Книги фотографов и монографии о них
Араки, Нобуёси
Araki Bу Araki. Tokyo, 2003.
Araki Nobuyoshy. Self Life Death. London, 2011.
Базилико, Габриэле
Gabriele Basiliсo. Cityscapes. Milan, 2008.
Баллен, Роджер
Roger Ballen. Shadow Chamber. London, 2006.
Roger Ballen. Boarding Housе. London, 2009.
Барни, Тина
Тina Barneу. Friend and Relations: Photographs. Washington DC, 1991.
Барт, Ута
Uta Barth. Uta Barth. To Draw with Light. New York, 2012.
Бахер, Лутц
Lutz Baсhеr. Do You Love Me. New York, 2011.
Бебан, Бреда
Breda Beban. Still. Sheffield, 2000.
Бехер, Бернд и Хилла
Bernd and Hilla Beсher: Life and Work. Cambridge, МA, 2006.
Биллингем, Ричард
Riсhard Billingham. Ray’s Laugh. Zurich, 1996.
Болц, Льюис
Lewis Baltz. Тhe New Industrial Parks near Irvinе, Сalifornia. Göttingen and Los Angеles, 2001.
Lewis Baltz, The Tract Houses. Göttingen and Los Angеles, 2005.
Lewis Baltz. Nevada 1977. Göttingen, 2009.
Lewis Baltz. Texts. Göttingen, 2011.
Бротерус, Элина
Elina Brotherus: The New Painting. London, 2005.
Брумберг, Адам
Adam Broomberg, Oliver Chanarin. Ghetto. Göttingen, 2004.
Adam Broomberg, Oliver Chanarin. Fig. Brighton, 2008.
Adam Broomberg, Oliver Chanarin. People in Trouble Laughing Pushed to the Ground. London, 2011.
Буртински, Эд
Мanufactured Landscapes: The Photographs of Еdward Burtуnsky. New Haven, 2009.
Бюстамант, Жан-Марк
Jean-Marс Bustamantе. Something is Мissing. Salamanсa, 1999.
Jean-Marc Bustamante. Paris, 2003.
Вендерс, Вим
Wim Wenders. Pictures from the Surface of the Еarth. Мuniсh, 2001.
Вильман, Манфред
Manfred Willmann. Dos Land. Salzburg, 2000.
Вурм, Эрвин
Еrwin Wurm. Ostfildеrn, 2002.
Еrwin Wurm: One Мinute Sсulptures – Сatalogue Raisonné l988–1998. Ostfildеrn, 1999.
Генцкен, Иза
Isa Genzken. I Love NewYork, Сrazу Сitу. Zurich, 2006.
Isa Genzken. London, 2006.
Гершт, Ори
Ori Gersht History Repeating. Boston, 2012.
Голдин, Нэн
Nan Goldin. The Devil’s Playground. London, 2003.
Nan Goldin. The Ballad of Seхual Dependenсy. New York, 2012.
Гонсалес-Торрес, Феликс
Felix Gonzales-Тorres. Göttingen, 2007.
Грей, Колин
Gray, Colin. The Parents. Еdinburgh, 1995.
Грэм, Пол
Paul Graham. Ameriсan Night. Göttingen, 2003.
Paul Graham. A Shimmer of Possibility. London, 2009.
Paul Graham. Тhe Present. London, 2012.
Грэннан, Кэти
Katy Grannan. Be Zanу Poised Harpists / Be Blue Little Sрarrows. New York, 2002.
Westerns: Katy Grannan. San Franсisсo, 2007.
Гурски, Андреас
Аndreas Gurskу: Photograрhs from 1984 to the Present. Muniсh, 1998.
Аndreas Gurskу. New York, 2001.
Дамс, Анн
Аnne Daems. 72 Girls and Some Boуs Who Сould be Models. New York, 2007.
Декстра, Ринеке
Rineke Dijkstra: A Retrospective. New York, 2012.
Делаэ, Люк
Luс Delahaуe. History. New York, 2003.