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Ознакомительная версия. Доступно 17 страниц из 85

Townley, John. Astrological Cycles. York Beach, ME: Red Wheel/Weiser, 1977.

Tyl, Noel. Solar Arcs. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2001.

Справочная литература

Aldrich, Elizabeth. Daily Use of the Ephemeris. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1971.

Bills, Rex. The Rulership Book. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1971, 2007.

deVore, Nicholas. Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: Philosophical Library, 1947; Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2005.

Doane, Doris C. 30 Years Research. Los Angeles, CA: Church of Light, 1956; Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1985.

Donath, Emma Belle. Houses: Which & When. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1989.

Koch, Beth. Equal Houses. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1992.

Murphy, Peter, and Beth Rosato. The Math of Astrology. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1998.

Rodden, Lois. Astro Data II. Revised edition. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1997.

–. Astro Data III. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1986.

–. Astro Data IV. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1997.

–. Astro Data V: Profiles in Crime. Yucaipa, CA: Data News, 1992.

–. Profiles of Women. Yucaipa, CA: Data News, 1996.

Wilson, James. Dictionary of Astrology. Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2006. (Originally published in 1819.)


Arroyo, Stephen. Person-to-Person Astrology. Berkeley, CA: Frog, Ltd., 2007.

Davison, Ronald C. Synastry. Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1983.

Devlin, Mary. Astrology and Relationships. Atglen, PA: Whitford Press, 1987.

Ebertin, Reinhold. Cosmic Marriage. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1974, 2004.

Elgen, Rebeca. The Shadow Dance and the Astrological Seventh House. Houston, TX: Libra26Press, 2009.

Forrest, Jodie and Steven. Skymates. Revised edition.

Chapel Hill, NC: Seven Paws Press, 2005.

Forrest, Steven and Jodie. Skymates II: The Composite Chart. Chapel Hill, NC: Seven Paws Press, 2005.

Geffner, Gayle. Creative Step-Parenting. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2009.

Hand, Robert. Planets in Composite. Atglen, PA: Whitford Press, 1975.

Ruiz, Ana. Prediction Techniques Regarding Romance. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2006.

Sargent, Lois. How to Handle Your Human Relationships. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2006.

Suskin, Rod. Synastry. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2008.

Townley, John. Composite Charts. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2004.

–. Planets in Love. Atglen, PA: Whitford Press, 1978.

Карты возвращений

Louis, Anthony. The Art of Forecasting Using Solar Returns. Bournemouth, England: The Wessex Astrologer, 2008.

Penfield, Marc. Solar Returns in Your Face. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1996.

Shea, Mary. Planets in Solar Returns. The Writers’ Collective Associates, 1999.

Townley, John. Lunar Returns. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2003.

Традиционная астрология

Al-Biruni. The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology. Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2006.

Avelar, Helena and Luis Ribeiro. On the Heavenly Spheres. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2010.

Bonatti, Guido. Bonatti on 146 Considerations. Minneapolis, MN: Cazimi Press, 2010.

–. Bonatti on Basic Astrology. Minneapolis, MN: Cazimi Press, 2010.

–. Bonatti on Elections. Minneapolis, MN: Cazimi Press, 2010.

–. Bonatti on Horary. Minneapolis, MN: Cazimi Press, 2010.

–. Bonatti on Lots. Minneapolis, MN: Cazimi Press, 2010.

–. Bonatti on Mundane Astrology. Minneapolis, MN: Cazimi Press, 2010.

–. Bonatti on Nativities. Minneapolis, MN: Cazimi Press, 2010

Brittain, Patti Tobin. Planetary Powers: The Morin Method. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2011.

Holden, James H. Five Medieval Astrologers. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2008.

Lilly, William. The Astrologer’s Guide. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2005. (Originally published in 1647.)

–. Christian Astrology, Books 1 and 2. Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2004. (Originally published in 1647.)

–. Christian Astrology, Book 3. Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2005. (Originally published in 1647.)

Masha’allah. Six Astrological Treatises by Masha’allah. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2009.

Morin, Jean-Baptiste. Astrologia Gallica, Book 13: The Proper Natures and Strengths of the Individual Planets and Fixed Stars, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2006.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 14: The Primum Caelum and Its Division into Twelve Parts, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2006.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 15: The Essential Dignities of the Planets, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2006.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 16: The Rays and Aspects of the Planets, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2008.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 17: The Astrological Houses, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2008.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 18: Strengths of the Planets, translated by Anthony Louis LaBruzza. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2004.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 19: The Elements of Astrology or the Principles of Judgements, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2006.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 21: The Morinus System of Horoscope Interpretation, translated by Richard S. Baldwin. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2008.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 22: Directions, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1994.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 23: Revolutions, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2004.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 24: Progressions and Transits, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2005.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 25: The Universal Constitutions of the Caelum, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2008.

–. Astrologia Gallica, Book 26: Astrological Interrogations and Elections, translated by James H. Holden. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2010.

Noonan, George. Classical Scientific Astrology. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1984, 2005.

Pearce, A. J. The Text-Book of Astrology. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2006. (Originally published in 1911.)

Porphyry. Porphyry the Philosopher. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2009.

Ptolemy. Tetrabiblos. Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2002. (Written in the third century BC.)

Rhetorius. Rhetorius the Egyptian. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2009.

Sahl ibn Bishr. The Introduction to the Science of the Judgments of the Stars. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2008.

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