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13 ‘Google’s Eiffel doodle bug’, The Connexion, 31 марта 2015 г., https://www.connexionfrance.com/French-news/UPDATE-Google-s-Eiffel-doodle-bug

14 Кантонский диалект китайского очень хорошо для этого подходит: – нет таких цифр, из которых уважающий себя житель Гонконга не сделал бы неприличную надпись.

15 J. Griffiths and V. Kam, ‘Hong Kongers “thumb their noses at Beijing” with pro-independence votes)’, CNN, 6 September 2016, https://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/04/asia/hong-kong-legco-election/index.html

16 J. Griffiths, ‘Hong Kong protesters pop champagne after leader says he’ll step down’, CNN, 10 December 2016, https://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/10/asia/hong-kong-cy-leung-regina-ip/index.html

17 P. Boehler ‘Voices from Tiananmen’), South China Morning Post, 2014, http://multimedia.scmp.com/tiananmen/

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18 F. Dikotter, The Cultural Revolution: a people’s history, 1962–1976, London: Bloomsbury, 2016.

19 M. Hassan, ‘Beijing 1987: China’s coming-out party’, Nature 455 (2008), pp. 598–599.

20 P. Greenberg, ‘Beijing from ground level’, The Washington Post, 11 October 1987, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/travel/1987/10/11/beijing-from-ground-levelinto-the-bicycle-fray/5259f362-cd7e-487e-9018-14c1b90527a9/

21 A. Faruqui and M. Hassan, The Future of Science in China and the Third World: proceedings of the Second General Conference, Beijing, PR China, 14–18 September 1987, Singapore: World Scientific, 1989, р. 4.

22 W. Zorn, J. Hauben and A. Plubell, How the Lost E-mail Message ‘Across the Great Wall…’ Brought People Together, Karlsruhe: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2014, https://www.informatik.kit.edu/downloads/HQarticle-08Feb2014-final-version-engl.pdf

23 World Bank, China: University Development Project, Washington DC: World Bank, 1981, http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/669881468240345194/China-University-Development-Project

24 J. Hauben, ‘Across the Great Wall’: the China – Germany email connection 1987–1994’, Columbia University, 2010.

25 W. Zorn, China’s CSNET Connection 1987: origin of the China Academic Network CANET, speech to the Hasso-Plattner-Institute at Potsdam University, 2012.

26 中国互联网:从第一封邮件走向世界, ScienceNet.cn, 22 August 2014, http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2014/8/301669.shtm

27 X. Wu, Chinese Cyber Nationalism: evolution, characteristics and implications, Lanham MD: Lexington Books, 2005, p. 17.

28 ‘Wolf smoke signals war’, China Heritage Quarterly, June 2006, http://web.archive.org/web/20120318174504/http://www.chinaheritagequarterly.org/articles.php?searchterm=006_wolf.inc&issue=006

29 Wu, Chinese Cyber Nationalism, p. 18.

30 E. Harwit and D. Clark, ‘Shaping the internet in China: evolution of political control over network infrastructure and content’, Asian Survey 41, № 3 (2001), pp. 377–408.

31 M. Farley, ‘“Cyberdissident” in China on trial for subversion’, Los Angeles Times, 5 December 1998, http://articles.latimes.com/1998/dec/05/news/mn-50740

32 G. Barme and S. Ye, ‘The Great Firewall of China’, Wired, 1 June 1997, https://www.wired.com/1997/06/china-3/

33 Computer Information Network and Internet Security, Protection and Management Regulations, State Council, 1997.

34 J. Griffiths, ‘VPN down: China goes after Astrill, other anti-censorship apps in run up to WW2 anniversary parade’, South China Morning Post, 26 August 2015, http://www.scmp.com/tech/apps-gaming/article/1852658/vpn-down-china-goes-after-astrill-other-anti-censorship-apps-run

35 ‘How censorship works in China: a brief overview’ in ‘Race to the Bottom’: corporate complicity in Chinese internet censorship, New York NY: Human Rights Watch, 2006, https://www.hrw.org/reports/2006/china0806/3.htm

36 G. Walton, China’s Golden Shield: corporations and the development of surveillance technology in the People’s Republic of China, Montreal: International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 2001, https://web.archive.org/web/20020206170828/http://www.ichrdd.ca/english/commdoc/publications/globalization/goldenShieldEng.html

37 J. Goldsmith and T. Wu, Who Controls the Internet?: Illusions of a borderless world, New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 93.

38 Интервью автора с Майклом Робинсоном, январь 2018 г.

39 D. Sheff, ‘Betting on bandwidth’, Wired, 1 February 2002, https://www.wired.com/2001/02/tian/

40 Evolution of Internet in China, China Education and Research Network, 2001, https://web.archive.org/web/20061125232222/http://www.edu.cn/introduction_1378/20060323/t20060323_4285.shtml

41 Sheff, ‘Betting on bandwidth’.

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42 Автор этой книги несколько раз беседовал с Ли Хункуанем с мая 2017 г. по февраль 2018 г. лично и по телефону.

43 Laris, ‘Internet police on the prowl in China’, The Washington Post, 24 October 1998.

44 На самом деле это словосочетание переводится как «новостной справочник», но тут заложена игра слов. Есть омоним слова «сяо», который означает «маленький». F. Blumberg, When East Meets West: media research and practice in US and China), Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007, pp. 67–68.

45 Q. He, The Fog of Censorship: media control in China, New York NY: Human Rights in China, 2008.

46 ‘Sitrep no. 29: Article justifies martial law; PLA to use any and all means to enforce martial law; Defense minister appears, so does Li Peng; tension on Tiananmen Square’, US Embassy cable, 3 June 1989, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/89BEIJING15407_a.html

47 G. Barme and S. Ye, ‘The Great Firewall of China’, Wired, 1 June 1997, https://www.wired.com/1997/06/china-3/

48 L. Hai, ‘Statement of Lin Hai, computer scientist, Shanghai, China’, Congressional-Executive Commission on China, https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-107hhrg83512/html/CHRG-107hhrg83512.htm

49 G. Epstein, ‘Cat and mouse’, The Economist, 6 April 2013, https://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21574629-how-china-makes-sure-its-internet-abides-rules-cat-and-mouse

50 M. Chase and J. Mulvenon, You’ve Got Dissent! Chinese dissident use of the internet and Beijing’s counter-strategies, Santa Monica CA: Rand Corporation, 2002, p. 54, https://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1543.html

51 K. Platt, ‘China hits at e-mail to curb dissent’, The Christian Science Monitor, 31 December 1998, https://www.csmonitor.com/1998/1231/123198.intl.intl.1.html

52 C. Smith, ‘China sentences internet entrepreneur for trading e-mail list with dissidents’, The Wall Street Journal, 21 January 1999, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB916818019827637500

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