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Книга Диагноз - рак. Лечиться или жить? Альтернативный взгляд на онкологию - Борис Гринблат

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IPT, clinic of Dr. Donato Perez Garcia (Tijuana, Mexico)

American Metabolic Inst. [*]

American Metabolic Institute (Tijuana, Mexico)

Oasis of Hope [*]

M.D. – Oasis of Hope – Ozone, Laetrile, etc. (Tijuana, Mexico)

Hallelujah Acres [*]

Retreat for Raw Food / Greens Treatment (North Carolina, USA)

Cure Foundation [*]

Hoxsey Clinic / Treatment (Mexico)

Reno Integrative

Homeopathy and other approaches (Reno, Nevada)

An Oasis of Healing

M.D. – An Oasis of Healing – IPT, Simoncini, etc. (Mesa, Arizona)

Hope 4 Cancer

Electromedicine, Alkaline Therapy, many other treatments (Tijuana)

Hawaii Gerson Therapy

Gerson Therapy and other treatments – Hawaii

Roy Hansen, D.C.

American doctor: ionized baths, ozone I.V., herbs, diet (Mexico)

Dr. Rowen and Dr. Su

Two M.D.s that will work with you. They offer treatments (Santa Rosa, California)

Paul Stallone, N.M.D.

Arizona Integrative Medical Ctr, ozone I.V., DMSO/H2O2, etc. (Scottsdale, AZ)

ITL Cancer Clinic

Immuno-Augmentive Therapy (Cancer vaccines), etc. (Bahamas)

Immune Recovery Clinic

Restoration of the immune function (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)

Immune Recovery and Wellness

Immune building and other treatments (Tucson, Arizona, USA)

Rudolf Steiner Health Center

Community Supported Anthroposophical Medicine (CSAM) (Michigan, USA)

Amazon Clinic

Magnetic Meridian Cupping and Many Other Protocols (Amazon – Peru)

Robert B. Wickmen, DO, ND

Nervous system, spine, plus cancer: Email: Rbw66_2000 (Yahoo email) – Ecuador

Hope Clinic

Wide range of treatments – Australia

Natural Therapy Center

Natural Therapy Center (NTC) – Cyprus


Well known, alternative therapies and chemotherapy, when needed – Denmark

Nihaw Akupunktur Klinik

Traditional Chinese Medicine, GB-4000 M.O.P.A. – Denmark

Life Clinic

Experts in the Kelley Protocol – Hong Kong

Kaqun (Oxygen) Therapy – Hungary Kaqun Clinic

Shao Ling (China) oxygen therapy, both bath and drinks – Hungary

Mr. P. A. Deshpande

India practitioner – Various wheat grass, aloe vera, etc. – India

Sibia Medical Centre

Cytotron – Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance – India

The Cure Planet [*]

Wide Variety of Western and Eastern Treatments – India

Dr. Herzog’s Special Hospital [**]

Hyperthermia Hospital in Bad Salzhausen – Germany

Hyperthermia, IPT, Galvanotherapy, etc. [**]

Hyperthermia Hospital in Hannover – Germany

Dr. Chris Teo

Various Herbal and Other Treatments – Malaysia

Ozone RHP Clinic

Ozone RHP Clinic – Contact via linked website – Malaysia

Healing Institute Of Asia

Vitamin C I.V. Primarily – Philippines

Institute Santa Monica

Wide range of treatments – Poland – in Polish


NutriTherapy Clinic – Excellent Treatments – South Africa

Boa Bab Cancer Retreat

Cellect-Budwig, Photon Genius, Nutritional, etc. – South Africa

Budwig Center

Budwig Protocol and other approaches – Spain

Medicana International [*]

IPT, DMSO, Hyperthermia, IV Vitamin C, etc. – Turkey

Osmanoglu Hastanesi [*]

IPT, DMSO, Hyperthermia, IV Vitamin C, etc. – Turkey

Список использованой литературы и других источников информации

Colin T. Campbell «China Study»

Colin T. Campbell «Whole»

Andrias Moritz «Cancer is not a disease»

Ty Bollinger «Cancer. Step outside the box»

Robert G. Wright «Killing Cancer – not People»

Raymond Francis «Never fear Cancer again»

Lothar Hirneise «Chemotherapy heals cancer and the world is flat»

Dr Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young «PH miracle»

Брюс Липтон «Умные клетки. Биология убеждений»

Bruce Lipton «The wisdom of your cells»

Bill Henderson «Cancer-Free»

Ben Condacre «Bad Pharma» Ralph Moss «Cancer industry»

Barbara Wren «Cellular awakening»

Sayer Ji, Ben Lerner «The Cancer Killers»

Marc Sircus «The changing landscape of cancer»

Marc Sircus «Medical Marijuana»

Michael Vrentas «Cellect Budwig Protocol»













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