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Sir William Temple (1751). «An Essay upon the Origin and Nature of Government.» Works I, p. 99. Quoted in the introduction to T.Hobbes, Leviathan, ed. C.B. Macpherson, p. 61.

John Locke (1690). Essay on Civil Government. In Two Treatises of Government, ed. M.Goldie, p. 118. J.M. Dent, London, 1993.

Ian Hay (1916). The First Hundred Thousand, pp. 224-25. William Blackwood, London.

1 S. Freud (1930). Civilization and Its Discontents, pp. 32-33. Hogarth Press, London, 1973.

2 J. Locke (1690). Second Treatise on Government. In Two Treatises of Government, 2nd ed., ed. P Laslett, p. 433. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1970.

3 K. Popper (1997). The Lesson of This Century, p. 35. Routledge, London.

4 Freud, p. 60.

5 Locke (ed. Goldie), p. 124.

6 Ibid., p. 117.

7 Ibid., p. 124.

8 A.A. Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury (1711). Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, ed. P. Aynes, vol. ii, p. 67 (Wyat, London). Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999.

9 Genesis 9:6.

10 Locke, p. 178.

11 J.S. Mill (1859). On Liberty, ed. G.Himmelfarb, p. 68. Penguin, London, 1985.

12 J.S. Mill (1861). «Utilitarianism.» In J.S. Mill and J.Bentham (1987). Utilitarianism and Other Essays, ed. A. Ryan, p. 278. Penguin, Harmondsworth, England.

13 J.-J. Rousseau (1754). «Discourse on Inequality.» Quoted in B.Russell (1984). A History of Western Philosophy, p. 663. Unwin Paperbacks, London.

14 С Darwin (1871). The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, p. 64. John Murray, London, 1874.

15 T.Hobbes (1651). Leviathan, ch. 51.

16 R.Kagan (2002). «Power and weakness.» Policy Review 113, June & July (http://www. policyreview.org).

17 E.Hobsbawm (1994). Age of Extremes, pp. 24-26. Abacus, London.

18 G.Dugdale (1932). Langemarck and Cambrai, p. 94. Wilding & Son, Shrewsbury.

19 G.B. Cobb (1916). Stand to Arms, p. 74. Wells Gardner, Darton, London.

20 T.Ashworth (1980). Trench Warfare 1914-1918: The Live and Let Live System, p. 144. Holmes & Meier, New York.

21 Hobbes, p. 190.

22 Ibid.

23 R. Axelrod (1984). The Evolution of Cooperation, p. 124. Basic Books, New York.

24 Popper, p. 70.

25 Pericles’ funeral oration is recounted by Thucydides in History of the Peloponnesian War; bk. II. This paraphrase is given by Popper, p. 72.

26 Popper, pp. 36-37.



Niccolo Machiavelli (1513). The Prince, trans. G.Bull, ch. XV, p. 91. Penguin, London, 1981.

Kenneth N. Waltz (1954). Man, the State, and War, p. 108. Columbia University Press, New York.

Karl Popper (1988). «Reflections on the theory and practice of the democratic state,» talk in Munich, 9 June. In The Lesson of This Century, p. 79. Routledge, London, 1997.

1 Deuteronomy 19:19-21.

2 M.A. Nowak & K.Sigmund (1992). «Tit for tat in heterogeneous populations.» Nature 355, 250-253.

3 E.Burke (1770). «Thoughts on the Causes of the Present Discontents.» Quoted in M.J. Hinich & М. С Munger (1997), Analytical Politics, p. 136. Cambridge University Press.

4 Popper (1997). The Lesson of This Century, p. 49. Routledge, London.

5 Ibid., p. 55.

6 H.Kahn (1984). Thinking About the Unthinkable in the 1980s, p. 59. Simon & Schuster, New York.

7 B.Skyrms (1996). Evolution of the Social Contract, p. 24. Cambridge University Press.

8 Pentagon Papers, ed. N.Sheehan & E.W. Kenworthy (1971), p. 432. Times Books, New York.

9 K.Sigmund (1995). Games of Life, p. 191. Penguin, London.

1(l R. Axelrod (1984). The Evolution of Cooperation, p. 184. Basic Books, New York.

11 Quoted in EGoodall (1997). A Question of Conscience, p. 198. Sutton Publishing Group, Stroud, U. K.

12 Quoted in Goodall, p. 199.

13 Popper, p. 91.



Ralph Waldo Emerson (1860). The Conduct of Life, p. 176. J.M. Dent, London, 1908. George Lundberg (1939). Foundations of Sociology. Macmillan, London. In R.Bierstedt, ed (1959). The Making of Society, p. 518. Random House, New York.

Herbert Simon (1996). The Sciences of the Artificial, 3rd ed., p. 139. MIT Press, Cambridge,

Mass. Julian Barnes (1989). A History of the World. Jonathan Cape, London.

1 J.Carey (1999). The Faber Book of Utopias, p. xii. Faber and Faber, London.

2 Quoted in F.A. Hayek (1962). The Road to Serfdom, p. 18. Routledge, London.

3 J.S. Mill (1843). A System of Logic, book 6. In Bierstedt, p. 205.

4 G.Simmel (1908). The Sociology qf Georg Simmel, ed. and trans. K.H. Wolff. Free Press, Glencoe, 111., 1950.

5 R.E. Park (1927). «Human nature and collective behavior.» American Journal of Sociology XXXII, no. 5,733.

6 A.Smith (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, ed. L. Dickey, p. 11. Hackett, Indianapolis, 1993.

7 B.Mandeville (1705). Fable of the Bees. Quoted in B. Willey (1940), The Eighteenth Century Background, p. 96. Columbia University Press, New York.

8 J. Swift (1729). A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public. In Selected Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, ed. J. Hayward (1949), p. 430. Cresset Press, London.

9 L.Mumford (1938). The Culture of Cities, p. 93. Seeker & Warburg, London.

10 Mill, Logic. In Bierstedt, p. 203.

11 A.Ferguson (1766). Institutes of Moral Philosophy. Quoted in G.Bryson (1945), Man and Society, p. 35. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.

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