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Книга Близкие контакты далеких предков. Как эволюционировал наш вид - Синъён Юн

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Russell, Mary D. "Mortuary Practices at the Krapina Neandertal Site." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 72, no. 3 (1987): 381–97.

White, Tim D. "Once Were Cannibals." Scientific American 265, no. 2 (2001): 58–65.

Глава 2. Возникновение института отцовства


Gray, Peter B., and Kermyt G. Anderson. Fatherhood: Evolution and Human Paternal Behavior. Harvard University Press, 2012.

Hager, Lori D., ed. Women in Human Evolution. Routledge, 1997.

Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer. The Woman That Never Evolved. Harvard University Press, 1999.

Lee, R. B., and I. DeVore, eds. Man the Hunter. Aldine, 1968.


Bribiescas, Richard G. «Reproductive Ecology and Life History of the Human Male.» Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 44 (2001): 148–76.

Gray, Peter B. "Evolution and Human Sexuality." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 152, no. S57 (2013): 94–118.

Lovejoy, C. Owen. "The Origin of Man." Science 211, no. 4480 (1981): 341–50.

Глава 3. Кто они, наши первые предки-гоминины?


Tattersall, Ian. Masters of the Planet: The Search for Our Human Origins. St. Martin's Griffin, 2013.


Asfaw, Berhane, Tim D. White, C. Owen Lovejoy, Bruce Latimer, Scott Simpson, and Gen Suwa. "Australopithecus garhi: A New Species of Early Hominid from Ethiopia." Science 284, no. 5414 (1999): 629–35.

Brunet, Michel, Franck Guy, David R. Pilbeam, Hassane Taïsso Mackaye, Andossa Likius, Djimdoumalbaye Ahounta, Alain Beauvilain, et al. "A New Hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad, Central Africa." Nature 418, no. 6894 (2002): 145–51.

Dart, Raymond A. "Australopithecus africanus: The Man-Ape of South Africa." Nature 115, no. 2884 (1925): 195–99.

Gibbons, Ann. "In Search of the First Hominids." Science 295, no. 5558 (2002): 1214–19.

Johanson, Donald C., and Tim D. White. "A Systematic Assessment of Early African Hominids." Science 203, no. 4378 (1979): 321–30.

Leakey, Meave G., Craig S. Feibel, Ian McDougall, Carol Ward, and Alan Walker. "New Specimens and Confirmation of an Early Age for Australopithecus anamensis." Nature 393, no. 6680 (1998): 62–66.

Leakey, Meave G., and Alan C. Walker. "Early Hominid Fossils from Africa." Scientific American 276, no. 6 (1997): 74–79.

Sarich, Vincent M., and Allan C. Wilson. "Immunological Time Scale for Hominid Evolution." Science 158, no. 3805 (1967): 1200–3.

Senut, Brigitte, Martin H. L. Pickford, Dominique Gommery, P. Mein, K. Cheboi, and Yves Coppens. "First Hominid from the Miocene (Lukeino Formation, Kenya)." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Paris 332, no. 2 (2001): 137–44.

White, Tim D., Berhane Asfaw, Yonas Beyene, Yohannes Haile-Selassie, C. Owen Lovejoy, Gen Suwa, and Giday WoldeGabriel. "Ardipithecus ramidus and the Paleobiology of Early Hominids." Science 326, no. 5949 (2009): 64, 75–86.

Wong, Kate. "An Ancestor to Call Our Own." Scientific American 288, no. 1 (2003): 54–63.

Глава 4. Младенец с большим мозгом – проблема для матери


Trevathan, Wenda R. Human Birth: An Evolutionary Perspective. Aldine, 1987.


Gibbons, Ann. «The Birth of Childhood.» Science 322, no. 5904 (2008): 1040–43.

Ponce de León, Marcia S., Lubov Golovanova, Vladimir Doronichev, Galina Romanova, Takeru Akazawa, Osamu Kondo, Hajime Ishida, and Christoph P. E. Zollikofer. "Neanderthal Brain Size at Birth Provides Insights into the Evolution of Human Life History." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 105, no. 37 (2008): 13764–68.

Rosenberg, Karen R., and Wenda R. Trevathan. "Bipedalism and Human Birth: The Obstetrical Dilemma Revisited." Evolutionary Anthropology 4, no. 5 (1996): 161–68.

Rosenberg, Karen R., and Wenda R. Trevathan. "The Evolution of Human Birth." Scientific American 285, no. 5 (2001): 76–81.

Simpson, Scott W., Jay Quade, Naomi E. Levin, Robert Butler, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Melanie Everett, and Sileshi Semaw. "A Female Homo erectus Pelvis from Gona, Ethiopia." Science 322, no. 5904 (2008): 1089–92.

Глава 5. Мы – мясоеды


Lee, R. B., and I. DeVore, eds. Man the Hunter. Aldine, 1968.

Stanford, Craig B. The Hunting Apes: Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior. Princeton University Press, 1999.


Finch, Caleb E., and Craig B. Stanford. «Meat-Adaptive Genes and the Evolution of Slower Aging in Humans.» Quarterly Review of Biology 79, no. 1 (2004): 2–50.

Speth, John D. "Thoughts about Hunting: Some Things We Know and Some Things We Don't Know." Quaternary International 297 (2013): 176–85.

Walker, Alan, M. R. Zimmerman, and R. E. F. Leakey. "A Possible Case of Hypervitaminosis A in Homo erectus." Nature 296, no. 5854 (1982): 248–50.

Глава 6. Пьете молоко?


Wiley, Andrea S. Re-imagining Milk: Cultural and Biological Perspectives. Routledge, 2010.


Beja-Pereira, Albano, Gordon Luikart, Phillip R. England, Daniel G. Bradley, Oliver C. Jann, Giorgio Bertorelle, Andrew T. Chamberlain, et al. «Gene-Culture Coevolution between Cattle Milk Protein Genes and Human Lactase Genes.» Nature Genetics 35, no. 4 (2003): 311–13.

Burger, J., M. Kirchner, B. Bramanti, W. Haak, and M. G. Thomas. "Absence of the Lactase-Persistence-Associated Allele in Early Neolithic Europeans." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104, no. 10 (2007): 3736–41.

Enattah, Nabil Sabri, Tine G. K. Jensen, Mette Nielsen, Rikke Lewinski, Mikko Kuokkanen, Heli Rasinpera, Hatem El-Shanti, et al. "Independent Introduction of Two Lactase-Persistence Alleles into Human Populations Reflects Different History of Adaptation to Milk Culture." American Journal of Human Genetics 82, no. 1 (2008): 57–72.

Tishkoff, Sarah A., Floyd A. Reed, Alessia Ranciaro, Benjamin F. Voight, Courtney C. Babbitt, Jesse S. Silverman, Kweli Powell, et al. "Convergent Adaptation of Human Lactase Persistence in Africa and Europe." Nature Genetics 39, no. 1 (2007): 31–40.

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