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7. A. H. Maslow, Toward a Psychology of Being (New York: Van Nostrand, 1968); S. Grof, Beyond the Brain: Birth, Death and Transcendence in Psychotherapy (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985).

8. K. Wilber, No Boundary (Boulder, CO: Shambhala, 1981); Russell, From Science to God.

9. Wilber, No Boundary.

10. Plato, The Republic, trans. Benjamin Jowett, http://philosophy.eserver.org/plato/republic.txt.

11. H. Walach et al., “Spirituality: The Legacy of Parapsychology,” Archive for the Psychology of Religion 31 (2009): 277–308.

12. W. James, The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature (1902; New York: Mentor Books, 1958); W. James, The Principles of Psychology, 2 vols. (New York: Henry Holt, 1890); F. W. H. Myers, “The Subliminal Consciousness,” Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research 8 (1892): 298–535; E. D. Kelly and E. W. Kelly, Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21stCentury (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007); F. W. H. Myers, Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death (London: Longmans, Green, 1903); W. James, Human Immortality: Two Supposed Objections to the Doctrine, 2nd ed. (New York: Houghton, Mifflin, Bastion, 1900).

13. Согласно Оксфордскому словарю английского языка, «бесконечный» (endless) означает «не имеющий конца или пределов длительности; нескончаемый, вечный».

14. «Акаша» на санскрите означает «эфир». По древнеиндийской философии это источник всей Вселенной, он содержит информацию обо всем, что когда-либо было, есть и будет. См. также E. Laszlo, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything (Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 2007).

15. Форум Пью по религии и общественной жизни, Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, Many Americans Mix Multiple Faiths (2009), http://pewforum.org/newassets/images/reports/multiplefaiths/multiplefaiths.pdf.

16. О регрессионной терапии см. J. Wade, “The Phenomenology of Near-Death Consciousness in Past-Life Regression Therapy: A Pilot Study,” Journal of Near-Death Studies 17, no. 1 (1998): 31–53. О ДМТ см.: Grof, Beyond the Brain, and R. Strassman, DMT, The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences (Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 2001).

17. M. Barbato, “Parapsychological Phenomena Near the Time of Death,” Journal of Palliative Care 15 (1999): 30–37; E. Kübler-Ross, On Death and Dying (New York: Macmillan, 1969); M. De Hennezel, La mort intime [Интимная смерть] (Paris: Éditions Robert Laffont, 1995); J. Lerma, Into the Light: Real Life Stories About Angelic Visits, Visions of the Afterlife, and Other Pre-death Experiences (Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page Books, 2007); M. Callanan and P. Kelley, Final Gifts: Understanding The Special Awareness, Needs and Communications of the Dying (New York: Poseidon Press, 1992); P. Fenwick and E. Fenwick, The Art of Dying: A Journey to Elsewhere (London and New York: Continuum, 2008).

18. K. Osis and E. Haraldsson, At the Hour of Death (New York: Avon Books, 1977); E. W. Kelly, B. Greyson, and I. Stevenson, “Can Experiences of Near-Death Furnish Evidence of Life After Death?” Omega 40 (1999–2000): 13–519; I. Schmied, H. Knoblaub, and B. Schnettler, “Todesnäheerfahrungen in Ost-und Westdeutschland: Ein empirische Untersuchung” [ОСО в Восточной и Западной Германии: эмпирическое исследование], в кн.: Todesnähe: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zu einem Außergewöhnlichen Phänomen [На грани смерти: междисциплинарные подходы в необычайному феномену], ed. H. Knoblaub and H. G. Soeffner, 217–250 Konstanz, Germany: Universitätsverlag, 1999).

19. B. Guggenheim and J. Guggenheim, Hello from Heaven: A New Field of Research – After-Death Communication – Confirms That Life And Love Are Eternal (New York: Bantam, 1995).

20. Группа изучения европейской системы ценностей – European Value Systems Study Group, Information Bulletin 1987 (Tilburg, the Netherlands: Tilburg University Press, 1987); E. Haraldsson and J. M. Houtkooper, “Psychic Experiences in the Multinational Human Value Study: Who Reports Them?” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 85 (1991): 145–165; E. Haraldsson, “Popular Psychology, Belief in Life After Death and Reincarnation in the Nordic Countries, Western and Eastern Europe,” Nordic Psychology 58, no. 2 (2006), 171–180; также Форум Пью по религии и общественной жизни, Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, Many Americans Mix Multiple Faiths (2009), http://pewforum.org/newassets/images/reports/multiplefaiths/multiplefaiths.pdf; A. M. Greeley, “Hallucinations Among the Widowed,” Sociology and Social Research 71, no. 4 (1987): 258–265; W. D. Rees, “The Hallucinations of Widowhood,” British Medical Journal 4 (1971): 37–41; T. A. Rando, ed., Parental Loss of a Child (Champaign, IL: Research Press, 1985).

21. Guggenheim and Guggenheim, Hello from Heaven, 216.

22. Guggenheim and Guggenheim, Hello from Heaven; M. Lensink, Toevallige signalen: Meer dan 100 verhalen over ervaringen rondom de dood [Unexpected Signals: Over 100 Stories About Experiences Near Death] (Amsterdam: Schors, 2006); C. Schouterden and G. vander Linden, “Kijk, ik ben er nog!” Met getuigenissen over tekens van overledenen [“Look, I’m still here!” Testimonies of Signs from the Dead] (Zoetermeer, the Netherlands: Free Musketeers, 2005). Цит. по: T. Waanders, De dood en de jongen: Monument voor mijn gestorven zoon [Death and the Boy: A Monument for My Dead Son] (Kampen, the Netherlands: Ten Have, 2006).

23. L. Halman, The European Values Study: A Third Wave. Sourcebook of the 1999–2000 European Values Study Surveys (Tilburg, the Netherlands: Tilburg University, 2001); Haraldsson, “Popular Psychology.” Данные для США взяты из Архива ассоциации религиозных данных: http://www.thearda.com; Форума Пью по религии и общественной жизни, U.S. Religion Landscape Survey (2007), http://www.religions.pewforum.org; и F. A. Curlin et al., “Religious Characteristics of U.S. Physicians,” Journal of General Internal Medicine 20, no. 7 (2005): 629–634. Цифры по вере в жизнь после смерти взяты из источника: Halman, European Values Study, question 30-B. Цифры по вере в реинкарнацию взяты с Форума Пью по религии и общественной жизни: Many Americans Mix Multiple Faiths (2009), http://pewforum.org/newassets/images/reports/multiplefaiths/multiplefaiths.pdf; http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_poll4.htm; and Haraldsson, “Popular Psychology.”

24. E. J. Larson and L. Witham, “Scientists Are Still Keeping the Faith,” Nature 386 (1997): 235–236; E. J. Larson and L. Witham, “Leading Scientists Still Reject God,” Nature 394 (1998): 313. О вере европейцев в реинкарнацию см. Haraldsson, “Popular Psychology”; Halman, European Values Study.

25. J. Wackermann et al., “Correlations Between Electrical Activities of Two Spatially Separated Human Subjects,” Neuroscience Letters 336 (2003): 60–64; L. J. Standish et al., “Electroencephalographic Evidence of Correlated Event-Related Signals Between the Brain of Spatially and Sensory Isolated Subjects,” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 10, no. 2 (2004): 307–314.

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