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Nonaka, Ikujiro. 1994. “A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation.” Organization Science 5, no. 1: 14–37.

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Nonaka, Ikujiro, Ryoko Toyama, and Noboru Konno. 2000. “SECI, Ba and Leadership: A Unified Model of Dynamic Knowledge Creation.” Long Range Planning 33, no. 1.

Nonaka, Ikujiro, Ryoko Toyama, and Claus Otto Scharmer. 2001. “Building Ba to Enhance Knowledge Creation and Innovation at Large Firms.” Dialog on Leadership. https://www.presencing.org/dol/nonaka.

Normann, Richard. 2001. Reframing Business: When the Map Changes the Landscape. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley.

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