested-in-beijing.html

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