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302 T. Cliff, Oil and Water: being Han in Xinjiang, Chicago IL: University of Chicago Press, 2016, p. 105.

303 D. McMillen, ‘Xinjiang and the production and construction corps: a Han organisation in a non-Han region’, Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 6 (1981), p. 77.

304 Cliff, Oil and Water, p. 205.

305 Интервью автора с «Гу Ли», май 2017 г.

306 Интервью автора с Джевхер Ильхам, март 2017 г.

307 J. Ilham, Jewher Ilham: a Uyghur’s fight to free her father, New Orleans LA: University of New Orleans Press, 2015, p. 28.

Глава 12

308 ‘Shaoguan’, People’s Government Gazette, 2016.

309 Chinese GDP by region 2000–2010’, National Bureau of Statistics.

310 A. Jacobs, ‘At a factory, the spark of China’s violence’, The New York Times, 15 July 2009, https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/16/world/asia/16china.html; Staff reporters, ‘Guangdong police detain 13 suspects over factory brawl’, South China Morning Post, 2009.

311 Better care to make Xinjiang workers feel at home: south China city official’, Xinhua, 22 July 2009, https://web.archive.org/web/20090723180831/http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009–07/22/content_11754297.htm

312 K. McLaughlin, ‘Fear grips Shaoguan’s Uyghurs’, Far Eastern Economic Review, 17 July 2009, https://web.archive.org/web/20090721012546/http://www.feer.com/politics/2009/july58/Fear-Grips-Shaoguans-Uighurs

313 ‘Better care to make Xinjiang workers feel at home’.

314 Staff reporters, ‘Guangdong police detain 13 suspects over factory brawl’.

315 L. Lam, Q. Tang and M. Juma, ‘“No rapes” in riot town’, Radio Free Asia, 29 June 2009, https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/ethnic-clash-06292009102144.html

316 Staff reporter, Apple Daily, 27 июня 2009 г., https://hk.news.appledaily.com/international/daily/article/20090627/12924858

317 ‘Up to 70 percent of women factory workers in Guangzhou sexually harassed’, China Labor Bulletin, 6 December 2013, http://www.clb.org.hk/en/content/70-percent-women-factory-workers-guangzhou-sexually-harassed

318 ‘Rumormonger held over south China toy factory brawl’, Global Times, 29 June 2009, http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/440821.shtml

319 Y. Zhou, P. Wang and Y. Pan, ‘“Unintentional scream” triggered Xinjiang riot’, Xinhua, 8 July 2009, http://english.cctv.com/20090708/110231.shtml

320 M. Juma, ‘Armed assailants stormed dorms’, Radio Free Asia, 5 July 2009, https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/armedchinese-07042009104353.html

321 Jacobs, ‘At a factory, the spark of China’s violence’.

322 ‘Death penalty sustained to man in south China’s fatal factory brawl’, Xinhua, 28 October 2009, http://english.cctv.com/20091028/103366.shtml

323 I. Zhai, ‘Two killed in ethnic clash at toy plant: Han, Uygur workers in night of violence’, South China Morning Post, 2009.

324 Staff reporters, ‘Guangdong police detain 13 suspects over factory brawl’.

325 Приведенный здесь отчет о событиях 5 июля составлен на основе официальных сообщений новостного агентства «Синьхуа», рассекреченных телеграмм правительства США, сообщений организаций Human Rights Watch и Amnesty International, а также трудов историков Тома Клиффа и Ника Холдстока.

326 N. Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People: Xinjiang, terror and the Chinese state, London: I. B. Tauris, 2015, p. 187; R. Goldberg, ‘The Urumqi riots: what contacts say happened’, US Embassy cable, 31 July 2009, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/09BEIJING2183_a.html

327 Это следствие шаткого равновения между номинально независимым правительством и правящей Коммунистической партией. Например, Си Цзиньпин – президент Китайской Народной Республики, но главная руководящая должность в стране – генеральный секретарь КПК.

328 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 186.

329 Human Rights Watch, ‘We Are Afraid to Even Look for Them’: enforced disappearances in the wake of Xinjiang’s protests, New York NY: Human Rights Watch, 2009, p. 11.

330 M. Juma, S. Hoshur, Mehriban and L. Qiao, ‘Urumqi tense, quiet after violence’, Radio Free Asia, 5 July 2009, https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/riots-07052009153209.html

331 E. Wong, ‘Riots in western China amid ethnic tension’, The New York Times, 5 July 2009, https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/06/world/asia/06china.html; Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 187.

332 Goldberg, ‘The Urumqi riots’.

333 Human Rights Watch, ‘We Are Afraid to Even Look for Them’, p. 12.

334 Goldberg, ‘The Urumqi riots’.

335 ‘129 killed, 816 injured in China’s Xinjiang violence’, Xinhua, 6 July 2009, https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2009–07/06/content_8382866.htm

336 Zhou, Wang and Pan, ‘“Unintentional scream” triggered Xinjiang riot’.

337 ‘Number of injured in Urumqi riot increases to 1,680’, Xinhua, 13 July 2009, http://en.people.cn/90001/90776/90882/6698698.html

338 Q. Xiao, ‘The current situation in Urumqi’, China Digital Times, 7 July 2009, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2009/07/bbs-posts-the-current-situation-in-urumqi/

339 R. Goldberg, ‘140 dead in Urumqi riots, death toll may go higher, state media says order restored’, US Embassy cable, 5 July 2009, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/ 09BEIJING1868_a.html

340 ‘Official: internet cut in Xinjiang to prevent riot from spreading’, Xinhua, 7 July 2009, https://web.archive.org/web/20090710013813/http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009–07/07/content_11666802.htm”

341 Human Rights Watch, ‘We Are Afraid to Even Look for Them’, p. 12.

342 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 190.

343 Goldberg, ‘The Urumqi riots’.

344 D. Martin, ‘Mobs vow revenge in China’s Urumqi city’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 July 2009, https://www.smh.com.au/world/mobs-vow-revenge-in-chinas-urumqi-city-20090707-daoc.html

345 C. Choi, W. Clem and J. Shi, ‘Fresh unrest rocks Xinjiang: police fire tear gas as thousands of Han march’, South China Morning Post, 2009.

346 R. Harris and A. Isa, ‘“Invitation to a mourning ceremony”: perspectives on the Uyghur internet’, Inner Asia 13 (2011), p. 30.

347 M. Amir-Ebrahimi, ‘Performance in everyday life and the rediscovery of the “self” in Iranian weblogs’, Bad Jens, 2004.

348 C. Larson, ‘How China wins and loses Xinjiang’, Foreign Policy, 10 July 2009, http://foreignpolicy.com/2009/07/10/how-china-wins-and-loses-xinjiang/

349 Harris and Isa, ‘“Invitation to a mourning ceremony”’, p. 28.

350 Анонимный автор «Шаогуаньский инцидент: трагедия и возможность», сайт «Уйгур Онлайн», в сокращении и в переводе с китайского.

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