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Antoine P. – O., Marivaux L., Croft D. A., Billet G., Ganerød M., Jaramillo C., Martin Th., Orliac M. J., Tejada Ju., Altamirano A. J., Duranthon F., Fanjat G., Rousse S. et Gismondi R. S. Middle Eocene rodents from Peruvian Amazonia reveal the pattern and timing of caviomorph origins and biogeography // Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2012, V.279, № 1732, pp.1319–1326. Древнейшие грызуны Южной Америки.

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Averianov A. O. Early Eocene Mimotonids of Kyrgyzstan and the problem of Mixodontia // Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 1994, V.39, № 4, pp.393–411.

Averianov A., Obraztsova E., Danilov I., Skutschas P. et Jin J. First nimravid skull from Asia // Scientific Reports, 2016, V.6, № 25812, pp.1–8. Maofelis cantonensis.

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Buffetaut E. Footprints of giant birds from the Upper Eocene of the Paris Basin: an ichnological enigma // Ichnos, 2004, V.11, № 3–4, pp.357–362. Следы гигантских птиц.

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Díaz-Berenguer E., Houssaye A., Badiola A. et Canudo J. I. The hind limbs of Sobrarbesiren cardieli (Eocene, Northeastern Spain) and new insights into the locomotion capabilities of the quadrupedal sirenians // Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 2020, V.27, pp.649–675.

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Douglass E. The Tertiary of Montana // Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, 1905, V.2, № 5, pp.203–221. Epoicotherium unicum.

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