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17. Philip A. Higham and Catherine Gerrard, «Not All Errors Are Created Equal: Metacognition and Changing Answers on Multiple-Choice Tests», Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue Canadienne de Psychologie Expérimentale 59, no. 1 (2005): 28.

18. Giada Di Stefano, Francesca Gino, Gary P. Pisano, and Bradley R. Staats, «Learning by Thinking: Overcoming the Bias for Action through Reflection», Harvard Business School NOM Unit Working Paper, no. 14–093 (2015): 14–93.

19. Tom and Ray Magliozzi, In Our Humble Opinion: Car Talk's Click and Clack Rant and Rave (New York: Perigee Trade, 2000).

20. Gary Marcus, Guitar Zero: The Science of Becoming Musical at Any Age (New York: Penguin, 2012).

21. Barbara Oakley, A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra) (New York: TarcherPerigee, 2014).

22. Matthew Gibson and Jeffrey Shrader, «Time Use and Productivity: The Wage Returns to Sleep» (July 10, 2014), http://econweb.ucsd.edu/~magibson/pdfs/sleep_productivity.pdf. Также я использовал: Cheri D. Mah et al., «The Effects of Sleep Extension on the Athletic Performance of Collegiate Basketball Players», Sleep 34, no. 7 (2011): 943–950.

23. Stéphanie Mazza, Emilie Gerbier, Marie-Paule Gustin, Zumrut Kasikci, Olivier Koenig, Thomas C. Toppino, and Michel Magnin, «Relearn Faster and Retain Longer: Along with Practice, Sleep Makes Perfect», Psychological Science 27, no. 10 (2016): 1321–1330.

24. Ulrich Boser, Catherine Brown, and Perpetual Baffour, «Early School Start Times and Student Outcomes», Center for American Progress, https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/education-k-12/news/2016/12/20/293797/later-school-start-times-could-boost-student-outcomes/ (дата обращения: 23.11.2019).

25. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang and Kurt W. Fischer, «Neuroscience Bases of Learning», International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd ed. (Oxford: Elsevier, 2010), 310–16. Также мне помогла статья: M. H. Immordino-Yang, J. A. Christodoulou, and V. Singh, «Rest Is Not Idleness: Implications of the Brain's Default Mode for Human Development and Education», Perspectives on Psychological Science 7, no. 4 (July 1, 2012): 352–64, doi:10.1177/1745691612447308.

26. Ruth Ann Atchley, David L. Strayer, and Paul Atchley, «Creativity in the Wild: Improving Creative Reasoning Through Immersion in Natural Settings», PloS One 7, no. 12 (2012): e51474. Исследование с кубиками см.: C. Page Moreau and Marit Gundersen Engeset, «The Downstream Consequences of Problem-Solving Mindsets: How Playing with LEGO Influences Creativity», Journal of Marketing Research 53, no. 1 (2016): 18–30. Также я использовал: Jonathan Smallwood, Daniel J. Fishman, and Jonathan W. Schooler, «Counting the Cost of an Absent Mind: Mind Wandering as an Underrecognized Influence on Educational Performance», Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 14, no. 2 (2007): 230–236.

27. Hunter Stuart News, «Companies Are Rethinking the Open Office and It's About Time», Huffington Post, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/12/open-offices-changing-to-include-private-space_n_6669666.html. О Расселе Уилсоне (с. 259) см.: «Russell Wilson Benefits from Working with a Mental Conditioning Coach», ESPN.com, June 28, 2016. http://www.espn.com/blog/nflnation/post/_/id/206434.

28. Giada Di Stefano, Francesca Gino, Gary P. Pisano, and Bradley R. Staats, «Learning by Thinking: Overcoming the Bias for Action through Reflection», Harvard Business School NOM Unit Working Paper, no. 14–093 (2015): 14–93.

29. Cal Newport, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World (New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2016).

30. Meghashyam Mali, «Napolitano Refuses to Use Email, Calls It 'Inefficient,'» The Hill, March 26, 2013, http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/290311-napolitano-refuses-to-use-email.

31. Clive Thompson, Smarter Than You Think: How Technology Is Changing Our Minds for the Better (New York: Penguin, 2013).

32. Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2009). Также см.: Henry S. Schneider and C. Kirabo Jackson, «Checklists and Worker Behavior: A Field Experiment», American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 7, no. 4 (2015).

33. Dave McMenamin, «After Many Turnovers, LeBron James Looks for a Turnaround», ESPN, June 7, 2016, http://espn.com/blog/cleveland-cavaliers/post/_/id/2940 (дата обращения: 07.10.2016).

34. Quentin Hardy, «Gearing Up for the Cloud, AT&T Tells Its Workers: Adapt, or Else», New York Times, February 13, 2016, http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/14/technology/gearing-up-for-the-cloud-att-tells-its-workers-adapt-or-else.html (дата обращения: 07.10.2016).

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Bar-Eli, M., O. H. Azar, I. Ritov, Y. Keidar-Levin, and G. Schein. «Action Bias Among Elite Soccer Goalkeepers: The Case of Penalty Kicks.» Journal of Economic Psychology 28, no. 5 (2007): 606–621.

Bjork, Robert A., John Dunlosky, and Nate Kornell. «Self-Regulated Learning: Beliefs, Techniques, and Illusions.» Annual Review of Psychology 64, no. 1 (January 3, 2013): 417–444. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-113011-143823.

Dunning, David, Chip Heath, and Jerry M. Suls. «Flawed Self-Assessment: Implications for Health, Education, and the Workplace.» Psychological Science in the Public Interest 5, no. 3 (2004): 69–106.

Dunning, David, Kerri Johnson, Joyce Ehrlinger, and Justin Kruger. «Why People Fail to Recognize Their Own Incompetence.» Current Directions in Psychological Science 12, no. 3 (2003): 83–87.

Finn, Bridgid, and Janet Metcalfe. «Overconfidence in Children's Multi-Trial Judgments of Learning.» Learning and Instruction 32 (August 2014): 1–9. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2014.01.001.

Halpern, Diane F. «Teaching for Critical Thinking: Helping College Students Develop the Skills and Dispositions of a Critical Thinker.» New Directions for Teaching and Learning 1999, no. 80 (1999): 69–74.

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