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Книга Яды: вокруг и внутри. Путеводитель по самым опасным веществам на планете - Сакина Зейналова

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Ознакомительная версия. Доступно 8 страниц из 39

• Madani, G., & Nekaris, K. A.-I. (2014). Anaphylactic shock following the bite of a wild Kayan slow loris (Nycticebus kayan): implications for slow loris conservation. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases, 20(1), 43.


• Gwee, M. C. E., Gopalakrishnakone, P., Yuen, R., Khoo, H. E., & Low, K. S. Y. (1994). A review of stonefish venoms and toxins. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 64(3), 509–528.

Рыба фугу

• Lago, J., Rodríguez, L., Blanco, L., Vieites, J., & Cabado, A. (2015). Tetrodotoxin, an Extremely Potent Marine Neurotoxin: Distribution, Toxicity, Origin and Therapeutical Uses. Marine Drugs, 13(10), 6384–6406.

Конус географический

• Bingham, J.-P., Baker, M. R., & Chun, J. B. (2012). Analysis of a cone snail’s killer cocktail – The milked venom of Conus geographus. Toxicon, 60(6), 1166–1170.

• Dutertre, S., Jin, A.-H., Alewood, P. F., & Lewis, R. J. (2014). Intraspecific variations in Conus geographus defence-evoked venom and estimation of the human lethal dose. Toxicon, 91, 135–144.

• Safavi-Hemami, Helena; Gajewiak, Joanna; Karanth, Santhosh; Robinson, Samuel D.; Ueberheide, Beatrix; Douglass, Adam D.; Schlegel, Amnon; Imperial, Julita S.; Watkins, Maren; Bandyopadhyay, Pradip K.; Yandell, Mark; Li, Qing; Purcell, Anthony W.; Norton, Raymond S.; Ellgaard, Lars; Olivera, Baldomero M. (2015). Specialized insulin is used for chemical warfare by fish-hunting cone snails. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(6), 1743–1748.

• Jin, Ai-Hua; Muttenthaler, Markus; Dutertre, Sebastien; Himaya, S. W. A.; Kaas, Quentin; Craik, David J.; Lewis, Richard J.; Alewood, Paul F. (2019). Conotoxins: Chemistry and Biology. Chemical Reviews, acs.chemrev.9b00207.

Морская оса

• Mebs, D. (2014). Durch Quallen verursachte Verletzungen. Der Hautarzt, 65(10), 873–878.

• Piontek, M., Wong, Y., Gilstrom, T., Potriquet, J., Jennings, E., Nimmo, A., & Miles, J. J. (2020). The pathology of Chironex fleckeri venom and known biological mechanisms. Toxicon: X, 100026.

• Tibballs, J. (2006). Australian venomous jellyfish, envenomation syndromes, toxins and therapy. Toxicon, 48(7), 830–859.

Большой синекольчатый осьминог

• Asakawa, Matsumoto, Umezaki, Kaneko, Yu, Gomez-Delan, Ohtsuka. (2019). Toxicity and Toxin Composition of the Greater Blue-Ringed Octopus Hapalochlaena lunulata from Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Toxins, 11(5), 245.

Двухцветная дроздовая мухоловка

• Dumbacher, J., Deiner, K., Thompson, L., & Fleischer, R. (2008). Phylogeny of the avian genus Pitohui and the evolution of toxicity in birds. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 49(3), 774–781.

Ужасный листолаз

• Albuquerque, E. X., Daly, J. W., & Witkop, B. (1971). Batrachotoxin: Chemistry and Pharmacology. Science, 172(3987), 995–1002.


• Raufman, J.-P. (1996). Bioactive peptides from lizard venoms. Regulatory Peptides, 61(1), 1–18.

Королевская кобра

• Rajagopalan, N., Pung, Y. F., Zhu, Y. Z., Wong, P. T. H., Kumar, P. P., & Kini, R. M. (2007). β-Cardiotoxin: a new three-finger toxin from Ophiophagus hannah (king cobra) venom with beta-blocker activity. The FASEB Journal, 21(13), 3685–3695.

• Chang, L.-S., Liou, J.-C., Lin, S.-R., & Huang, H.-B. (2002). Purification and characterization of a neurotoxin from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah (king cobra). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 294(3), 574–578.

• He, Y.-Y., Lee, W.-H., & Zhang, Y. (2004). Cloning and purification of α-neurotoxins from king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah). Toxicon, 44(3), 295–303.

Тайпан Маккоя

• Hodgson, W. C., Dal Belo, C. A., & Rowan, E. G. (2007). The neuromuscular activity of paradoxin: A presynaptic neurotoxin from the venom of the inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus). Neuropharmacology, 52(5), 1229–1236.

• Tan, N.-H., Ponnudurai, G., & Mirtschin, P. J. (1993). A comparative study of the biological properties of venoms from juvenile and adult inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) snake venoms. Toxicon, 31(3), 363–367.

Шпанская мушка

• Karras, D. J., Farrell, S. E., Harrigan, R. A., Henretig, F. M., & Gealt, L. (1996). Poisoning from “Spanish fly” (cantharidin). The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 14(5), 478–483.

• Moed, L., Shwayder, T. A., & Chang, M. W. (2001). Cantharidin Revisited. Archives of Dermatology, 137(10).

Гусеница лономия

• Marisa, A., Paola, M., Carrijo-Carvalho, L. C., & Esther, M. (2013). Toxins from Lonomia obliqua – Recombinant Production and Molecular Approach. An Integrated View of the Molecular Recognition and Toxinology – From Analytical Procedures to Biomedical Applications.

• Carrijo-Carvalho, L. C., & Chudzinski-Tavassi, A. M. (2007). The venom of the Lonomia caterpillar: An overview. Toxicon, 49(6), 741–757.

Бразильский странствующий паук

• Peigneur, S., de Lima, M. E., & Tytgat, J. (2018). Phoneutria nigriventer venom: A pharmacological treasure. Toxicon, 151, 96–110.

• De Lima, M. E., Figueiredo, S. G., Matavel, A., Nunes, K. P., da Silva, C. N., de Marco Almeida, F., Beirão, P. S. L. (2015). Phoneutria nigriventer Venom and Toxins: A Review. Spider Venoms, 1–24.

Жёлтый скорпион

• Omran M. A. A. (2003). Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Effects of Scorpion L. quinquestriatus. J.Venom. Anim. Toxins, Vol. 9, № 2, 255–275.

Яды неживой природы

• Вредные химические вещества. Неорганические соединения элементов I–IV групп: Справ. изд. / А. Л. Бандман, Г. А. Гудзоновский, Л. С. Дубейковская и др.; под ред. В. А. Филова и др. Л.: Химия, 1988. 512 с.

• Франке З. Химия отравляющих веществ. Т. 1. М.: Химия, 1973. С. 286.


• Bjørklund, G., Dadar, M., Mutter, J., & Aaseth, J. (2017). The toxicology of mercury: Current research and emerging trends. Environmental Research, 159, 545–554.

• Neathery, M. W., & Miller, W. J. (1975). Metabolism and Toxicity of Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead in Animals: A Review. Journal of Dairy Science, 58(12), 1767–1781.

• Clarkson, T. W., Vyas, J. B. Ballatori, N. Mechanisms of mercury disposition in the body. (2007) American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 50. 757–764.

Угарный газ

• Kinoshita, H., Türkan, H., Vucinic, S., Naqvi, S., Bedair, R., Rezaee, R., & Tsatsakis, A. (2020). Carbon monoxide poisoning. Toxicology Reports, 7, 169–173.

• Prockop, L. D., & Chichkova, R. I. (2007). Carbon monoxide intoxication: An updated review. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 262(1–2), 122–130.

Ознакомительная версия. Доступно 8 страниц из 39

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